Dec 22, 11
Other articles:
  • Definition of tubercle of iliac crest. Provided by Stedman's medical dictionary and
  • xiphoid process X; costal cartilages (ribs 7-10); tips of ribs 11 and 12; vertebrae
  • Dec 16, 2010. Adductor tubercle - Tuberculum adductorium; Ala of ilium; Wing of . Iliac crest -
  • Muscle. Origin. Insertion. Action. NECK AREA.
  • Continue palpating along the crest of the ilium until its widest portion is reached,
  • The outer lip of iliac crest, about 5 cm behind the anterior superior iliac spine,
  • Musculature. Muscle, Origin, Insertion, Action.
  • (C) Inter-tubercular/trans-tubercular line: between two tubercles of iliac crest (L5);
  • Medical definition for the term 'tubercle of iliac crest'
  • It inserts on the greater tuberosity of the femur and the iliotibial tract of the . os
  • Osteology. Bone, Structure, Description, Notes.
  • In front the anterior superior iliac spine is easily recognized, and in thin . the
  • A horizontal line through the highest points of the iliac crests passes also . With
  • A prominence on the outer lip of iliac crest at its middle. There is nothing in
  • tubercle of iliac crest definition from the mondofacto online medical dictionary.
  • Most of the iliac crest presents outer and inner lips and a rough intermediate line
  • Oct 18, 2011 . 2) Iliac Fossa 3) Anterior Superior Iliac Spine 4) Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine 5)
  • Synonym for tubercle of iliac crest . A prominence on the outer lip of the iliac
  • Includes studying games and asis to pubic projecting ventrally C, iliac crest
  • Anatomy Tables - Abdominal Wall.
  • . tuberosity, 10 lesser sciatic notch, 11 ischial spine, 12 greater sciatic notch, 13
  • Iliac Tubercle The iliac tubercle is the widest portion of the iliac crest. After you
  • Obturator foramen. Body of pubis. Pubic crest. Pubic tubercle. Obturator groove.
  • Bone: Iliac tuberosity . The posterior portion, known as the iliac tuberosity, is
  • Iliac Tuberosity is an elevation of the Posterior Iliac Crest. The posterior sacroiliac
  • The iliac tubercle is located approximately 5 cm (2 in) posterior to the anterior
  • Definition of Tubercle of iliac crest with photos and pictures, translations, sample
  • The iliac tubercle is located approximately 5 cm posterior to the anterior superior
  • Its anterior end meets the iliac crest in front of the tubercle; while its posterior end
  • In the scout image below, the anterior iliac crests are indicated with turquoise
  • A prominence on the outer lip of the iliac crest about 5 cm behind the anterior
  • Iliac fossa Iliac crest Ant. sup. iliac spine Ant. inf. iliac spine Arcuate line . crest
  • iliac crest; anterior superior iliac spine; anterior inferior iliac spine; acetabulum;
  • Hip bone Iliac crest Tubercle (tuberculurrO of iliac crest Anterior superior iliac
  • The iliac tubercle is located approximately 5 cm (2 in) posterior to the anterior
  • •origin of many of the adductor muscles of the thigh. •Ilium: •iliac crest / tubercle of
  • Nov 9, 2011 . Look up: iliac tubercle . iliac tubercle Synonym for tubercle of iliac crest. Iliac
  • Ilium. Ala; Iliac crest; Iliac tubercle; Iliac fossa; Anterior superior iliac spine;
  • Below, the main landmarks are the symphysis pubis and the pubic crest and
  • Gluteal surface of ilium Anterior gluteal line Ventral segment of iliac crest, and its
  • Surface Landmarks Iliac Crest The iliac crest can be felt through the skin . Pubic
  • Mar 30, 2006 . Proximal attachments are: iliac crest, iliac fossa, ala of sacrum, and anterior . of
  • Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine; Anterior Superior Iliac Spine; Coccyx; Gluteal
  • Tubercle of the iliac crest - prominent projection from the outer lip of the crest,
  • Translation for 'tubercle of iliac crest' in the free Chinese dictionary. More
  • Meaning of tubercle of iliac crest in Almaany Dictionary, searched domain is
  • There have been a few reports of iliac crest avulsion at the insertion of the .
  • Avulsions also may occur at the pubic tubercle and iliac crest. B: Avulsions of the
  • The outer lip bulges laterally into the iliac tubercle. Palpable in its entire length,
  • Oct 19, 2011 . The ITB is a wide, flat structure that originates at the iliac crest and inserts at the

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