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NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle(OracleConnection) . Other server
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ValueOptions® Provider Online Services offers providers claims status and . Our
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Each connection string option value pair is separated by a .
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7.1 General Service Syntax; 7.2 Option Value Formats; 7.3 Private Data; 7.4
The value of the Provider Connection String must be surrounded by quotes. .
Table 4-1 lists the connection string options supported by the Oracle data
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It tells ADO what provider it should connect to in order to access the data you
Sep 19, 2011 . other Medicaid UR vendors beginning October 1, 2011. TFC authorization
ValueOptions' network of providers can access the education center for articles,
Provider Connect FAQs: http://www.valueoptions.com/providers/Network/
Oct 23, 2011 . When you use the track option in /etc/shorewall/providers , connections from the
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The values of the fields have the following meanings: . of bytes of protocol-
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Table 9-1 Login Module Provider Options . The Distinguished Name (DN) of the
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Sep 2, 2009 . entered into the ValueOptions® system regardless of how the authorization .
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How can I set the connection string for the built-in membership, profile and role
Mar 30, 2007 . Providers must participate in a Web Cast training with ValueOptions staff before
<jazn provider="XML"> <property name="custom.ldap.provider" value="true" /> </
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Jun 11, 2011 . Connector/Net Connection String Options Reference . false, Setting this to true
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<jazn provider="XML"> <property name="custom.ldap.provider" value="true" /> </
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In all cases, providers are encouraged to contact ValueOptions® by phone, KCPC,