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Oct 24, 2007 . A translocation is a chromosomal abnormality in which a part of a chromosome
Jan 1, 2012 . Chromosomal translocations can be detected by analyzing karyotypes of the
translocation: A rearrangement of the chromosomes inside a person's cells; it is a
Definition and other additional information on Robertsonian translocation from
TRANSLOCATION: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation,
What is medical definition of robertsonian translocation ? trans″lo-ka´shun
Definition of robertsonian translocation. Provided by Stedman's medical
Definition of translocation in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of
Define translocate. What is translocate? translocate meaning, synonyms and
Mar 15, 2009 . Definition: Translocation Down syndrome occurs when two chromosomes, one of
Reverso offers you access to an English definition and synonym dictionary for
balanced translocation n. Translocation of the long arm of an acrocentric
Jul 26, 2004 . The relocation of a chromosomal segment in a different position in the genome. A
Translocation - chromosomal disorder in which a fragment of a chromosome
chromosome translocation meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see
trans·lo·ca·tion (tr ns l -k sh n, tr nz -). n. 1. A change of location. 2. Genetics. a. A
trans·lo·ca·tion. noun \ˌtran(t)s-lō-ˈkā-shən, ˌtranz-\. Definition of
View definition and meaning of bacterial translocation .
User-contributed definitions of Translocation definitions on Quizlet.
Top questions and answers about Translocation Definition. Find 6 questions and
AskDefine is an online English dictionary. It features auto completion of search
Medical definition for the term 'unbalanced translocation'
reciprocal translocation ( ri′siprəkəl ′tranzlō′kāshən ) ( cell and molecular
Sometimes pieces from two different chromosomes will trade places with each
Expressions, Definition. Chromosomal translocation, In genetics, a chromosome
Definition of Gene translocation : The movement of a gene fragment from one
Definition and other additional information on Group translocation from Biology-
Translocation definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
noun. an act or instance of translocating; Bot. the transport of organic food
Definitions of protein translocation, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of protein
trans·lo·ca·tion (tr ns l -k sh n, tr nz -). n. 1. A change of location. 2. Genetics. a. A
Robertsonian translocation definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary
Definition of Translocation with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage,
Jan 1, 2012 . Definition(s). A chromosome translocation or rearrangement detected by special
Definition of Robertsonian translocation. Robertsonian translocation: A common
translocation n. A change of location. Genetics . A transfer of a chromosomal
Definition of the term Bacterial Translocation: The passage of viable bacteria from
Jan 19, 2001 . Definition of Reciprocal translocation . Reciprocal translocation: A type of
Search Dictionary. Get Babylon's Dictionary & Translation Software Free
trans·lo·ca·tion (tr ns l -k sh n, tr nz -). n. 1. A change of location. 2. Genetics. a. A
Definition of reciprocal translocation : A chromosomal configuration in which (
Definitions for Translocation . Translocations may lead to medical problems
chromosome translocation Definition: rearrangement in which part of a
Re-introductions, Re-stocking and Administrative Implications, respectively.
Medical definition for the term 'bacterial translocation'
trans·lo·cate (tr ns-l k t , tr nz-). tr.v. trans·lo·cat·ed, trans·lo·cat·ing, trans·lo·cates. 1
translocation /trans·lo·ca·tion/ (trans″lo-ka´shun) the attachment of a fragment of
Definition and other additional information on Translocation from Biology-Online.
Definition of translocation. Find complete information on translocation.
1. A chromosomal aberration in which a chromosomal segment changes position