Dec 26, 11
Other articles:
  • Usage: TCP is used in case of non-time critical applications. UDP is used for
  • In TCP if the packet takes a long route, the game will pause (lag)? In UDP the
  • Sep 6, 2008 . UDP is really faster than TCP, and the simple reason is because it's . . For things
  • This section takes a look at the TCP/IP ports used by PvPGN and the clients that
  • Dec 17, 2010 . Ah the old UDP verses TCP debate. I don't currently work in the game biz, but did
  • 3, TCP, UDP, CompressNET Compression Process, Official. 4, TCP, UDP . .
  • TCP has too much overhead, UDP is not reliable enough. It really depends on
  • How to Open TCP or UDP Communications Port(s) For Applications or Games (
  • The last block of text in my question can apply to any TCP or UDP applications,
  • 80, TCP, Valid Use - Game: Aliens vs. Predator. Other: Dialpad, Yahoo File
  • Table of Ports for Internet Services; Official TCP/IP Port List .
  • Also, UDP-vs-TCP is one of the simplest ways ISPs prioritise traffic - UDP is
  • Dec 15, 2011 . World of Warcraft uses TCP port numbers 1119 & 3724 to play, and UDP port
  • Average that over a could of snapshots and things should run pretty smoothly. (I
  • ¿qué puerto UDP es necesario configurar en el NAT de mi router ADSL para
  • For a game that you intend to support 50+ players with would you suggest TCP or
  • I want to download the direct download or i can't enjoy this game. Because i use
  • It is very efficient, so is especially good for games. KryoNet can also be . This
  • Nov 10, 2011 . TCP/IP vulnerability threatens Vista and Win7 Generally . In home networks,
  • May 15, 2007 . Both TCP and UDP work at transport layer TCP/IP model and both . Trivial File
  • Most Internet traffic utilizes TCP and UDP, running on top of Internet Protocol (IP),
  • Lacking reliability, UDP applications must generally . Streaming media, real-
  • Programs written by a software developer may use either TCP or UDP for
  • Oct 7, 2010 . “Which is better for OpenVPN TCP or UDP” bluntly neither is better. . UDP SSL
  • Since we're talking about a gaming VPN, we need to support more than TCP/IP.
  • I've been starting to think about multiplayer for my game. I was hoping to start a
  • TCP and UDP ports for commonly used applications and .
  • I'm working on an MMORPG style game for a school project. It is a client-server
  • I have read up on both and both have pro's and cons, but which would be better
  • With UDP, you send a packet (with a size) with sendto() from one side, and it'll .
  • I want to basically have a box (*nix, or a router), that would route all UDP based
  • Oct 26, 2011 . We care most about TCP/UDP and the application layer. Mitchell Keith Bloch (
  • Port 424: IBM Operatings Planning and Control Track (TCP/UDP) Port 425: . ..
  • I have read up on both and both have pro's and cons, but which would be better
  • TCP/IP is built into the UNIX operating system The usage of UDP is for games
  • Some games use UDP (especially FPS and RTS types), some TCP, and some of
  • The Internet and most home networks support TCP/IP as the.
  • Feb 5, 2011 . Hey, I was plaining on starting a MMORPG using 39DLL. Just one question, what
  • Jul 22, 2011 . Message); } } Adding UDP/TCP/Socket support to your app or game doesn't have
  • I can suggest reading this article: http://gafferongames.com/networking-for-game-
  • You can play the TCP/IP drinking game just about any way you want, as long as
  • Game programming with Visual C++, MFC and TCP, UDP and Socket API: Game
  • Feb 24, 2011 . Glenn Fiedler an Australian game developer in Los Angeles. . UDP vs. TCP ·
  • I am designing a mobile game, but I don't know much about it. How do we
  • Feb 26, 2009 . Port 80 udp is also used by some games, like Alien vs Predator (Activision). SG.
  • Feb 9, 2008 . This post explains the differences between UDP and TCP/IP and describes
  • Mar 10, 2007 . Inevitably, if you are designing a multiplayer game, you will come to the
  • GameConfig.co.uk, TCP & UDP port settings for online games. TCP and UDP
  • Oct 1, 2008 . Introduction Hi, I'm Glenn Fiedler and welcome to the first article in my online
  • I've seen a fair amount of discussion over what TCP and UDP ports are . . able to

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