Other articles:
Type or paste in either a code point (such as 0061) or a single character (such as
unicode-table-for-you - A simple Unicode browser for people who like looking at
Most East Asian ideographs are not given unique names in the MARC-8 or UCS/
Interactive map with buttons for selecting arbitrary Unicode characters for copying
Name: cp932 to Unicode table # Unicode version: 2.0 # Table version: 2.01 . (in
The first table offered is a very large ASCII listing of characters considered
Uppercase U+0020,U+0041-005A Lowercase U+0020,U+0061-007A Numerals
Unicode Character Table. Aegean Numbers · Alchemical Symbols · Alphabetic
Top questions and answers about Unicode Table. Find 52 questions and
Mar 15, 1999 . The characters that appear in the first column of the following table are generated
Position, Decimal, Name, Appearance. 0x0000, 0, <control>: NULL. 0x0001, 1, <
If you plan to store Unicode data, create Unicode tables. If you try to insert
Case Studies · Design · CAD · Software · Etc · Contact. 2600-26FF. Basic Latin,
Page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16. Standard -
For an alphabetical index of character and block names, use the Unicode
Name: cp949 to Unicode table # Unicode version: 2.0 # Table version: 2.01 .
Reference table of Unicode code points, their UTF-8 encoding, corresponding
Lists all Unicode characters. . Unicode Table. 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08,
ASCII Table - All ASCII codes and symbols with control characters explained, for
Unicode Table Compression in FOX. First draft: 2005/03/30. Revised 2005/10/19.
ASCII Symbols Nerd A B Circled Lines Shapes Dings Astro. This is a unicode
a b c d e Unicode 6.0, Chapter 4, table 4-12 Name=""; a Code Point Label may
This is a list of Unicode characters. Contents. 1 C0 Controls and Basic Latin; 2 C1
Name: cp1252 to Unicode table # Unicode version: 2.0 # Table version: 2.01 #
CJK Unicode Table. Your computer has to have Chinese character font installed
To enter a character in decimal UNICODE , type: &#xxx; (where xxx represent
All Unicode Symbols. > 1001 > · >> 10001 >>. 1, 101 · 201 · 301 · 401 · 501 · 601
Unicode Table. The table below is provided to allow you to test your browser's
Unicode Tables v4. Ascii was very simplistic, and so was extended by adding '
Column #1 is the Windows-1252 characters table code (in hex as 0xXX); Column
. CAD · Software · Etc · Contact. Unicode Character Ranges.
Where can I find a unicode table showing only the simplified chinese charaters? I
Tables with special characters and their corresponding UTF-8 .
ASCII Table - All ASCII codes and symbols with control characters explained, for
Possessing everything you need to grasp Unicode, this comprehensive reference
Ascii character table - ascii ascii ascii ascii and ascii. conversions. . ASCII |,
ASCII Table with Unicode and HTML entities (ISO 8859-1)
Aug 15, 2004 . This page contains a table of the Unicode Base Multilingual Plane (BMP, Plane 0
KanjiTables. KanjiTables. KanjiTables. EUC-JP · Shift-JIS · Unicode · Back to
This chart maps Hiragana characters to their decimal and hexadecimal Unicode
Aug 4, 2011 . Unicode tables were taken from an early version of the JDK (1.1 or some such). It
Animated Unicode Symbol Table providing interactive search and copying.
(Due to the number of cells in the table, this page may take a while to render. Don
Name: cp936 to Unicode table # Unicode version: 2.0 # Table version: 2.01 .
Unicode Characters. This page allows you to view all characters in the Basic
U+0020, 20 ! 21, " 22, # 23, $ 24, % 25, & 26, ' 27, ( 28, ) 29, * 2a, + 2b, , 2c, - 2d .
Also, note that this page uses JavaScript to generate the numeric character
Unicode table for you. x100. x1,000. x10,000. ASCII Symbols Nerd A B Circled
May 3, 2011 . An interactive Unicode Table Reference. Click on the number below each