Other articles:
Usage: TCP is used in case of non-time critical applications. UDP is used for
In TCP if the packet takes a long route, the game will pause (lag)? In UDP the
Sep 6, 2008 . UDP is really faster than TCP, and the simple reason is because it's . . For things
This section takes a look at the TCP/IP ports used by PvPGN and the clients that
Dec 17, 2010 . Ah the old UDP verses TCP debate. I don't currently work in the game biz, but did
3, TCP, UDP, CompressNET Compression Process, Official. 4, TCP, UDP . .
TCP has too much overhead, UDP is not reliable enough. It really depends on
How to Open TCP or UDP Communications Port(s) For Applications or Games (
The last block of text in my question can apply to any TCP or UDP applications,
80, TCP, Valid Use - Game: Aliens vs. Predator. Other: Dialpad, Yahoo File
Table of Ports for Internet Services; Official TCP/IP Port List .
Also, UDP-vs-TCP is one of the simplest ways ISPs prioritise traffic - UDP is
Dec 15, 2011 . World of Warcraft uses TCP port numbers 1119 & 3724 to play, and UDP port
Average that over a could of snapshots and things should run pretty smoothly. (I
¿qué puerto UDP es necesario configurar en el NAT de mi router ADSL para
For a game that you intend to support 50+ players with would you suggest TCP or
I want to download the direct download or i can't enjoy this game. Because i use
It is very efficient, so is especially good for games. KryoNet can also be . This
Nov 10, 2011 . TCP/IP vulnerability threatens Vista and Win7 Generally . In home networks,
May 15, 2007 . Both TCP and UDP work at transport layer TCP/IP model and both . Trivial File
Most Internet traffic utilizes TCP and UDP, running on top of Internet Protocol (IP),
Lacking reliability, UDP applications must generally . Streaming media, real-
Programs written by a software developer may use either TCP or UDP for
Oct 7, 2010 . “Which is better for OpenVPN TCP or UDP” bluntly neither is better. . UDP SSL
Since we're talking about a gaming VPN, we need to support more than TCP/IP.
I've been starting to think about multiplayer for my game. I was hoping to start a
TCP and UDP ports for commonly used applications and .
I'm working on an MMORPG style game for a school project. It is a client-server
I have read up on both and both have pro's and cons, but which would be better
With UDP, you send a packet (with a size) with sendto() from one side, and it'll .
I want to basically have a box (*nix, or a router), that would route all UDP based
Oct 26, 2011 . We care most about TCP/UDP and the application layer. Mitchell Keith Bloch (
Port 424: IBM Operatings Planning and Control Track (TCP/UDP) Port 425: . ..
I have read up on both and both have pro's and cons, but which would be better
TCP/IP is built into the UNIX operating system The usage of UDP is for games
Some games use UDP (especially FPS and RTS types), some TCP, and some of
The Internet and most home networks support TCP/IP as the.
Feb 5, 2011 . Hey, I was plaining on starting a MMORPG using 39DLL. Just one question, what
Jul 22, 2011 . Message); } } Adding UDP/TCP/Socket support to your app or game doesn't have
I can suggest reading this article: http://gafferongames.com/networking-for-game-
You can play the TCP/IP drinking game just about any way you want, as long as
Game programming with Visual C++, MFC and TCP, UDP and Socket API: Game
Feb 24, 2011 . Glenn Fiedler an Australian game developer in Los Angeles. . UDP vs. TCP ·
I am designing a mobile game, but I don't know much about it. How do we
Feb 26, 2009 . Port 80 udp is also used by some games, like Alien vs Predator (Activision). SG.
Feb 9, 2008 . This post explains the differences between UDP and TCP/IP and describes
Mar 10, 2007 . Inevitably, if you are designing a multiplayer game, you will come to the
GameConfig.co.uk, TCP & UDP port settings for online games. TCP and UDP
Oct 1, 2008 . Introduction Hi, I'm Glenn Fiedler and welcome to the first article in my online
I've seen a fair amount of discussion over what TCP and UDP ports are . . able to