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Definition of UNLOCK, The National Association of Ex-Offenders in the Online
This is what is usually meant when a phone is referred to as "locked". There are
GSM phones include a slot for a SIM card and, when unlocked, the user can . .
Had phone unlocked to factory settings now it will not accept my sim card it is a
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An unlocked cell phone is a cellular telephone handset that can be used with
Yes, it means you can use it on any network. It may have network branding on it
Feb 10, 2012 . The definition of a “smartphone” is, alas, a bit more complicated than the
This WiFi Android Cell Phone is guaranteed to meet your expectations.This
Locked Phone. (Unlocked Phone). Although there are several types of "locks"
Apr 30, 2012 . This is the reason why most buyers are going for those with the latest and fastest
Jul 10, 2009. unlocking. Find out more about the definition of jailbreak and unlock. . My
Definition of UNLOCKED Phones: Unlocked phones are opposite to contract/
Some cell phones are designed to use a Subscriber Identification Module (SIM)
In many countries, it's possible to purchase an unlocked phone for the full retail
Unlocked as it applies to cell phones, means it will function with other cell phone
This page describes the term unlocked cellphone and lists other pages on the
Buy Samsung i9250 Google Galaxy Nexus 4G 16GB Unlocked Phone NextG for
I read somewhere that there is a different meaning to unlocked, that an unlocked
94 Products . Unlocked Cell Phone Definition Manufacturers & Unlocked Cell . www.alibaba.com/showroom/unlocked-cell-phone-definition.html - CachedDefine Unlocked Phones | eHow.comDefine Unlocked Phones. An unlocked cellular phone is a device that works with
One thing that you must consider I whether a mobile/smart phones are locked or
Unlocked GSM cell phone, 3.0" High Definition Touch Screen, Camera, Dual sim
Unlocked Smartphone Definition, The Best Android Smartphones, Unlocked
5 days ago . An unlocked cell phone can use a SIM card from any carrier. Unlocked cell
Mar 6, 2012 . Nokia c6-01 unlocked Digital Camera Review High Definition Call Capabilities
338 Products . Unlocked Phone Definition Manufacturers & Unlocked Phone . www.alibaba.com/showroom/unlocked-phone-definition.html - Cacheddefinition unlocked phone - Alibaba.com324 Products . Definition Unlocked Phone Manufacturers & Definition Unlocked Phone
unlocked phone definition: A cellphone that can be made to work with any
The fourth handset of the Black Label Series boasts a distinctive 4.0-inch wide
Buy LG BL40 Chocolate Black Label Series Unlocked Phone GSM Quad-Band
If you are looking for an easy to use touch screen high definition cellphone with
Nov 1, 2007 . That phone is locked, meaning it is intended to be used with AT&T, the . system
What is unlocked cell phone? - Definition from Whatis.com - see . 2 Mar 2007 .
Feb 24, 2012 . There are many cell phones that use a microchip that is known as a Subscriber
definitions of iphone terms · iphone. Definition: Unlocked — Unlocked is the term
Top questions and answers about Definition of the Word Unlocked Phone. Find 6
A locked cell phone is tied to a specific network and will not work with a
Unlocked Cell Phone Definition -www.howtounlockacellphone.net/unlocked-cell-phone-definition.html - CachedNokia N95 Unlocked GSM Cell Phone - YouTubeAug 1, 2008 . The Nokia N95 unlocked GSM cell phone is the definition of quality and high
Get the full unbiased review of LG BL40 Chocolate Black Label Series Unlocked
Definition of an Unlocked Phone. When you buy an iPhone, for instance, at an
After you have unlocked your cell phone, you can use your SIM on any other
Simply put, if your cell phone is unlocked. . Some companies are able to unlock
Apr 13, 2012 . By YOUR definition, then, if Verizon unlocks you phone ACCORDING TO THE
A cellphone that can be made to work with any cellular carrier that uses the same
Dec 22, 2011 . We have been selling unlocked phones for years and, by definition, an unlocked
Aug 30, 2005 . Because these GSM phones are unlocked--meaning they don't have any settings
Definition of: unlocked phone. A cellphone that can be made to work with any
The new T-Mobile Sidekick LX 2009 Unlocked GSM Cell Phone is sleeker and