Jun 2, 12
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  • tosser [ˈtɒsə]. n. Brit slang a stupid or despicable person. [probably from toss off
  • This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of TOSSER is.
  • tosser rate this definition: (Adult / Slang). (Expression) A foolish person, normally
  • For the benefit of those, like myself, who are not from the UK, "tosser" is slang for
  • What is the slang word to describe Englishmen? Firang. What are slang words to
  • Definition of tosser with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish . (context,
  • Mar 22, 2012 . They said: 'Don't be a bloody tosser - take your rubbish home.' . my friend saw it
  • tosser - a British Slang meaning. . tosser . tosser {n.} 1. Someone who
  • (UK, slang, pejoratives) Someone who masturbates; (UK, slang, pejoratives)
  • Implement (usually piece of slate, matchbox, cigarette box or hair comb) used
  • Subject, Is "wannker" "tosser" Brit slang (nt) [SIMILAR]. Posted by, jonlg. Date/
  • as above but more like wanker than dickhead, as the toss in tosser refers to the .
  • (UK, slang, pejorative) a male who masturbates; (UK, slang, pejorative) a male
  • This popular slang dictionary includes British slang, cockney . - Cached - SimilarBritish slang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSlang is informal language sometimes peculiar to a particular social class or
  • Meaning of "tosser" in harry potter? . of a tosser really. what is that supposed to
  • What In Brittish slang what is a tosser and a wanker? ChaCha Answer: A tosser
  • . since become a general insult. It is synonymous with tosser. . The term
  • tosser. a person who is thick/stupid. marty whelan is a right - Cachedtosser - Irish SlangTosser. A person of very low character. That guys a - CachedToss | Define Toss at Dictionary.com15. slang give a toss to be concerned or interested (esp in the phrase not give a
  • Oct 10, 2010 . You are here: Home Categories Social Sciences Language Slang - What does
  • What does the Australian term tosser mean? In: Idioms and Slang [Edit
  • Dictionary slang - tosser - One who cannot spell the work . - CachedSmashing Slang!Do you know a tosser from a jumper? Are you gobsmacked at your mother's posh
  • Feb 13, 2012 . Tosser [disambiguation]. may refer to: wanker, UK slang for masturbater | an
  • Feb 1, 2012 . In english slang what does a tosser mean The KGB Agent answer: A tosser is
  • Tosser. Tosser is slang for Strong insult meaning unpleasant person. Credit:
  • I'm guessing it is some kind of British slang, but what does it mean? . Tosser has
  • What does tosser mean? In: Idioms and Slang [Edit categories]. Answer: British
  • tosser. terms of abuse for a masturbator; someone who throws lightly (as with the
  • What-Is-a-Tosser-in-Slang - What is the slang term for salad tosser? : One who
  • Jan 24, 2010 . It's also in some dictionaries too: tosser [ˈtɒsə] n. Brit slang. a stupid or
  • Sep 7, 2009 . I have put together a wee list of useful slang words that you are likely to hear
  • . but we still love him! Etymology : pillow biter clipped to pillow + tosser 'slang for
  • The meaning of sms acronyms, lingo, slang or jargon tosser this term is also used
  • Principal Translations/Principales traductions. tosser n, UK, slang, pejorative,
  • I am reading a book with a lot of Brit slang (I th… . spliff = ciggeratte tosser = an
  • American Grifter Slang for Fast and Loose or Pricking the Garter. See The Strap
  • Construct: Noun. Definition: Money, means (used in a negative sense). Use: I
  • "If you get called a tosser,what does it mean?they think your a masturbater?" -
  • Feb 13, 2012 . "tosser" (person) definition: a person who practices masturbation. Synonyms:
  • Nov 24, 2006 . The young man finally buys a sports car, before being advised to curb his "inner
  • Tosser as a term of contempt in British slang is recorded from 1977, probably
  • Tosser. Noun, British slang; slightly offensive term: dick head, jerk, idiot, bit slow
  • This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of tosser is. The slang
  • A tosser is a person who is not popular. In the UK it is slang for a person who
  • We found 29 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word tosser: .
  • Wiktionary, 1: [Noun] (UK, slang, pejorative) Someone the speaker doesn't like
  • May 15, 2012 . "tosser" definitions: a person who practices masturbation | someone who .

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