Feb 21, 12
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  • Question - Our cat had a very runny nose, thick sometimes bloody mucus,. Find
  • Bloody show: Loss of mucous plug. During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus
  • Mar 10, 2011 . A common symptom of sinusitis is nasal discharge that is thick, disc. . The
  • Bloody show looks like thick bloody mucus. It's usually thicker than your period
  • Oct 2, 2011 . Find out what mucus in stool means and what to do about it. . If the tongue has a
  • Fat in dairy products can make the mucus thicker and feel stickier. If you have a
  • I have thick yellow mucus with blood in it. I looked at my throat with a flashlight
  • Mar 28, 2011 . Causes Of Thick Mucus During Your Period. Women often refer to the . Thick
  • Jul 30, 2009 . WARNING! Description gets graphic** 3 days ago I noticed I had thick, sticky
  • Bloody or brownish mucus is usual discharged when your sinuses are engorged
  • Bloody show: You may have a thick mucus plug come from your vagina. This is
  • Nov 18, 2009 . WARNING! Description gets graphic** 3 days ago I noticed I had thick, sticky
  • bloody nose (running, dripping blood), thick clots of bloody mucus (both from
  • Sep 27, 2011 . However, unlike the blood tinged phlegm seen in other cases, this is extremely
  • Jul 6, 2011 . At least once a month for a few days I have thick bloody mucus from my nose, it is
  • Jun 21, 2010 . Ok I'm 14 years old. On June 21, 2010 around 10:00 PM. I sneeze which gave me
  • It is a thick chunk of mucus. Sometimes it's tinged brownish or red. This is called
  • Normally during human pregnancy, the mucus is cloudy, clear, thick, and sticky.
  • You need to go to a specialist that deals with sinuses and have him/her look at
  • During pregnancy, your cervix secretes mucous which forms a thick mucous plug
  • First there was blood when I blow my nose, but I wasn't worried much about it .
  • High fever (greater than 101° F); Cough that produces thick, brown or bloody
  • A couple of times it had blood streaks in the thick green mucus. It is small
  • Apr 12, 2011 . In a smoker, coughing up thick phlegm with blood, chronic bronchitis and lung
  • Nov 6, 2004 . Mine was brown and thick. It looked like old blood and snot. I am 38 weeks and
  • This morning it was tinged with blood. Is this bloody show and is that different
  • Aug 31, 2007 . Then the next few times I knew it was my mucus plug because it was thick bloody
  • During pregnancy, your cervical opening becomes blocked with a thick plug of
  • . enable JavaScript. Nasal discharge is any mucous-like material that comes out
  • Post Nasal Drip occurs when excessive mucus is produced by the mucous . .
  • It appears to be an extremely thick phlegm with streaks of blood. It is brownish
  • Thick, sticky, bloody mucus.. Please HELP!? **WARNING! Description gets
  • Jan 31, 2012 . Mucous discharge during pregnancy is thick, odorless, milky white, brown . This
  • Aug 31, 2008 . I am a smoker too for 10 months now and i had smoked 45mins prior to coughing
  • Nov 25, 2010 . Thick yellow phlegm is a sure sign of a bacterial or viral infection. People .
  • On the other hand, unhealthy mucus presents itself as cloudy, thick, sticky and
  • Bloody sputum (spitting up blood or bloody mucus) can come from common
  • This constipation often alternates with diarrhea in which the stools are flecked
  • Soon, your head hurts, you feel facial pressure or pain, and thick mucus . influx
  • Are you coughing up blood? (How much, how often); Do you bring up any mucus/
  • As normal sinus drainage becomes reestablished, you may blow out some thick
  • Learn what medical condition the Coughing Up Thick And/or Bloody Mucus
  • Jun 25, 2010 . Common causes of presence of blood in phlegm include conditions like .
  • phlegm n. Thick, sticky, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the
  • Jul 21, 2011 . It may look like a thick glob of stringy mucous, thicker than what you would .
  • Since then, I wake up every morning to blow my nose out, thick, green, blood
  • Feb 17, 2011 . When he pulled his fingers out there was a thick bloody string of mucus wrapped
  • Bloody show: Loss of mucus plug. During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus
  • Jan 10, 2012 . Could the bloody mucus signify a cancer lurking in your nasal or sinus cavities?
  • Thick, gooey mucus is often greenish, Kao says. Mucus can also contain tinges of

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