Dec 22, 11
Other articles:
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease is irritation and inflammation of the growth plate (
  • Dec 9, 2011 . Tantalum is a good bone graft substitute in tibial tubercle advancement. Mariano
  • A small knoblike prominence or excrescence, whether natural or morbid; as, a
  • tubercle of scaphoid bone - Meaning and definition.
  • Anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer without bone graft. John P. Fulkerson.
  • What bone has a tubercle shaft and head? rib :). What bone's Tubercle serves as
  • The hip bone is originally made up of three bones that have fused: 1)ilium, 2)
  • Mar 8, 2011 . Radiology Resources | / Glossary | Embryology Tutorial | Bones of H&N. Bones of
  • Therefore, the quadriceps pulls on the tibial tubercle via a flexible centering
  • Calcaneus – heel bone. 2. Naviculr tubercle – On medial border of foot, large
  • Tibial Tubercle Anteriorization with Bone Graft. Bandi (21) and Maquet (59)
  • Although the tibial tubercle is sometimes thought of as metaphyseal, it is an
  • A tubercle is basically a round projection that is small in size that is protruding
  • The tibial tubercle is essentially a finger of bone extending distally from the
  • There is no angle, but at the tubercle the rib is slightly bent, with the convexity
  • Medical definition for the term 'jugular tubercle of occipital bone'
  • IvyRose Glossary Entry for the term: Greater tubercle of humerus, which is a
  • Apr 5, 2011 . Anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer without bone graft. JP Fulkerson MD et al.
  • pubic tubercle of pubic bone a prominent tubercle at the lateral .
  • University of Cambridge. IN a previous communication (1916) I reported the
  • a small knoblike prominence or excrescence, whether natural or morbid; as, a
  • associated with tibial tubercle elevation, and avoid donor site morbidity with iliac
  • In anatomy, the term tubercle may describe a round nodule, small eminence, or
  • supraglenoid tubercle, a projection of bone located superior to the glenoid cavity,
  • It runs from the inferior pole of the patella (bottom) to the tibial tubercle (front of
  • humeral head (articular surface); greater tubercle; lesser tubercle; diaphysis (
  • 2. a nodule or small eminence, especially one on a bone, for attachment of a
  • the tibial tubercle. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 53:1579–1583. 2. Ogden JA, Tross RB,
  • Anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer without bone graft. Fulkerson JP, Becker GJ,
  • Free 2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis 015.* : Tuberculosis of bones .
  • Greater tubercle. Next. Right humerus (cranial view). Medial. Lateral. Drag and
  • 207, 208) is the longest and largest bone of the upper extremity; it is divisible into
  • The joint is made up of the meeting of the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), . .
  • Bones of the arm: (two pages: two views of humerus on first, ulna and radius on
  • One of the types of tissue that makes up bone is the mineralized osseous tissue,
  • Bone: Iliac tubercle . The iliac tubercle is located approximately 5 cm posterior to
  • Trapezoid line or ridge - elevation that runs obliquely from the conoid tubercle to
  • tubercle [ˈtjuːbəkəl]. n. 1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Botany) any
  • Bone: Articular tubercle. Gray137.png. Left temporal bone. Outer surface. (
  • Tantalum is a good bone graft substitute in tibial tubercle advancement. (PMID:
  • of the tubercle on the bone is shown in the photographs in fig. 1. It lies about 11
  • Jun 7, 2011 . Pictures show the locations of fracture within the scaphoid bone: (A) tubercle; (B)
  • articular tubercle of temporal bone translation french, English - French dictionary,
  • Associated with this multiplication of the human tubercle bacilli were found . This
  • Oct 22, 2010 . The frequency of tuberculosis in the bony system is unquestioned. The tubercle
  • Definition of articular tubercle of temporal bone. Provided by Stedman's medical
  • b : a small rough prominence (as the greater tubercle or adductor tubercle) on a
  • Jun 27, 2011 . The tubercle measured,. 5 mm antero-posteriorly and 3 mm transversely (Figure
  • Bone: Greater tubercle. Gray326.png. Left humerus. Anterior view. (Greater

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