Other articles:
Nov 28, 2011 . YouTube and Vimeo have nice APIs to allow JavaScript developers to control the
Mar 25, 2011 . We're happy to announce that we just released a whole bunch of updates for our
6 days ago . Vimeo Advanced API Methods Cheat Sheet by DaveChild · Comments | Add a .
Mar 28, 2011 . I implemented almost every method there is in Vimeo's Advanced API. Vimeo API
I wonder if simplepie can somehow easily parse vimeo api feeds? http://vimeo.
YouTube and Vimeo APIs YouTube and Vimeo have nice APIs to allow
Sep 20, 2010 . Home. Project Description A Vimeo Advanced API wrapper for .NET - 20/09/2010
In my last post I showed you how to get started with using Google's YouTube API
Nov 11, 2011 . The People methods available in the Vimeo advanced API. This content, Vimeo
I wonder if simplepie can somehow easily parse vimeo api feeds? > > > > This is
This is a simple little project - I need help using the Vimeo API to disable the the
If you are having a problem or need help with Vimeo, please use our Help Center
I don't believe you can use Vimeo's advanced API with only JavaScript. To do that
10 Websites with vimeo api in Title, Description or Keywords .
Basic Vimeo API mashup: MSU Libraries(working code and proof of concepts).
Aug 12, 2009 . The last weeks I dealt with the vimeo Moogaloop API. The documentation on the
Dec 12, 2009 . The Vimeo Simple API plugin for ExpressionEngine is an easy way to display a
Mar 21, 2011 . Appendix: Vimeo API Setup. In order to use TubePress with Vimeo, you are
Mar 10, 2009 . (7 replies) Hello all, I'm writing a module that I dubbed "Net::Vimeo::API" for now.
Dec 15, 2011 . A new parameter is going to be introduced to vimeo.videos. . Effective today, the
I just released a Ruby Gem which acts as a wrapper for the Vimeo API. You can
Vimeo Api Unknown Upload Error Embed Myspace, Metcafe, Facebook Video in
May 23, 2010 . View the 'jQuery prototype; Google/Flickr/Vimeo API calls' job on Elance. Or post
Aug 20, 2011 . You could set it up to make your app communicate with Vimeo Advanced API in
May 10, 2011 . CakePHP-Vimeo-API-Plugin - CakePHP Plugin for vimeo.com service.
Apr 28, 2008 . Vimeo API. Somehow I missed this until today. I wasn't aware there was a vimeo
vimeo-api-examples - Some examples of how to use our APIs.
Have google-map,youtube,video,basic and/or pdf skills? Job Description Job
Display Vimeo Videos Using Curl and Vimeo API. The Tag. {exp:vimeo_feed:[
The Simple API lets you quickly get lots of data about a user, video, activity, group
Universal Player and the JavaScript API. Today we announced the availability of
Feb 7, 2011 . Vimeo offers a simple API and a so called Advanced API. The Simple API is a
Couch Mode. vimeo api. 3 videos in this album. stuff i'm collecting for vimeo api
Wordpress vimeo api. . Vimeo videos through the Vimeo API c - Add embed
Vimeo Api Private Videos Embed Myspace, Metcafe, Facebook Video in Your
Vimeo API -- see mashups, code, news, reviews and resources. Plus hundreds of
Nov 12, 2011 . Looking for a web developer that can integrate API for google maps, vimeo and
Jun 4, 2011 . We recently had the honest pleasure of acquainting ourselves with the Vimeo API
Oct 21, 2011 . French, Vimeo API and Kings and Queens. Three cheat . Cheatography The
issue 1 (New Features) commented on by pianomansam - I was also getting
I'm having some trouble. I just discovered that you can control vimeo . Your
6 days ago . Just wanted to let you know that we've disabled your Tubepress application on
The Vimeo Flowplayer plugin uses the AS3 API to show the Vimeo videos using
Sure this is something needed in Vimeo? (I know you need it with Youtube). You
I'm sure many will be a trivial question but I just can not find the API for use Vimeo
Nov 1, 2011 . Jenifer looks into the Vimeo API. . Jenifer looks into the Vimeo API. Comments
vimeoapi Vimeo API. @. @dannytamez not that I know of. Can you send any
Welcome to the Vimeo API developer documentation! Below you'll find links to
Sep 2, 2009 . This PHP class is a wrapper for the Vimeo API. [read more >]. Platform: Language
Vimeo Pepper for Mint. Using the Vimeo API, this pepper grabs the statistics