Other articles:
Oct 27, 2010 . So this post is here as part 2 of 'Using Uploadify with Rails 3'. This sample is
using uploadify with rails can be a bitch. following is an outline of what # you
Mar 27, 2011 . Tagged rails, rails3, devise, uploadify, flash. Uploadify is a great project to
Getting error using uploadify on rails (Page 1) - AJAX and RJS - Rails Forum -
7 hours ago . Copied. server error with uploadify in ruby on rails 3.1. Started POST "/videos" for
UPLOADIFY RAILS - Page 7 . Shows using uploadify, carrierwave on this
As mentioned in the comments above, looks like he just missed something from
Forum: Ruby on Rails uploadify 401 unauthorized error with rails 3. Forum List |
RailsTips. Ruby and Rails Related Tips - Back to RailsTips Article - Video
Sep 20, 2011 . Video Encoding with Uploadify, CarrierWave and Zencoder Jump to Story. If your
Aug 31, 2010 . angela chng – Ruby on Rails / PHP web developer & skater girl in . How to
Uploadify and rails 2.3.5 (Page 1) - Controllers and Views - Rails Forum - Ruby
rails-uploadify-s3 - Rails app using uploadify for file uploads to S3 A total of 1
Apr 3, 2011 . I have been using Paperclip to upload images in Rails apps for about 2-3 years
Rails 3 + Devise + Uploadify = No Flash Session Hacks. So, this token
Is anyone out there using uploadify with Rails? My rails app uses a session for
Aug 25, 2010 . I recently worked on a couple of Rails projects which both implemented the ability
Jul 9, 2010 . If you're using Uploadify, the nifty jQuery file upload plugin — which we'll forgive
Aug 7, 2011 . uploadify-rails hosted on GitHub. . uploadify-rails. This gem provides the
uploadify-rails hosted on GitHub. . Keyboard shortcuts available. uploadify-rails /
My environment is: nginx as proxy, rainbows as backend running rails 3.1
Jan 18, 2012 . Using RJS and Uploadify to create a seamles multi-file-upload UI.www.starrhorne.com/. /how-to-use-rjs-templates-with-uploadify-a-rails- multiple-file-upload-extravaganza.html - CachedUploadify, Paperclip, Rails 3 and Sessions by bitcrowd – Blog / Agile . Jul 22, 2010 . Uploadify, Paperclip, Rails 3 and Sessions. As long as HTML5 is not production-
I'm trying to get to work together Uploadify and Rails. Pictures upload fine, added
uploadify-rails /. Dismiss Octotip: You've activated the file finder by pressing t
Anybody know how to solve this? I'm running on OSX with the Webrick server, my
Log in. 18903c149f08850e897d1f63f254eeee?s=50. nragaz/uploadify-rails. On
This worked for me $(document).ready(function() { <% key = Rails.application.
Nov 11, 2011 . Dear all, I would like to share my current bug which really bothers me alot.
Video Encoding with Uploadify, CarrierWave and Zencoder. 09/17/2011. For a
Dec 22, 2011 . I have uploadify working in a Rails3.1 application. Everything works fine but if I
Uploadify, Paperclip, Rails 3 and Sessions by BitCrowd – Blog http://blog.
Get Uploadify working with Paperclip in Rails 3. Posted by Chase on Oct 04,
Apr 20, 2012 . Contribute to uploadify-rails development by creating an account on GitHub.https://github.com/cleanoffer/uploadify-rails - Cachedruseel/uploadify-rails · GitHubJul 31, 2011 . uploadify-rails /. Dismiss Octotip: You've activated the file finder by pressing t
Has uploadify today and Hacks on rails and http Uploadify doesnt return the
Dec 31, 2009 . Uploadify "406 Not Acceptable" error with Rails. To some poor souls out there, if
Anyone here haveRails 3 with Uploadify & Paper_Clip experience? . I guess
Jun 4, 2011 . Hello Martin, I tried your tutorial with Rails 2.0.2(for project specific purposes)
Jun 17, 2011 . Multi file upload with Uploadify and Carrierwave on Rails 3. Tags: rails
I'm trying to get a file upload progress bar working in a rails 3 app . Skipping
Mar 31, 2011 . You can avoid the middleware hack when using flash in rails with logged in users
Jul 21, 2009 . Uploadify uses flash to send the files to Rails. This isn't a big deal except that we
Mar 16, 2010 . Ruby on Rails, Paperclip, Uploadify and S3. I've been doing lots of work with
[Rails] uploadify the easy way · http://s3.amazonaws.com/drawohara.com.
I just learned about uploadify today and it appears to be what I have been looking
Ruby on Rails Uploadify 2.3.11 Flash Session Cookie Middleware. Tuesday 14
Feb 10, 2011 . dev:photogallery rupert$ vim Gemfile 1 source 'http://rubygems.org' 2 3 gem 'rails'
Hi everyone, I have been following the instructions on this blog post: http://