Dec 13, 11
Other articles:
  • Jan 3, 2011 . You can get the details of any tweet or status by twitter API. Here is the code for
  • Nov 16, 2010 . Twitter API response codes and HTTP Status Codes. Are you developing your
  • Here are the topics covered in the bitly REST API documentation. . HTTP
  • The Twitter API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every
  • API Support matrix . for (Status status : statuses) { System.out.println(status. . It
  • Jan 14, 2010 . The Twitter API assigns special meanings to many of these codes, which
  • I'm using D6. and using CURL wiz twitter API to update the status. the problem is
  • Why is this Twitter API script failing? . echo $response->status->text.''; ?> . This
  • Both operations return an HTTP 200 status code on success, 400 on invalid input
  • Aug 18, 2010 . For API development, I decided to take a look at Twitter - one of the world's most
  • Jun 9, 2009 . In this article, learn the basics of using the Twitter REST API. . Otherwise, you
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  • Sep 8, 2008 . I thought it would be cool to have my Twitter status show up on the site so I
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  • Upon executing a proxied Twitter API request, whether successful or not, the
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  • Jun 3, 2008 . The Arc90_Service_Twitter class makes requests to the Twitter API via PHP . "\n
  • why dont the twitter API return success string upon posting a status. instead the
  • The Twitter API assigns special meanings to many of these codes, which
  • Apr 27, 2009 . There are a few different libraries available for accessing the API, in all the . If
  • The Twitter API (Application Programming Interface) in Ruby on Rails is about as
  • Jun 25, 2009 . by Antonio Lupetti Tag API css PHP twitter web development . for example the
  • The Twitter API currently consists of two discrete REST APIs and a Streaming API
  • Twitter API -- see mashups, code, news, reviews and resources. Plus hundreds .
  • This is the start of a script I made following a tutorial I wrote (currently pending) on
  • <html> <head> <title>Updating Twitter status using PHP</title> <link . Just
  • Returns an HTTP 200 OK response code and a representation of the requesting
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  • Here is a link to twitter api documentation on status codes and what they mean to
  • All codes below are related to Twitter's rate limiting . In order to keep tracking of
  • Feb 16, 2011 . I have added code to trap any errors in when making the short URL. . After
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  • The Twitter API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every
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  • Mar 2, 2009 . Download the Twitter API here, and it's also a great reference for . . requests to
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  • Sit down with this for a weekend and you're on your way to Twitter API mastery. .
  • Mar 19, 2009 . The reason Twitter is so hugely popular is because their API allows for you . .
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  • Play with twitter API and post "via your application" without have to code . We
  • HTTP Status Codes The Twitter API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status
  • Feb 10, 2011 . Automating status updates to Twitter with their API is really easy. It just takes a
  • I've been looking for a way to update my Twitter status from a Python client. .
  • Mar 30, 2010 . The first thing you need to know about the Twitter API is that it is RESTful. . Now
  • May 18, 2007 . You can directly from the Google code repository (as seen in the . (this example
  • grackle - Lightweight Ruby library for the Twitter API that goes with the flow. . If

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