Other articles:
May 19, 2005. a type of tooth decay, have an increased risk of having irregular heart beats. .
Apr 14, 2011 . Your Tooth Decay May Be DeadlyIf you happen to have abscessed or decayed
Why don't we floss pets' teeth? What causes tooth decay? Is dental plaque linked
Plus, studies have linked soda to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and heart
Jan 4, 2012 . Could Tooth Decay Upset Heart Rhythms? . roots of their teeth may be at
Jul 29, 2011 . Preventing Cavities, Gum Disease, Tooth Loss, and Oral Cancers . in the body;
Sep 16, 2009 . Little did we know that as simple as tooth decay may lead to a HEART FAILURE.
Tooth decay, also called dental caries or dental cavities is a disease of the teeth,
Feb 22, 2010 . Question: A friend told me that poor dental hygiene can lead to heart problems
Jul 17, 2011 . When we look at our teeth we usually think about how we look but we don't think
Nov 15, 2011 . Dr. John Torres talks about the link between tooth decay and heart disease.www.clipsyndicate.com/video/play/3025661 - Cached - SimilarWhy not brushing your teeth can kill you - TelegraphSep 6, 2010. bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease can break out into . In
CAVITY RISK ASSESSMENT Are you a victim of tooth decay and don't know it? .
Sep 13, 2010 . When I started grad school in the early 70′s, one of the hot new topics was
Read Oral Health and Heart Disease: How Dental Health Affects . and 68
Easy Steps to Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Disease . . Discover the natural
On the bright side, home tools that fight tooth discoloration (to say nothing of the
Dec 5, 2011 . Are tooth decay and heart disease related? Sounds weird, but it is true. Many
The evidence linking periodontitis to heart disease originated from a Finnish
Apr 19, 2012 . Recently, a scientific statement has been issued claiming that tooth decay or gum
There is no conclusive research showing that tooth decay causes heart disease,
Aug 20, 2011 . CreekwoodDentalArts.com 254-772-3632 tooth decay and heart disease,
Vitamin k2 has been shown to greatly reduce the risk of tooth decay when taken
Recent research shows that heart disease and poor oral health go hand in hand.
teeth due to tooth decay or gum disease compared to college graduates. . oral
Feb 12, 2012 . Tooth decay, also called dental caries or dental cavities is a illness of the teeth,
Apr 15, 2009 . Stop Tooth Decay and Heart Disease With Colloidal Silver. Colloidal Silver, Oral
Your Guide to Gum Disease Symptoms and Heart Disease . Cavities. Cavities,
Jun 11, 2008 . Can a healthy smile mean a healthy heart? The problems that come with cavities
Aug 21, 2010 . Tooth decay is a disease of the mouth that will cause serious damage and harm
If you have tooth decay you may need fillings, crowns or inlays. . . increased risk
Absolute Dental advice on heart attack and periodontal disease. . Tooth decay
Feb 19, 2009 . Connections between heart disease, diabetes, and dental decay have . of
Heart valve disease is a condition in which one or more of your heart valves don't
Sep 12, 2011 . Probably what causes heart disease also causes tooth decay. Since Dr. Oz oddly
Or that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body? . However,
Preventing Tooth Decay and Plaque. Brushing up on brushing; Manual vs.
List of 80 causes of Tooth decay, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, . to the
Feb 4, 2011 . It has been long suspected by researchers that oral bacteria responsible for
Mar 9, 2007 . Has your dentists warned you that you could be a possible candidate for a heart
Nov 25, 2010 . MANILA, Philippines - Far as your pearly whites may be from your heart, dental
1 Introduction; 2 Ecology; 3 Role in tooth decay; 4 Life in the oral cavity; 5
First it includes younger people as well as older people. The most well
By contrast, unhealthy, inflamed gums are associated with various diseases,
may lead to a variety of other health problems. Osteoporosis, heart & blood
There is scientific evidence that early childhood tooth decay is an infectious and
Jun 28, 2009 . Cranberry juice fights tooth decay and gum disease. . also filling the cavity in
Flossing · Flossing and Heart Disease . Dental Cavities, also known as tooth
Jul 27, 2009. lot do to with modern whole-body ills like heart disease and diabetes, . in the
Patient Education Information about Dental Problems like Tooth Decay, . this is