Dec 15, 11
Other articles:
  • Tubes versus Semiconductors. Devoting a whole chapter in a modern electronics
  • A vacuum tube is just that: a glass tube surrounding a vacuum (an area from
  • Nov 26, 2008 . Vacuum tubes sound better than transistors. High end amplifier manufacturers
  • Tubes vs. Solid State preamps. » The hidden secrets of matching mic and
  • Is there a PNP as in transistor vacuum tube? No. The PNP or NPN of a transistor
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  • Feb 12, 2011 . The argument of which sound better, vacuum tubes or transistors is one that goes
  • Vacuum tube car stereo equipment since 1986. . Any power tubes in any
  • The earliest all-electronic computers used vacuum tubes as switches: they too
  • May 5, 2003 . Before the transistor, engineers had to use vacuum tubes. Just as the transistor,
  • Before the transistor were vacuum tubes (thermionic valves in Britain). Vacuum
  • Sep 28, 2011 . Tubes vs Transistors - Is There An Audible Difference? . It is, if you will, the
  • In electronics, a vacuum tube, electron tube (in North America), or thermionic .
  • This means that a computer can use small and cheap vacuum tubes or
  • Although transistors have replaced tubes in most applications, the tube remains
  • I learned electronics in the transition era between tubes and transistors, when
  • The transistor, invented in 1947 by Bell Labs, was the first solid-state device to
  • Distortion is produced by an amplifier, which may use tubes or transistors. . The
  • Vacuum Tubes Versus Solid-State. The tube versus transistor debates that you
  • Sep 28, 2011 . Vacuum tube car stereo equipment since 1986. . and musicians have long
  • For example, Figure 2 is a hypothetical comparison between vacuum tubes, .
  • Nov 29, 2003 . A transistor is what, 20 cents? A vintage Svetlana tube . Finally, tubes vs. ss is
  • The use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes as the amplifier elements meant .
  • Vacuum tubes glowing inside the preamp section of a modern guitar amplifier. .
  • The Bipolar Transistor. The Field Effect Transistor. Comparing a Transistor to
  • edly replace vacuum tubes in the near future . some grey areas where either
  • Thread: Tubes vs Transistors . Vacuum Tubes and Transistors Compared
  • Aug 17, 2001 . The final pattern of electron tube was the "miniature" or all-glass type, which .
  • Dec 19, 2002 . In a three terminal device we can control electric current or voltage . The
  • Jan 26, 2001 . TUBES VS TRANSISTORS . Vacuumheads will tell you that tubes just sound
  • Digital music recording vs. Analog is one of my favorite controversies, right up
  • Why Vacuum Tubes? . For some of us in audio, tubes never really went away. .
  • Some of the smallest vacuum tubes, the acorn tubes, . diode, bipolar junction
  • TUBES vs.TRANSISTORS PART II. by Steve Deckert Oct. 1997. I usually don't do
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  • Vacuum tubes vs. transistors Vacuum Tubes. . Transistors are better then tubes
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  • May 1, 2011 . TUBES vs.TRANSISTORS PART II. by Steve Deckert Oct. 1997 . .. The vacuum tubes
  • F or decades before the arrival of the transistor, it was the vacuum tube that
  • Vacuum Tubes vs. Transistors. December 4, 2006. ECE 317 Term Project. Matt
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  • Vacuum tubes were the earliest of electronic devices, and for decades they were
  • Transistors were found to conduct electricity faster and better than vacuum tubes.
  • Vacuum Tubes and Transistors Compared. Transistors vs. Tubes - Brief Feature
  • Mar 24, 2011 . A vacuum tube (also called an electron tube or, in the UK, a valve) is a device .

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