Other articles:
Home, About STS, Matches, Safety Rules, The Sport, USPSA . In the United
Some of the other topics we will discuss are USPSA divisions, rules, and the
Some fall under national or international organizing bodies such as USPSA .
The USPSA is the US Practical Shooting Association, and is the US affiliate of
Maybe add some field course type classification stages. I think USPSA has the
The Provisional Single Stack Division Rules are now available at www.uspsa.org
USPSA has a rule book you can download and read. that way the match will go .
Several of the past differences between the USPSA rules and IPSC rules have
USPSA CLASSIFIER CALCULATOR LOGO. Classifier Calculator News . ..
The club conducting the match has agreed to follow all USPSA rules. . The
All winter I have been shooting USPSA like matches. Basically they use the
USPSA rules say that when calculating classications, scores below 5% of the
Click to watch a larger version, Click Play To Watch USPSA Video . Experience
ii • USPSA Combined Rules, 2009 Edition. Y — A score that has been used as
. in Classification of skill level which range from Unclassified to Grand Master. .
It will follow the USPSA rule book . Until USPSA recognizes a rifle classification
You can also check your classification on line in the USPSA members . is
I'm looking to start shooting USPSA at the local club this spring and . to get it out
Jul 22, 2010 . The event will be held in cooperation with USPSA. As such, USPSA rules will be
Listed are the IPSC rules that differ with USPSA, many of the rules are the . are
Aug 11, 2010 . What's your current classification? Click here . USPSA HANDGUN
Mother Lode Gun Club Action Pistol Match Rules . Our primary goal is to HAVE
Tactical Pistol: We will utilize modified USPSA weapons guidelines for (Duty .
The basic rules are: I. Must use a genuine . 2011 Area Matches: For
Classifications are only lowered in special cases (see the USPSA rule book for
Downloads. Looking for the USPSA Bylaws, Laws of the Game, and Official
United States Power Soccer Association (USPSA) . . USPSA has not adopted a
USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association) and IMGA (International
USPSA Board of Directors Statement of Direction for the Production Division
I'm not yet a member of USPSA, would anyone be willling to either post or e-mail
The USPSA(tm) classification system categorizes practical shooters to allow them
Mar 22, 2010 . Stage-3 at the USPSA Classification match in Pearlington, MS on March 21, 2010
FAQ Credits Appendix A - IPSC Rules, 11th edition Appendix B - USPSA . .
1.1 Participants are subject to match disqualification for violation of any rule or .
Uspsa Classification Look Up Papers and Research , find free PDF .
USPSA Handgun Rules, June 2010 Edition • i. PRINCIPLES . have at least four
The NRA classification system will be used. . . Postal league scores may be used
USPSA Website - United State Practical Shooting Association You can find .
Administrative Rules. Section 1 – Competition Program -General. 1.1 U.S.P.S.A
You can always petition USPSA to have you classification downgraded but . I
the official USPSA Rules and Regulations; it is only a teaching tool. Read a . ..
USPSA rule 9.11.11 allows the use of PDA's or handheld computers for the
Practical USPSA pistol shooting competition introduction. . The club conducting
In addition to defining competition rules, USPSA also sets policy, procedures, . ..
Participation Requirements: Have participated in at least (1 ) OBRAMS Match
CJRPC/USPSA Where your biggest enemy is the heat . Home · Getting Started ·
Mar 16, 2011 . For information click on Learn More About Our Safety Requirements. . be
USPSA Pistol Shooting in the MN area. . MAPSA Member Requirements . This
Our classification system al- lows competition among shooters of like skill level.
A. The Trophy Chase will be conducted in accordance with the rules set forth . C