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Apr 27, 2004 . One of the most important of these is a topic sentence. . the paragraph together
Part I: Extended Definition Paragraph Analysis Part II: Elements of an Extended
Type of Topic Sentence. Definition. Example. Overview or Specific Preview.
The sentence is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or group of
A topic sentence is a sentence that captures the meaning of the entire paragraph
A sentence, sometimes at the beginning of a paragraph, that states or suggests
Kids.Net.Au - Dictionary > Definition: topic sentence.
A sentence structure in which a main clause is followed by one or more .
Apr 4, 2000 . These three parts are the topic sentence, body sentences, and the . A topic
topic sentence definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
The definition paragraph is a definition sentence which has been expanded into
The topic sentence of this paragraph is the first sentence. In exposition, writing .
You should try to offer a personal (unique, original) definition. This personal
topic sentence. noun. a sentence that expresses the essential idea of a
topic sentence meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'topical'
Topic Sentence Definition. Topic sentences are special sentences that serve as
essence.gif (6415 bytes). Definition of topic sentence: A topic sentence is a
Topic: Interrogative Sentences – Definition, examples, sentence structure, and
A topic sentence does for a body paragraph what a thesis statement does for an
topic sentence - definition and examples of topic sentences. A sentence,
4 days ago . Minor Sentence - Definition of 'Minor Sentence' from our glossary of English
The topic sentence is a primarily prescriptive grammatical term to describe what
sentence in the GRAMMAR topic by ldoceonline. What you need to know about
(noun, communication) a sentence that states the topic of its paragraph. via
A sentence that introduces the main idea of the passage. The topic sentence will
Definition. (1)The Topic Sentence Paragraph presents and develops a point or
Jun 17, 2011 . Topic Sentences - Definition of 'Topic Sentences' from our glossary of English
Top questions and answers about Definition of a Topic Sentence. Find 1582
a sentence that states the main thought of a paragraph or of a larger unit of
What is the definition of a clincher sentence? In: Academic Writing, Essays [Edit
Aug 16, 2007 . A topic sentence (also known as a focus sentence) encapsulates or organises an
Jan 10, 2009 . Literature - Please define each: a paragraph, topic sentence, supporting
Search result for: Topic Sentence Definition. Page: 1. Topic sentence | Define
topic sentence. n. The sentence within a paragraph or discourse that states the
Definition of Topic sentence with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage
Definition of topic sentence in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of topic
Define topic sentence. What is topic sentence? topic sentence meaning,
Most often, the topic is easy, but the question then turns to what you want to say
Mar 27, 2009 . Teaching topic sentences from both writing and reading perspectives helps
Topic sentence definition is The first sentence of a paragraph; it defines what the
definition of topic sentence - a sentence that states the topic of its paragraph.
the principal sentence, setting forth the main idea and coming usually at the
The topic sentence is a primarily prescriptive grammatical term to describe the
Apr 8, 2009 . Hi, I wrote a definition essay for English comp I, and I need some help on pointing
How easily can we find and define a topic sentence inside an existing paragraph
topic sentence Definition, Definition topic sentence, Topic sentence - Definition .
The Topic Sentence of an Extended Definition The definition paragraph begins
Example Sentences Origin. Official Toppik® Website www.toppik.com/ A Full
define a topic; but in the absence of stronger contextual factors which define it in
topic sentence n. The sentence within a paragraph or discourse that states the