Other articles:
Treasurer Location. Unclaimed property is in three groups . Claim Form,
Texas Unclaimed Funds lists with tens of thousands of dollars unclaimed and
On this Web site, click on "Search Unclaimed Property"; follow the directions and
The City of Burleson Texas is currently holding property that is presumed
Jul 22, 2010 . The City of Arlington, Texas is currently holding property that is presumed
eBay My World for tx.unclaimed.property. Read tx.unclaimed.property's Reviews
Oct 1, 2009 . Think you have some money coming to you? You may . the Texas unclaimed
The state of New York currently holds nearly $10 billion in unclaimed funds.
Search Unclaimed Property Records in Texas. Directory of searchable online
Texas unclaimed money search to find lost money, assets, cash and property.
Texas State Comptroller Unclaimed Property. Funds and information are ONLY
Unclaimed Money. The City of Sealy, Texas, is holding various .
TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY. Federal Search for Unclaimed Funds and
Official City of Pearland web site, Information about.
British Columbia Unclaimed Property Society Harbour Centre PO Box . . Texas
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Unclaimed Property and
This property is presumed abandoned and is subject to Chapter 76 of the Title 6,
According to a US Supreme Court decision (Texas vs. New Jersey, 379 US 674,
Treasury Service Division- Unclaimed Property #2 Civic Center Plaza-7th FloorEl
Search by your name and state for unclaimed funds.
877.322.1704 | onesource.thomsonreuters.com/solutions/unclaimed-property/
News About Unclaimed Property, Other Sources For Unclaimed Property .
Notice of Unclaimed Property Report. Keller ISD. The following property is
This notice is provided in accordance with Section 76.201 of the Texas Property
Oct 17, 2011 . Texas Comptroller Unclaimed Property One in four Texans has unclaimed
UNCLAIMED PROPERTY NOTICE. UPN LIST. Notice is hereby given, in
Dec 5, 2011 . The Texas State Comptroller's Office is keeping tabs on billions of dollars in
Find Texas Unclaimed money, Search our databases for the most complete
Home > Consumer Protection > Banking & Your Money > Unclaimed Funds .
own long-lost unclaimed property. The state of. Texas is currently holding more
Notice of Unclaimed Property. Grayson County Treasurer. This notice is provided
Apr 6, 2011 . City of Conoe, Texas. Accounting. Attn: Unclaimed Property. P.O. Box 3066.
The City Controller's Office is attempting to locate the rightful owners of more than
This property is presumed abandoned and is subject to Chapter 76 of the Title 6,
The Texas Comptroller's office is the state's chief tax collector, accountant, . File/
This notice is provided in accordance with Section 76.201 of the Texas Property
For a little background information, Texas unclaimed money is defined as.
This property is presumed abandoned under Chapter 76 of the Texas Property
Oct 18, 2011 . AUSTIN, Texas - Oct. 18, 2011 – As people are becoming more aware of the
FindLaw provides Texas Statutes - Title 6: UNCLAIMED PROPERTY for Lawyers,
Links and mailing addresses to each states Department of .
Nov 4, 2011 . For more information from the State of Texas regarding unclaimed property, visit
Unclaimed Property laws in the United States provide for two reporting . the
Texas' rules relating to the treatment of abandoned property are discussed.
60 results . eBay: tx.unclaimed.property. . Get fast shipping and excellent service from Top-
Unclaimed property finder news and information. Standard-Times brings you the
If you are searching for a business or major corporation, contact the Texas
Jan 20, 2011 . The state of Texas is beefing up their unclaimed property audit program. To find
Filing instructions, forms, searchable database of unclaimed property and laws
Check the tax and claim status on unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller