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tosser [ˈtɒsə]. n. Brit slang a stupid or despicable person. [probably from toss off
This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of TOSSER is.
tosser rate this definition: (Adult / Slang). (Expression) A foolish person, normally
For the benefit of those, like myself, who are not from the UK, "tosser" is slang for
What is the slang word to describe Englishmen? Firang. What are slang words to
Definition of tosser with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish . (context,
Mar 22, 2012 . They said: 'Don't be a bloody tosser - take your rubbish home.' . my friend saw it
tosser - a British Slang meaning. . tosser . tosser {n.} 1. Someone who
(UK, slang, pejoratives) Someone who masturbates; (UK, slang, pejoratives)
Implement (usually piece of slate, matchbox, cigarette box or hair comb) used
Subject, Is "wannker" "tosser" Brit slang (nt) [SIMILAR]. Posted by, jonlg. Date/
as above but more like wanker than dickhead, as the toss in tosser refers to the .
(UK, slang, pejorative) a male who masturbates; (UK, slang, pejorative) a male
This popular slang dictionary includes British slang, cockney . www.peevish.co.uk/slang/t.htm - Cached - SimilarBritish slang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSlang is informal language sometimes peculiar to a particular social class or
Meaning of "tosser" in harry potter? . of a tosser really. what is that supposed to
What In Brittish slang what is a tosser and a wanker? ChaCha Answer: A tosser
. since become a general insult. It is synonymous with tosser. . The term
tosser. a person who is thick/stupid. marty whelan is a right tosser.www.slang.ie/index.php?letter=T&county=Wicklow - Cachedtosser - Irish SlangTosser. A person of very low character. That guys a tosser.www.slang.ie/index.php?county=Dublin&entry=Tosser - CachedToss | Define Toss at Dictionary.com15. slang give a toss to be concerned or interested (esp in the phrase not give a
Oct 10, 2010 . You are here: Home Categories Social Sciences Language Slang - What does
What does the Australian term tosser mean? In: Idioms and Slang [Edit
Dictionary slang - tosser - One who cannot spell the work . www.dictionaryslang.com/tosser - CachedSmashing Slang!Do you know a tosser from a jumper? Are you gobsmacked at your mother's posh
Feb 13, 2012 . Tosser [disambiguation]. may refer to: wanker, UK slang for masturbater | an
Feb 1, 2012 . In english slang what does a tosser mean The KGB Agent answer: A tosser is
Tosser. Tosser is slang for Strong insult meaning unpleasant person. Credit:
I'm guessing it is some kind of British slang, but what does it mean? . Tosser has
What does tosser mean? In: Idioms and Slang [Edit categories]. Answer: British
tosser. terms of abuse for a masturbator; someone who throws lightly (as with the
What-Is-a-Tosser-in-Slang - What is the slang term for salad tosser? : One who
Jan 24, 2010 . It's also in some dictionaries too: tosser [ˈtɒsə] n. Brit slang. a stupid or
Sep 7, 2009 . I have put together a wee list of useful slang words that you are likely to hear
. but we still love him! Etymology : pillow biter clipped to pillow + tosser 'slang for
The meaning of sms acronyms, lingo, slang or jargon tosser this term is also used
Principal Translations/Principales traductions. tosser n, UK, slang, pejorative,
I am reading a book with a lot of Brit slang (I th… . spliff = ciggeratte tosser = an
American Grifter Slang for Fast and Loose or Pricking the Garter. See The Strap
Construct: Noun. Definition: Money, means (used in a negative sense). Use: I
"If you get called a tosser,what does it mean?they think your a masturbater?" -
Feb 13, 2012 . "tosser" (person) definition: a person who practices masturbation. Synonyms:
Nov 24, 2006 . The young man finally buys a sports car, before being advised to curb his "inner
Tosser as a term of contempt in British slang is recorded from 1977, probably
Tosser. Noun, British slang; slightly offensive term: dick head, jerk, idiot, bit slow
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of tosser is. The slang
A tosser is a person who is not popular. In the UK it is slang for a person who
We found 29 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word tosser: .
Wiktionary, 1: [Noun] (UK, slang, pejorative) Someone the speaker doesn't like
May 15, 2012 . "tosser" definitions: a person who practices masturbation | someone who .