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If God is my usable past, the part worth saving, the minutes, episodes, chance
The organizers of this panel believe that the solution to the crisis in American
The Durationator™ seeks to make the past usable one query at a time by
In Search of a Usable Past. World War I Aircraft (Laminated). Machado's work
The Usable Past Copyright Project is a two-year project, funded by a Tulane
Jun 1, 1999 . A lively tour of the landscape of modern Jewish memory sites from the Old and
Posted by Usable Past under Gender, public history, Race, Sexuality,
Figures. Foreword. Acknowledgments. 1. The Cupboard of the Yesterdays?
Mar 29, 2008 . “Does liberalism have a usable past?” A conservative would never ask this
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Creating a usable past for our future. What 1960s civil rights activism can teach
Nov 14, 2011 . I AM a great believer in the idea of the "usable past". This is that successful
appeals to national character and national history, to past greatness and past
In 1918, Van Wyck Brooks called for the creation of a "usable past" to serve the
A Usable Past. Douglas John Hall. Among those who have read some of my work
"With The Usable Past, Zamora has written another important book. One can only
They illustrate the conception of “usable past,” and hence provide us with one
“Our Usable Past”: A Historical Contextual Approach to. Administrative Values. A
In this way he aims to help us recognize the seriousness of the planet's
But the darkness is so very deep and no past glory, no past memory of love or
Roskies (Jewish Theol. Seminary) shows that the Jewish present is not evolving
Aug 6, 2007 . This Article explores the controversy over using historical evidence to interpret
In this volume, K.S. Brown and Yannis Hamilakis bring together scholars of
Matt Miller has assisted with the Usable Past Project since July of 2007, and he
TOWARD A. USABLE PAST . past contains an implicit theory of social change
Sep 27, 2011 . Today I'm going to wrap up a series of posts on the notion of Christian colleges
The essays assembled here represent forty years of reflection about the
Mar 4, 2008 . Obama's promise is not to remove us from history but rather to find a "usable past
Abstract. Mary Richmond, Mary Jarrett, Jessie Taft, Virginia Robinson, and Bertha
-So, what's a broadside?-. Community, Culture, and Constituting a Usable Past in
War Stories. The Search for a Usable Past in the Federal Republic of Germany.
At the October 25-26 Carnegie Council conference "The Search for a Usable
The essays assembled here represent forty years of reflection about the
We are currently updating our website and have not yet posted complete
Jan 26, 2010 . In a recent item for ChamberPost, Tom Quaadman makes this observation about
Aug 10, 2011 . It takes up the thesis that Pietism has a “usable past” capable of distinctively and
They are sometimes relatively practical questions, questions about the direct
Nov 4, 2010 . Eagle-eyed legal scholar Josh Blackman catches Supreme Court Justice
This Article explores the controversy over using historical evidence to interpret
ential 1918 essay, "On Creating a Usable Past": "What, out of all the multifari- ous
Jun 29, 2011 . But rather than a negative example, it arguably offers a usable past that would
Creating a Usable Past: A Study of the Civil Rights Movement - The Civil Rights
In 1915, Van Wyck Brooks America's Coming of Age first spoke of the concept of
War Stories: The Search for a Usable Past in the Federal Republic of Germany,
The Pushkin Review / Пушкинский вестник is the annual publication of the North
Concentrating on the past as both the subject of fiction and as a force for
Exhibitions · Current · Upcoming · Permanent · Past · Traveling · Web Exhibitions ·
Mar 30, 2006 . What both come down to is a desire to make the past usable for us . Mark Morss
War Stories: The Search for a Usable Past in the. Federal Republic of Germany.
In Search of a Usable Past: The Marshall Plan and. Postwar Reconstruction