Other articles:
Jan 17, 2011 . Until APIs unification REST API and Search API will remain as separate . The
Jun 8, 2009 . Twitter Search – By searching for the word “tweetup” and restricting the results to
I am trying to perform a "near"search query to fetch tweets nears to . .com/
Oct 25, 2010 . Note that you cannot use the near operator via the API to geocode arbitrary . If
Foursquare API -- see mashups, code, news, reviews and .
Mar 11, 2009. Twitter app? Check out some of the most useful APIs around right now. . http://
May 10, 2011 . Create a personalised Twitter search widget showing custom search terms and
Twitter search helps you find people and interesting information on Twitter. .
Dec 22, 2008 . Next I needed the information, Twitter's great search API acquired with the
Oct 22, 2010 . Best of all, the number of projects around it, as well as the planned core . Twitter
Sep 9, 2008 . The “near” operator available in the Twitter Search web interface is not available
Apr 14, 2009 . Recently I've been doing quite a bit of work with twitter's searching api for an app
Dec 2, 2009 . this is not a bug - please refer to http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-Search-API-
however you can use this geocode parameter to search near geocodes directly .
Search APIs that can be scoped to a particular user's timeline. . 'Phoenix Search'
The data in Twitter Search is constantly updated with new tweets so anything you
But what about deploying internet technologies for people who are near one . .
Summize was later acquired and rebranded as Twitter Search. . The Streaming
Feb 15, 2010 . The microblogging site with the funny name is one of the hottest web services
Aug 10, 2011. id if necessary. Wrapper for the Twitter Search API . (Twitter::Search) near(
Aug 4, 2009 . Discover the basics of using the Twitter Search API. . of it as a simplified Web
Feb 15, 2010 . Unlike Twitter's existing REST API, which was based around usernames, the
Apr 28, 2009 . The data in Twitter Search is constantly updated with new tweets so anything you
The Twitter Search API is a dedicated API for running searches against the real-
Oct 1, 2010 . The Twitter Streaming API allows high-throughput near-realtime . poll the Twitter
Oct 27, 2010 . for example, my 'find folk tweeting near a location' hack uses the Twitter search
Oct 16, 2009 . One of the biggest assets for Twitter is the search and the user . Using the “near:
Apr 1, 2010 . Unfortunately, the “near:” operator is not supported by the Twitter search API. So
Now that Twitter has a location-based search API, we don't have to cache the
Twitter exposes its data via an Application Programming Interface (API). This
Mar 8, 2009 . If Twitter had been around for 9/11 then you might want to search near:NYC . .
Dec 2, 2011 . The Twitter Search API is a dedicated API for running searches against the real-
A jQuery plugin for working with the Twitter Search API and putting twitter
Jul 26, 2011 . A new version of Tweets Near Me will be coming in a week or so. It contains a
As of Nov 7, 2011 the Search API returns Twitter user IDs that match the .
Apr 21, 2010 . http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-Search-API-Method%3A-search . you can use
Including emoticons in the search request causes the API to return an
twitter search and the API have been around for about two years now, and we
Oct 17, 2010 . "The Twitter Streaming API allows high-throughput near-realtime . the Twitter
Search API Methods . URL: http://search.twitter.com/search. . Note that you
Apr 15, 2011 . When Infochimps released their Twitter People Search API allowing . str.split("in
According the Twitter's own API Guide http://apiwiki.twitter.com/w/page/22554756
The search API almost works, except I'm required to enter a search query. If I
Jan 26, 2010 . When using the search widget (http://twitter.com/goodies/widget_search), you
6 days ago . Photo by Nebarnix Twitter's Search API is fantastic, but unlike the UI version they
Twitter API -- see mashups, code, news, reviews and resources. . #Ask4Stuff:
Hi, anyone know how to use the parameter "near:" with the API of . though, due
how i can use Twitter Search API (or other) to get list of tweets only with . can
The twitter search API doesn't let you do near: queries by default. We can
Dec 4, 2009 . near2geocode - enabling near: queries in the Twitter search API The twitter