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Other Words for Transmit: Pass Or Go Through, Pass On, Send, Put, Direct,
to transmit synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English .
Synonyms for transmit. Verb. 1. convey, transmit, communicate, transfer: usage:
See: alienation, assignment, association, circulation, consignment, contact,
Antonyms for transmit at Synonyms.net with free online thesaurus, synonyms, .
Synonyms of transmit from the Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus with
Synonyms, dictionaries - translations . Direct hits to transmit: .
Define transmitted using this online dictionary of free definitions.
Jul 21, 2011 . transmit v. , -mitted , -mitting , -mits . v.tr. To send from one person, thing, or place
transmission synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language,
Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word transmit.
Synonym of Transmit: Transmit Synonyme from Moby Thesaurus Moby
Tag synonyms for transmit-rate. Incorrectly tagged questions are hard to find and
Find the synonym of transmitting using this free online thesaurus and dictionary
Synonym of Transmission: Transmission Synonyme from Moby Thesaurus Moby
Synonyms for transmission. Other words for transmission. Different words for
definition 4: to hand down genetically, as from parent to child.The disease gene
Synonym Antonym - Home · Synonym-Antonym Word. Find Synonym-Antonym of
transmit .. meaning. No synonyms found for. transmit .. . synonym for transmit ..
This is the place for transmits definition. You find here transmits meaning,
Synonyms for transmit at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
See also fiber optic transmission system, install, installation, turnkey, user. tutorial
Dictionary for transmit : transmit Definition,transmit Synonyms,transmit Thesaurus
make known; pass on, of information. Synonyms: take, express, get, channel,
(v. t.) To suffer to pass through; as, glass transmits light; metals transmit, or
Find visual synonyms of transmission line. transmission line Thesaurus,
Improve. "air", "beam", "broadcast", "carry", "channel", "channelise", "channelize",
transmit, Synonym of transmit : forward, remit, send. communicate, conduct,
They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Learn more about
TheFreeResource.com (TFR): Baseband is a Synonym for What Type of
Comprehensive list of synonyms for transmit, related words for transmit and other
Synonym origin address. See also address, code, data transmission system,
to carry [transmit] synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language,
transmit verb bear, carry, cede, communicate, consign, convey, deliver, dispatch,
We have 107 synonyms for transmit. Find the perfect synonym of transmit using
(verb) convey, transmit, communicate transfer to another. Synonyms:
Synonym for TRANSMIT. Find another name for Transmit at Thesaurus.net.
SYNONYMS: convey, carry, bear, transport, transmit. These verbs are compared
Find the most suitable synonym for transmit here on Synonymfor.com - one of the
Synonyms for transmit. Other words for transmit. Different words for transmit.
broadcast, put on the air, televise, relay, send, air, radio, send out, disseminate,
Synonym of To Transmit: English_Spanish by Jaime Aguirre transmit v.- transmitir
transmit synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition,
Define transmit using this online dictionary of free definitions.
Synonyms for transmission at Synonyms.net with free online thesaurus,
Enter Word: 'transmitted' is hyphenated as: 'trans-mit-ted' Word stem for '
Synonyms for "transmit" in English including definitions, and related words.
transmit - Definition of transmit. Find the meaning of transmit. transmit synonyms.
Main Entry: transmitter. Synonyms: AM transmitter, FM transmitter, RT transmitter,
Find synonyms for transmit in Roget's Thesaurus on Yahoo! Education.