Dec 13, 11
Other articles:
  • Feb 11, 2011 . So why did Twitter kill the exception to the rule and what does it mean for . "
  • Twitter OAuth API limit is currently set to 350. . @Andrew if you look in widget.
  • Jan 14, 2010 . If you're new to the Twitter API and would like to learn more about it, this excerpt
  • Dec 29, 2009 . "The increased API limits allow apps to come up with new interaction models for
  • Twitter limits the amount of calls you can make to its API and from one IP to a few
  • Provides several Twitter widgets: show your own tweets, show .
  • May 25, 2009 . Use this following code on your single.php file, within the loop to create . . With
  • Apr 14, 2009 . Using the Twitter API with PHP and PEAR . . You can request a higher limit by
  • Feb 19, 2011 . Another thing to mention is that each Twitter API call cycles through different PHP
  • Mar 2, 2009 . To start, I snagged the php-twitter library from Google Code. . Twitter limits the
  • Jan 30, 2009 . The script uses PHP and CURL to get the twitter search results to . .. is how can i
  • Apr 8, 2010 . Logo. dabr · PHP Twitter web front end for mobile devices . The fix: Log out of
  • Is the Twitter API down? Is my IP banned or blacklisted? Why do my image
  • Aug 20, 2009 . For these examples I'm going to use the php-twitter class, but I'll include the . A
  • Simple Twitter API on PHP ? JohanLimm. @JohanLimm J - [林冷冽] ✔. Hi There..
  • Dec 1, 2009 . We are going to be using PHP and MySQL for the back end, and we will . .
  • I am writing a web app that needs Twitter user's profile photos only. . It's your
  • Aug 22, 2010 . The Twitter API has limits set on how often you can ping it. . Create a PHP file (
  • I am using the Twitter API (the search) on my website, but ran into a problem. My
  • So I looked into the Twitter API, and found a way you can display your last tweet
  • As of Nov 7, 2011 the Search API returns Twitter user IDs that match the . If the
  • Apr 19, 2010 . Add a Twitter Feed with PHP | In the last post (Add a Twitter Feed with jQuery) .
  • Mar 30, 2010 . Twitter's astonishing growth is rivaled only by its intuitive, developer friendly API.
  • Apr 19, 2011 . Twitter limits how many times you can request data from its services to 150 . the
  • Jul 27, 2011 . <?php. function twitter($tweets,$account) {. // Check the current twitter API limit for
  • May 19, 2010. users at the same time, without worrying about exhausting API limit. Tutorial.
  • Authenticated requests should count against the user's 350/hour limit. Non-authenticated requests get counted against your IP address's 150/hour .
  • Mar 2, 2009 . The only thing to keep in mind is that Twitter limits you to 70 requests per 60-
  • Feb 15, 2010 . Like the service itself, the Twitter API is simple and easy to use. The only thing to
  • Oct 1, 2010 . This week we have overhauled our free PHP script that allows you to . only
  • Mar 23, 2010 . Twitter has an API limit (currently 150 calls per hour) so its best to use your . <?
  • We all know that Twitter has a character limit of 140. Personally, I don't like the
  • Executes an API call . TwitterBase::createFriendship() in twitter.lib.php .
  • Mar 11, 2009 . This is the main API you'll use for interacting with twitter accounts: getting . even
  • Jul 1, 2009 . Tweetdeck users have noticed tonight that their hourly API call limit has been .
  • PHP -> Twitter API at specified times: what am I Doing Wrong? . sure there are
  • Aug 25, 2011 . To ensure that our custom Twitter widget does not run into problems with Twitter
  • code is PHP, and the UI is jQuery. Tweets are collected with the Twitter streaming
  • Try changing sample.json to user_timeline.json. More info can be .
  • How can I correct this PHP Twitter API - Error: HTTP/1.1 401 API is secure. Needs
  • In PHP most people do this with the cURL library. . The search API is rate limited
  • Feb 23, 2010 . Permalink to Connecting To Twitter API Using PHP . First is that there is a limit to
  • Jul 24, 2010 . In order to involk the Twitter API through PHP, we use CURL. . It's important to
  • Aug 21, 2009 . All API's have some rate-limiting , For example Twitter API has a rate limit . ?php
  • Mar 14, 2010 . Twitter is a great platform for publishing news, and interacting with your users. .
  • The obvious alternative method is to use the Twitter API to pull out your latest .
  • Feb 27, 2009 . I have taken it upon myself to create a fully functional Twitter API PHP class. It has
  • 1 day ago . We are going to use the twitter stream API to get the comments . . As I told you in
  • ). The since_id parameter does not
  • I will answer any burning questions about the Twitter API. Issues you might be

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