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Monitter AJAX Twitter widget code not working. February 6, 2010 Dustin Leave a
To add a Twitter widget to your social network, website, or blog: . Click
Twitter widget not working in tabs. KatieH September 29. I am trying to put a
Next you need to put these 2 lines of JavaScript below the code in step 1. .
I am copying the embed code for the twitter widget and I get this message. . I am
We are looking at putting a twitter widget on our website. The only problem is .
Oct 1, 2010 . Twitter has an error in their Javascript widget code because it is not working in
[Plugin: Twitter Widget Pro] Tweets not updating - bug (14 posts). trixienolix .
Code Box not working Help. . I have tried pasting the embeded code in the code
Twitter offers a variety of widgets that you can place on various websites like .
Note: Posterous currently does not enable Javascript so this tutorial explains an
Aug 23, 2011 . The twitter widget embed code is javascript, so my guess is that there is some .
1 day ago . Upload the files to the `/wp-content/plugins/php-code-widget/` . . Any errors you
My twitter widget works with firefox but and seems to with ealier version of IE but
Apr 1, 2011 . Now here i have a very cool unique Blogger Twitter widget, an actual . You add
Next, copy and paste the code into the area in your webpage that you want the .
Mar 30, 2009 . (please note that the JavaScript was not working when we tested it, but the other
Jul 20, 2011 . Re: Problem with flash, xml and a twitter widget. Hey, Thanks for the reply. I've
I have been wondering if their is any way to display a twitter search (like a
So, the Twitter Search Widget has officially launched. And the installation is fairly
May 18, 2010 . Twitter used to provide this code on their site but for some reason they removed
Aug 25, 2011 . To ensure that our custom Twitter widget does not run into problems with . The
When I paste the code into the widget template box the feeds appear, but as soon
But not working on Joomla 1.6 **** CODE STARTS BELOW **** <script src="http:/
The code is heavily commented and the output is in template functions so . . Ur
I want to show an custom error message when ever the twitter widget is down or
Nov 10, 2011 . You do not have to use your own account; you can use others as . Click Add
Twitter widget is not working and not loading properly. . Another thought re the
Jan 20, 2011 . Think of it as a Twitter Widget, Facebook Widget, and a RSS Widget all in one
Apr 15, 2011 . Copy and paste this line of code into your website, preferably just before the
The Twitter Glossary contains lingo and vocabulary used frequently to talk about
Feb 26, 2010 . But Javascript is Not Working. - Customizing . It's a twitter widget that constantly
Why when using the twitter AddThis sharing button, short URL from bitly . to put
For example I'm trying to add a Twitter widget and this portion of code from it is .
Jun 25, 2008 . However, Twitter does not have a Silverlight widget. . .. Its still not working, If I
Jan 28, 2009 . It may sound difficult at first, but it is not if you have a little . Edit the twitit.php file
When I submit everything is fine, and I don't get an error message but I still don't
Grabbed the code from > twitter resources and placed it on a blank page to test .
The only Twitter widget I've been able to get to work consistently over the past
Not working. hmmmmmmm. what could possibly be wrong here? After a few
I am trying to place a twitter widget in an html module but it does not work all I get
That includes websites using Twitter widgets with older code. . htc We know that
Jan 19, 2011 . i even tried the second window widget code but for both the end result same,
This Dreamweaver Tutorial will show you how to get the code for the Twitter . it's
Many people use Twitter clients to update their status and read tweets, but there
Full Version: Twitter widget not working . I tried to take the code from the
Hi; Twitter widget on the computer is running smoothly but it does not work on my
Having the code to embed a twitter widget anywhere on the page leads . the
Mar 2, 2010 . I have the twitter widget code copied and pasted from your website, into . Widget
Twitter widget stops page from rendering in IE 8, anybody know why? .