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Jul 1, 2011 . Hahaha, I have a Vanillite and it moves are Ice Shard, Ice Spear, Ice Beam and
Black/White: Egg Move. Inheritance Chains for Egg Moves. Vanillite < Glalie ·
Vanillite can learn Acid Armor, Astonish, Attract, Autotomize, Avalanche, Blizzard,
Apr 1, 2012 . What moves can the Pokemon Vanillite learn through breeding? ChaCha Answer
Movies In Anime . . Classification, Height, Weight, Capture Rate, Base Egg Steps
This is the Pokedex entry page for Vanillite, containing all of Vanillite's attacks,
Vanillite evolves into Vanillish at level 35 and into Vanilluxe at leve 47. . go to
Jan 5, 2012 . PokéDex entry for Pokémon #582 - Vanillite. All data for Diamond, Pearl,
Apr 14, 2012 . A level of "Start" indicates a move that will be known by a Vanillite obtained at
Moves. Ice moves get STAB, and have their type highlighted in green. Special
Jun 21, 2011 . Vanillite (the Fresh Snow Pokemon) is a relatively uncommon . in severity as
I don't really like Cubchoo/Bearctic, but I CAN'T STAND the Vanillite line. Plus,
Vanillite. Ice Body: Heals 1/16 max HP in hail. Weak Armor: Boosts Speed by 1
General; Evolutions; Breeding; Abilities; Level-up Moves; TMs/HMs; Egg Moves
Move, Level, Type, Classification, Power, PP, Accuracy. Icicle Spear, 1, Ice, This
Wikia Navigation. Wikia · Start a wiki · Video Games · What's Hot · Max Payne 3 ·
Pokédex entry for #582 Vanillite containing stats, moves learned, evolution chain,
Vanillite's Base Stats. HP. 36 . Vanillite's Evolution [ Click To View ] . The target
Vanillite, Type: ice. Moves Learned: Level, Name, Type, Pwr . HM #, Name,
Pokédex - Vanillite (White Version). Share. Like this site: Donate . Happiness,
All the moves that #582 Vanillite can learn in Generation 5 (Black, White)pokemondb.net/pokedex/vanillite/moves/5 - CachedVanillite egg moves & compatible Pokemon | Pokemon DatabaseAll the moves that #582 Vanillite can learn by breeding, and the Pokemon that
How do you get the move fly on Pokemon white? Bianca gives it to you but i cant
PKMN.NET :: Dex :: Vanillite Welcome. You are not logged in. . . POKéMON: 582:
Male Vanillite lv. 23. Nature: Jolly Moves: Icy Wind Mist Avalanche Taunt ALSO
Movies. Vanillite has yet to appear in a Movie as of writing. [edit.pokemon.neoseeker.com/wiki/Vanillite - CachedIs Vanillite worth it? - Pokémon Black Version - Neoseeker ForumsI'm currently training a Vanillite right now for the 8th gym battle cuz all . will be
Detailed pokedex information on Vanillite including stats, a full move set, the
Because Pikachu could not use any Electric-type moves at the time, Trip . along
Sep 18, 2011 . #581, icon.gif, Swanna, #582 Vanillite, Vanillish, icon.gif, #583 . Move, Type,
Apr 27, 2011 . A zero multiplier indicates that the Pokemon is immune that type of move. We
While Hidden Power Grass hits Water-types who sponge Vanillite's other moves
Vanillite #582 Black and White. PokéSplash . . Vanillite - Fresh Snow Pokémon
What moves does Vanillite learn? Level, Name, Type, Power, Accuracy, Style. -,
Default. I'm LF a Male Modest Vanillite (or evolved form) with egg move Water
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Moves. edit this info. Move 1: Icy Wind. Move 2: Mist. Move 3: Avalanche. Move 4:
1 people like Vanillite. . Level Up TMs and HMs Egg Moves . 19, Avalanche, "
Essentials. Vanillite. Ice. Species, Pokémon Fresh Snow, National Pokédex, 582
Find out how Vanillite measures up against Regigigas. Rank them up . Your
There was, but it seems the game got auto-saved after exiting the Celestial Tower
[[Trainer's Note: Occasionally, there are Vanillite born that can move faster if their
Vanillite. Ice Body: Heals 1/16 max HP in hail. Weak Armor: Boosts Speed by 1
This move has a 3/8 chance to hit twice, a 3/8 chance to hit three times, a 1/8
Pokédex information for Vanillite #582: stats, moves, location, weaknesses, and
Get the AR Marker for Vanillite and find links to the rest of the Generation V
Weak Armor - When this Pokémon is hit with a physical move, its Defense
Trip's Vanillite is the fifth Pokemon on Trip's team. Trip was revealed to have .
Vanillite. Full Profile. A complete list of all the moves Vanillite can learn across