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a (1) : to compress the throat of : choke (2) : to kill by such action b : to prevent or
Adjusting the speed of the CPU. Also called "dynamic frequency scaling," CPU
Definitions for Bandwidth Throttling . Adaptec - Cite This Source - This Definition
Define throttle. What is throttle? throttle meaning, synonyms and audio
full throttle meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'throttle','to
THROTTLE Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary.define.com/throttle - Cached - Similarthrottling - definition of throttlingDefinition of throttling. What is meaning of throttling in all . www.dictionarist.com/throttling - CachedGlossary Definition for Clock-ThrottlingGlossary Definition for Clock Throttling. Glossary Term: Clock Throttling.
throttle Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia.www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia. /0,1237,t=throttle&i=52867,00.asp - Cachedthrottle definition | English dictionary for learners | Reverso Collinsthrottle meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'at full throttle','
throttle - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All
Fart Throttling meaning , Definition of fart throttling , what is fart throttling , Fart
A control valve that regulates the variable amount of fluid that is . www.toolingu.com/definition-570220-26977-throttle-valve.html - Cached - SimilarTHROTTLING definition - Search DictionariesPrinted dictionaries and encyclopedias about throttling. Google preview
Definition of throttle in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of throttle. What
Oct 8, 2010 . This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of throttling is. The
throttling Definition. . throttle noun. 1a. A valve which regulates the amount of
Feb 4, 2012 . Definition of GOVERNOR THROTTLING. A governor of either the centrifugal or
throttling ( thrdli ) ( aerospace engineering ) The varying of the thrust of a rocket
throttling. Define; Relate; List; Discuss; See; Hear; Love. Did you mean throttle?
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Definition of throttle in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of throttle. What
Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Throttling definition, Anagrams of Throttling,
Surf term for consequences of whiping out on a wave. Usually means being
Throttle definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
Definition of Throttling. . Free Download Now! Throttling Definition from
Definition of throttling is provided by 1913 Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical
Definition of throttling by Macmillan Dictionary: Free British English English
A valve that regulates the flow of a fluid, such as the valve in an internal-
Definition of throttle from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary
THROTTLING definition : v. Present participle of throttle.www.scrabble-word-finder.com/definition-of-throttling.html - CachedThrottling in Oracle Service BusDefinition. Throttling queue. The priority queue in which the messages are
Throttling definition, definition of throttling, Anagrams of throttling, words that start
A valve that regulates the flow of a fluid, such as the valve in an internal-
Bandwidth Throttling. (Throttle). Generally, controlling the speed of something. In
Throttled data transfer, also known as data transfer throttling or lean data transfer,
Now here is a definition of Bandwidth throttling. Bandwidth throttling is a method
Definition of Throttling with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and
throttle n. A valve that regulates the flow of a fluid, such as the valve in an internal
definition of throttling - the act of suffocating (someone) by constricting the
This page describes the term I/O throttling and lists other pages on the Web
Describes the intentional shipping and receiving delays imposed by the online
Definition of: CPU throttling. Adjusting the speed of the CPU. Also called "
Definition of throttling in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed
Mar 2, 2012 . This places all of this word play into an interesting game of definition. AT&T
Make us YourDictionary! Drag this button YourDictionary to your bookmarks bar
Define throttle. What is throttle? throttle meaning and more by Macmillan
People who say Throttling. silverchips RT @bgmarete: @bobcollymore @
Definition of THROTTLING BAR. : a bar of varying cross section that controls the
Throttle \Throt"tle\, n. [Dim. of throat. See Throat.] 1. The windpipe, or trachea; the