Other articles:
Jun 21, 2011. including an AJAX-based Twitter widget and tumblog functionality. A
The blogging community Tumblr allows you to create and design your own online
Aug 8, 2011 . Rapture Tumblr theme is perfect for anything from a portfolio, personal . Widget;
Oct 16, 2011 . Tumblr style WordPress themes are for those, who are looking to . and also
Aug 11, 2011 . In this article you will get a collection of cute Tumblr themes that . day pages, tag
Jun 5, 2011 . By default, tumblr doesn't come with any sharing options and to . When in tumblr
Jan 17, 2011 . It just requires a big a code pasting in your Tumblr Theme HTML. . type=”text/
Tumblr hacks and widgets to make it more like home Tumblr is a superb platform
. larger posts is activated; Widgets with editable titles – Flickr, Twitter, Last.fm,
You will need to configure your widget and copy the widget HTML code on the
You can have your Tumblr posts appear in your Facebook Newsfeed by
Mar 12, 2009 . It have a built-in Tumbleroll widgets to show tumblr blog that you follow. And if
Customize your Google start page with background images, personal pictures,
Tumblr themes by pouretrebelle, here you can find a mixture of infinitely
Tumblr's default Flash photoset look bests in the 500 pixel layout and can be .
Designer response: With Inspire Well you shouldn't have to paste the theme in. . .
Aug 15, 2011 . Update (16th September 2011): added Twitter widget. . For some reasons, so far
If you want Tumblr posts to be sent to a Twitter account or to use a Twitter widget
Rapture Tumblr theme is perfect for anything from a portfolio, personal blog, .
Tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything. Post text, photos, quotes . You can
Premium Tumblr Themes . Premium theme options include the unique and
Jan 26, 2009 . PressRow – A very nice WordPress-to-Tumblr theme conversion that allows for
Aug 8, 2011 . If you're looking for a Tumblr-like WordPress theme check out . Custom Widgets;
This is an archives of tumblr themes with twitter widget, find more useful posts on
Let me start by thanking the Author of the Tumblr theme. I am using . our theme.
Apr 14, 2011 . A neat and simple Tumblr theme that embodies originality of your ideas: . .
Jul 2, 2008 . So, here it is i present you 7 cool tumblr themes for your tumblr log. . You can put
May 19, 2011 . 10 Articles that Will Help You to Create Your Own Tumblr Theme → . This
The site allows you to select your own themes and layouts for your Tumblr blog .
Fresh and quality Tumblr themes sorted by category | Facebook. . to personalize
If you're looking for high quality Tumblr themes then you're certainly not the only
Free Themes for Tumblr & Tumblr Photos & Tumblr Gifs. Free Tumblr Themes .
Aug 9, 2011 . Rapture Tumblr theme is perfect for anything from a portfolio, personal . Widget;
Myspace Layouts, Tumblr Themes Home. User/Email Password .
Aug 22, 2011 . Check these vintage Tumblr themes for a more artistic and powerful . day pages,
Twitter provides a profile widget that displays all of your newest tweets and
Twitter: Display your Twitter feed on your Tumblelog through this cool widget.
Aug 8, 2011 . Rapture Tumblr theme is perfect for anything from a portfolio, personal . Widget;
Oct 18, 2011 . Back then the Tumblr library of themes was much smaller than it is . . day pages,
Select Tumblr widgets you like from Twitter, Flickr, Facebook and more.
How to install Twitter Widget in tumblr 1 Answers | 0 Votes | 815 Views Who can
Install Tumblr widgets for Twitter, Flickr, Facebook and more. . your Tumblr
Sep 30, 2011 . Have you been looking for useful Tumblr widgets for your blog? . Subscribe by
Tumblr offers themes and easy colour editing, but if you want to really extend it
Jan 22, 2009 . With the right combination of Tumblr theme and widgets, you can . Twitter – You
2 Column layouts (called themes on Tumblr) are perfect for photo-bloggers . ----
How to install your Tumblrsite; How to configure your widgets (Twitter etc.) How to
A collection of the best designed free, premium tumblr themes for design
May 12, 2011 . Today we have an enormous collection of stunning Tumblr themes. .
Sep 21, 2011 . Twitter widget for tumblr allows your stream to show up on your tumblog: .