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Dec 21, 2011 . In making a diagnosis of throat cancer, your doctor will start by recording your
Oct 31, 2011 . Due for surgery, the singer shoots down a scary internet rumor.
May 31, 2011 . A sharp rise in a type of throat cancer among men is increasingly being linked to
Mar 8, 2012 . The study, published today in American Journal of Human Genetics, uncovered a
Oct 31, 2011 . The British singer is expected to make a full recovery from surgery for a
Feb 22, 2011 . The more oral sex someone has had, the greater their risk of getting oral cancers
Definition. Throat cancer is a disease in which cancer cells grow in an abnormal
Oct 22, 2009 . Viv Thomas' personal goal through this resource is to assist others with hope and
Have a cough that won't go away or a sore throat that won't quit? They could be
Throat Cancer Learn about throat cancer diagnosis and treatment options at
Mar 8, 2012 . A new study has uncovered a mutation in the ATR gene, demonstrating the first
Oct 4, 2011 . Between 1988 and 2004, head, neck and throat cancers that tested positive for
Feb 8, 2012 . The private office of Felix Dennis, the eccentric 64-year-old British publishing
Mar 8, 2012 . Throat cancer is a type of head and neck cancer. Throat cancer has different
Oct 4, 2011 . HPV is fueling 28 percent raise in orpharyngeal cancer cases since 1988 - an
Oct 31, 2011 . Fans who worried that British soul singer Adele had been diagnosed with throat
Feb 28, 2011 . Cancer of the throat is cancer of the vocal cords, voice box (larynx), . Vocal cord
Jan 27, 2012 . Infection with human papillomavirus heightens the risk of developing cancer of
Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any new signs and symptoms
Oct 26, 2011 . A type of throat cancer linked to the human papilloma virus (HPV) is rising
Sep 24, 2010 . Actor Michael Douglas has become the international face of throat cancer since
Information about throat cancer treatment, prevention, causes, clinical trials,
Oct 3, 2011 . NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Cancer of the back of the mouth and throat is on
Learn more about the basics of throat cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Oct 7, 2011 . Laryngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells . The larynx (
Sep 1, 2010 . In the wake of actor Michael Douglas's announcement that he has stage IV throat
Esophageal cancer (or oesophageal cancer) is malignancy of the esophagus.
May 19, 2009 . Norman Hogikyan, M.D., F.A.C.S., Head and Neck Oncologist, explains the
Cancer of the throat is one of many head and neck cancers. The throat is a
Throat cancer — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment of
Throat cancer usually begins with symptoms that seem harmless enough, like an
Oct 4, 2011 . New research shows that throat cancers caused by HPV — usually contracted
What can people with throat cancer eat? . What follow-up care is needed after
Jul 9, 2008 . Throat cancer occurs when cells in the organs used for breathing, speaking and
Jun 1, 2011 . HPV appears to be linked to a rare but treatable form of throat cancer in men
May 2, 2011 . Throat Cancer Information Including Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Causes,
The oral cavity (mouth) and the upper part of the throat (pharynx) have roles in
1 day ago . Said I needed my throat looked a year before the cancer was found. . .. A year
Oct 4, 2011 . A study published in yesterday's Journal of Clinical Oncology reveals that as
Throat cancer usually develops in adults over 50.1 Men are 10 times more likely
Throat cancer is a disease in which cancer cells grow in an abnormal way in the
Oct 4, 2011 . A virus spread by oral sex may cause more cases of throat cancer in men than
Typical symptoms of head and neck cancers include a lump or sore (for example,
Oct 31, 2011 . Adele does not have throat cancer, despite pulling out of the remainder of her
Innovative throat cancer care. With advanced technologies and supportive
Throat cancer — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment of
Oct 3, 2011 . Researchers report that throat cancers caused by the human papillomavirus,
Symptoms of throat cancer are often misinterpreted. Reading this article would
Aug 22, 2011 . From Yahoo! News: Nick Ashford, one-half of the legendary Motown songwriting
Mar 15, 2012 . BOSTON -- A teenager's fight with throat cancer was helped recently by a new