Other articles:
Aug 14, 2011 . 11 return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text) . 1 def unescape(s): 2 s
Sep 23, 2010 . Are the any functions in C# that handle escape/unescape like JavaScript? I have
11 return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text). Unescaping HTML.
Saving unescaped HTML/JS in a plugin form (2 posts) . Now I need to add a
char * xmlURIUnescapeString (const char * str, . of this operation include: base
Unescapes the given String. [Visual Basic] Public Shared Function Unescape( _
Unescape Method. UseOptionC Method. UseOptionR Method. Separator.
Objective C HTML escape/unescape. By: a guest on Feb 17th, 2012 | syntax:
Nov 21, 2011 . I have a ruby19 scraper fetching next pages like ajax in browser does and these
Jun 14, 2007 . How to unescape html code which is in xml file. Lets say u have a html code in
Jan 10, 2010 . WriteLine(); // Output from above code is // // Unescaped Data: <H1>My html</H1
code. For example, one such string might be: "En Espa\u00f1ol" Naturally, I
Text Unescape Utility. In the world of Web, certain characters don't travel well.
class StringToolsAvailable in flash, flash9, neko, js, php, .
Oracle Code Library . Exception Name, Error Code, Reason. BAD_URL, - .
Sep 20, 2008 . JavaScript: how to unescape HTML entities. Posted on . I was searching the
This module provides functions to escape and unescape URI strings as defined
Feb 24, 2009 . While working on a lite project management software I started using this one
Jan 16, 2010 . How can I decode HTML entities in C++? . There's no need to compile the code
document.write(unescape(str_esc)) </script>. The output of the code above will
fromCharCode(entityToCode[entityName])] = entityName; function
Jan 17, 2008 . Escapes and unescapes String s for Java, Java Script, HTML, XML, and SQL. .
Mar 18, 2009 . Wondering if there is an easy way to do a simple HTML escape/unescape in
. xmlns:c="http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc-step" xmlns:l="http://xproc.org/library" .
I have a function module which retrieves HTML code. I need to unescape that
Jul 11, 2011 . I'm working on creating Cases through an Apex trigger from Questions. When
Jul 6, 2006 . [CSS/HTML/Js] Unescaping HTML in javascript . . [i]text[/i] for italic, [b]text[/b] for
Aug 28, 2007 . Full HTML Character Encoding in C# . find a way to take a string containing
Here's the encrypted code: Code: <!--HTML--><!--HEAD--><SCRIPT LANGUAGE
Nov 15, 2006 . Is there an easy way to replace entities like & #039; with ' within a string? I found
Feb 26, 2008 . 5557 users tagging and storing useful source code snippets . Ruby: Escape,
Our HTML Encoder is an online tool that converts HTML code into a . To
Escape and unescape string : HTML Output « Servlets « Java.
. HTML code? Subject: Re: Re: [ops-users] HTML Area: Unescaped HTML code
Apr 14, 2011 . Code 'n Stuff. Unescape HTML entities in Oracle . (subject and direction) and is
I use the function UrlUnescapeInPlace but this works only for not unicode
Oct 22, 2007 . Web-Code: the source for web developers and designers. SEO, web tools,
I had some free time today and wrote a decoder from scratch: entities.c, entities.h.
C++. The following UnquoteHTML routine will, for example, . entity names
Jan 6, 2011 . Mixing code and plain text (alternate) . That being said, are all expressions
Aug 12, 2006 . How to unescape HTML string . to unescape HTML characters? for example I
Apr 8, 2008 . I'm not a real programmer, but here a piece of python code to unescape html
Dec 16, 2011 . You can then use it by including the “haml” gem in Ruby code, and using . See
Jun 29, 2011 . Unanswered: HELP NEEDED to decode html eval unescape. hi guys i just found
I have a simple question, is there an easy way in .NET to unescape HTML
Sep 11, 2009 . Title: Convert/Escape/Unescape HTML Strings, Language: C#. Description:
These scripts are intended to explain how to "hide" HTML and/or javascript from
Encoding html using javascript's escape & unescape to aid security and help
taglib uri="taglib1.tld" prefix="esc" %> <esc:Escape> <html> your HTML code is
Unescaping. javascript = `curl -s http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.js`