Other articles:
The changes with respect to ROOT 5.27 / TMVA 4.0.7 are in detail: . New TMVA
Jan 17, 2008 . ROOT - An Object Oriented Framework For Large Scale Data Analysis.
tmva/src/Reader.o tmva/src/Reader.d: $(wildcard include/TTree.h include/TBranch.
Sep 15, 2011 . Name: root-tmva, Distribution: Fedora Project. Version: 5.28.00g, Vendor: . . /usr/
Jul 4, 2011 . class TMVA::Reader: public TMVA::Configurable. The Reader class serves to use
Apr 26, 2007 . K. Voss: TMVA toolkit. Teilchenseminar, April 26, 2007. An Example Application.
Project : TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis . "TMVA/
Jan 19, 2007 . TMVA does not seek to promote any particular classifier, the judgment is up to the
Список файлов пакета libroot-tmva-dev в lenny для архитектуры amd64 . /usr/
Instead of: Begin job evaluate --- <FATAL> Reader : <BookMVA> fatal error:
Jun 19, 2007 . ROOT - An Object Oriented Framework For Large Scale Data Analysis.
tmva reader h . Tmva rootfinder suggestions (Click to sort alphabetically). Tmva
automatic repo update, script commit. // @(#)root/tmva $Id: Reader.cxx 36088
Purpose of TMVA. Provide support with uniform . All the main TMVA objects are
Results 1 - 16 . tvmagia tmva tutorial tmvar tmva examples tmva reader tmva factory tmva python
Jul 5, 2011 . 00088 00089 #include "TMVA/Reader.h" 00090 00091 #include . . 00292 void
. 002 * Project : TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data . .
Nov 28, 2010 . Color:!Silent" ); TMVA::Reader *reader1 = new TMVA::Reader( "!Color:!Silent" );
Jan 9, 2008 . TMVA::Reader::Reader( TString theOption, Bool_t verbose ) : Configurable( . ..
Sep 15, 2011 . Name: root-tmva, Distribution: Fedora Project. Version: 5.28.00g . .. /usr/include/
The output file "TMVA.root" can be analysed with the use of dedicated . further
TMVA::Reader* reader = new TMVA::Reader(); float x, y, z; // TMVA needs float,
tmva/src/Reader.d: $(wildcard include/TTree.h include/TNamed.h include/TObject.h
#include "TMVA/DataSetManager.h" #include <vector> #include <map> #include
examples/weights/"; string prefix = "MVAnalysis"; TMVA::IMethod* methodCut =
[TMVA] Reader Output Changes from Root 5.28 to 5.30. Post by jsaxon » Fri Nov
C" #if not defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include "TMVA/Tools.
About: The ROOT system - an OO framework for large scale .
Use.end(); it++) if(it->second) std::cout << it->first << " "; std::cout << std:
Free Download root-tmva-5.28.00g-1.el6.x86_64.rpm package for CentOS 6 (
3.2 ROOT macros to plot training, testing and evaluation results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 21, 2011 . root -l TMVAGui.C Inspect the output of the training and evaluation. The output is
#include "TMVA/Reader.h" #include <iostream> int main() { TMVA::Reader
. AAN reader // 00022 #include "NtupleReader/NtupleReader.h" 00023 #include
. 002 * Project : TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis . .
Jan 23, 2008 . Use the TMVA::Reader class, example in TMVApplication.C: Set input variables;
Jun 22, 2011 . where reader is the TMVA tool to utilize the multivariate method you booked; here
// @(#)root/tmva $Id: Reader.cxx 29320 2009-07-03 10:36:26Z brun $ // Author:
C), as well as the application of the training results in a classification analysis
Apr 8, 2011 . The Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis (TMVA) provides a . . /usr/include/root/
Jul 5, 2011 . #include <Reader.h>. Inheritance diagram for TMVA::Reader: . . TMVA::Reader::
c++filt _ZN4TMVA6Reader7BookMVAERK7TStringS3_ TMVA::Reader::
This manual introduces the TMVA Factory and Reader interfaces, and describes
Aug 27, 2011 . In order to evaluate the classification function at arbitrary coordinates, we create
A problem in the TMVA::Reader has been fixed. With the new . . Please contact
Jan 14, 2008 . Multivariate Analysis with TMVA - Jörg Stelzer. 2. General Event . .. Use the
Reader (Expert). 3 NeuroBayes RO TMVA extension. Booking NeuroBayes RO.
Jun 25, 2008 . The Reader class serves to use the MVAs in a specific analysis context. Within an
macros/TMVAlogon.C" ) # Import TMVA classes from ROOT from ROOT import