Feb 25, 12
Other articles:
  • char * xmlURIUnescapeString (const char * str, . Some examples of this
  • . Forum - Ruby on Rails Help and Discussion Forum - A forum for Ruby on Rails
  • Jan 1, 2000 . The precise version of HTML to use for HTML generation is specified at object .
  • Reflection, ObjectSpace, and Distributed Ruby . Bridging Ruby to Other
  • I believe you're looking for the CGI::unescape method. If for some reason you don
  • The precise version of HTML to use for HTML generation is specified at object .
  • Various methods for cleaning up HTML and preparing it for safe public
  • Apr 13, 2007 . Now, if you had to HTML-unescape, this could get hairy , so Ruby solution would
  • unescapeHTML(string) click to toggle source. Unescape a string that has been
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  • I needed to decode HTML entities in Ruby this morning (the things like ý
  • Posts relating to the Ruby on Rails Framework. The h() helper in Rails 3. How to
  • Nov 21, 2008 . Hi there. I am using h to escape the html or javascript. I want to unescape some of
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  • Dec 18, 2008 . escapeHTML knows about. But unescaping should really be better. Is there a
  • HTML Rendering with CGI.unescapeHTML (Page 1) - Controllers and Views -
  • In my testing, escaping html is around 10-30x faster than the pure ruby
  • Nov 23, 2010 . Suppose I have the following string @x = "<a href='#'>Turn me into a link</a>" In
  • How do I encode/decode HTML entities in Ruby? . unescapeHTML("test &quot;
  • vim, February 24, 2012, Changed html escape and unescape mappings to .
  • To have a Ruby script generate HTML output, all you need is. #!/usr/bin/env ruby
  • He uses the best tools for the job including Ruby, Javascript, Perl, Unix, Hadoop.
  • If you want to return unescaped HTML, use the triple mustache: {{{name}}} . .
  • unescapeHTML(string) click to toggle source. Unescape a string that has been
  • Forum: Ruby unescaping html. Forum List | Topic List | New Topic | Search |
  • Jul 29, 2006 . URL Escape and URL Unescape . def url_unescape(string) string.tr('+' . [1] http:
  • Nov 1, 2006 . How can I unescape HTML entities like "&nbsp;"? I know about xml.sax.saxutils.
  • CGI.escape and CGI.unescape. : HTML « CGI « Ruby.
  • Ruby CGI Useful Methods - A tutorial for beginners to advanced .
  • I am using Ruby 1.8.7 and have XML content as a string which is the API
  • raus22 question: How to unescape HTML in Nokogiri Ruby, so & remains & and
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  • . I really want is Hi. What's the ruby way to "interpret" a string as HTML markup?
  • Suppose I have the following string @x = "<a href='#'>Turn me into a link</a>". In
  • Feb 26, 2008 . escapeHTML(url)}">example</a>) # html: <a href="http://example.com/?ruby%3F
  • Aug 19, 2010 . See: rack.rubyforge.org/doc/SPEC.html . 609: def call(e) 610: X.M 611: p = e['
  • unescapeHTML() in Ruby. By: Jeeva Emailed: 243 times Printed: 261 times.
  • usr/bin/ruby puts "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" puts "Content-type: text/html\n\n" puts . . To
  • Dec 16, 2011 . Inserting Ruby: = Running Ruby: -. Ruby Blocks. Whitespace Preservation: ~;
  • unescape(str, escaped = /%[a-fA-F\d]{2}/). Source: show | on GitHub. # File
  • Jan 1, 2000 . The precise version of HTML to use for HTML generation is specified at .
  • Textile. bc. # Output "I love Ruby" say = "I love Ruby" puts say. HTML. <pre><
  • HTML Entities for Ruby. About. HTMLEntities is a simple library to facilitate
  • Dec 31, 2009 . up vote 2 down vote favorite. 3. share [fb] share [tw]. I have a title doc.at('head/title
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  • Hi, Is there a method or any library which allows me to unescape encoded html.
  • unescape HTML : Regexps Group « Development « Ruby.

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