Other articles:
Tubes versus Semiconductors. Devoting a whole chapter in a modern electronics
A vacuum tube is just that: a glass tube surrounding a vacuum (an area from
Nov 26, 2008 . Vacuum tubes sound better than transistors. High end amplifier manufacturers
Tubes vs. Solid State preamps. » The hidden secrets of matching mic and
Is there a PNP as in transistor vacuum tube? No. The PNP or NPN of a transistor
Tubes Versus Transistors - Is There an Audible Difference?* . In almost every
Feb 12, 2011 . The argument of which sound better, vacuum tubes or transistors is one that goes
Vacuum tube car stereo equipment since 1986. . Any power tubes in any
The earliest all-electronic computers used vacuum tubes as switches: they too
May 5, 2003 . Before the transistor, engineers had to use vacuum tubes. Just as the transistor,
Before the transistor were vacuum tubes (thermionic valves in Britain). Vacuum
Sep 28, 2011 . Tubes vs Transistors - Is There An Audible Difference? . It is, if you will, the
In electronics, a vacuum tube, electron tube (in North America), or thermionic .
This means that a computer can use small and cheap vacuum tubes or
Although transistors have replaced tubes in most applications, the tube remains
I learned electronics in the transition era between tubes and transistors, when
The transistor, invented in 1947 by Bell Labs, was the first solid-state device to
Distortion is produced by an amplifier, which may use tubes or transistors. . The
Vacuum Tubes Versus Solid-State. The tube versus transistor debates that you
Sep 28, 2011 . Vacuum tube car stereo equipment since 1986. . and musicians have long
For example, Figure 2 is a hypothetical comparison between vacuum tubes, .
Nov 29, 2003 . A transistor is what, 20 cents? A vintage Svetlana tube . Finally, tubes vs. ss is
The use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes as the amplifier elements meant .
Vacuum tubes glowing inside the preamp section of a modern guitar amplifier. .
The Bipolar Transistor. The Field Effect Transistor. Comparing a Transistor to
edly replace vacuum tubes in the near future . some grey areas where either
Thread: Tubes vs Transistors . Vacuum Tubes and Transistors Compared
Aug 17, 2001 . The final pattern of electron tube was the "miniature" or all-glass type, which .
Dec 19, 2002 . In a three terminal device we can control electric current or voltage . The
Jan 26, 2001 . TUBES VS TRANSISTORS . Vacuumheads will tell you that tubes just sound
Digital music recording vs. Analog is one of my favorite controversies, right up
Why Vacuum Tubes? . For some of us in audio, tubes never really went away. .
Some of the smallest vacuum tubes, the acorn tubes, . diode, bipolar junction
TUBES vs.TRANSISTORS PART II. by Steve Deckert Oct. 1997. I usually don't do
Jul 6, 2010 . GuruSantiago Vacuum Tubes and Transistor . Audio Frequency Generator and
Vacuum Tube Versus Transistors. KVG Laboratories builds equipment with both
Vacuum tubes vs. transistors Vacuum Tubes. . Transistors are better then tubes
Prior to the development of transistors, vacuum (electron) tubes (or in the UK "
"What the heck is single ended?" or "What kind of nutcase pays $2000 for an
In electronic circuits, meaning thereby, circuits or networks (before this term was
In the vacuum tube test fixture, the filament voltage was dc, regulated to 6.3 V.
May 1, 2011 . TUBES vs.TRANSISTORS PART II. by Steve Deckert Oct. 1997 . .. The vacuum tubes
F or decades before the arrival of the transistor, it was the vacuum tube that
Vacuum Tubes vs. Transistors. December 4, 2006. ECE 317 Term Project. Matt
Pros and cons of electron tube audio amplifiers for high fidelity. The H.H. Scott
Tubes Versus Transistors- ls There an Audible . directly involved with the tube
Vacuum tubes were the earliest of electronic devices, and for decades they were
Transistors were found to conduct electricity faster and better than vacuum tubes.
Vacuum Tubes and Transistors Compared. Transistors vs. Tubes - Brief Feature
Mar 24, 2011 . A vacuum tube (also called an electron tube or, in the UK, a valve) is a device .