Dec 7, 11
Other articles:
  • Nov 15, 2011 . Durendal wrote a note titled Durendal Reviews: The Rite. Read the full text here.
  • Movie News | Review: The Rite. Review: The Rite. by: The Arrow Jan. 28, 2011. "
  • Jan 29, 2011 . The Rite Directed by Mikael Hafstrom Starring Anthony Hopkins, Colin O'
  • Jan 30, 2011 . You've never seen an exorcist movie, right? No? Good, because that's what the
  • Movie reviews for The Rite. MRQE Metric: See what the critics had to say and
  • Jan 26, 2011 . "The Rite" takes exorcism more seriously than I expected it to. It begins with the
  • Jun 1, 2011 . THE RITE Blu-ray Review. THE RITE movie stars Anthony Hopkins, Colin O'
  • A complete summary of reviews, quotes, length, rating, cast, release date,
  • May 19, 2011 . The Rite (2011) Movie Review. Brent McKnight January 28, 2011. Here is the
  • May 22, 2011 . As the final credits rolled on The Rite, I found myself staring blankly at my TV.
  • Jan 28, 2011 . The Rite, starring Anthony Hopkins, is actually an OK supernatural drama for a
  • Feb 3, 2011 . The Rite (2011). Reviewer: Scott Nehring. Should I see it? No. Short Review:
  • Jan 28, 2011 . the-rite-movie-review.JPG Egon Endrenyi/Courtesy New Line Cinema/MCT
  • Apr 22, 2011 . The impact of the 3D paled, but Ilan Volkov's superb handling kept this Rite
  • 'The Rite' is an average and predictable exorcism flick, whose only
  • Jan 27, 2011 . The Rite,” a supernatural thriller starring Anthony Hopkins as a Jesuit expert in
  • Jan 29, 2011 . During the first third of The Rite it feels like you might be watching something
  • The Rite Blu-ray (2011): Starring Anthony Hopkins, Colin O'Donoghue and Alice
  • Read Empire's review of The Rite. You can find out the star rating, film details,
  • Jan 28, 2011 . The priest played by Anthony Hopkins in the thriller “The Rite” isn't possessed by
  • Jan 27, 2011 . Colin O'Donoghue plays a skeptical seminarian ordered to an exorcism academy
  • Jan 28, 2011 . Offering moderately scary Roman Catholic "gotcha!"s to a global film audience of
  • Feb 4, 2011 . The Rite commits the supreme sin of making the devil dull. D. See all of this
  • “THE RITE” (Film Review). Posted by Trevor Parker Jan 27, 2011. “He who fights
  • Jan 26, 2011 . Review: Beginning with the eerie visual of an embalming in process, RITE is the
  • MOVIE REVIEW Jan-27-2011 (850 words) xxxm 'The Rite' is honorable drama
  • Get the The Rite plot, movie times, movie trailers, movie tickets, cast photos, and
  • Jan 28, 2011 . Thanks! Brian. March 10 2011 at 7:53
  • Jan 28, 2011 . Is The Rite OK for your child? Read Common Sense Media's movie review to
  • Roger Ebert, while also questioning the "horror" classification, gave a positive
  • To keep reading the rest of this review, please log in or consider signing up and
  • Starred Review. Journalist Baglio follows a Catholic priest through the latter's
  • Jan 28, 2011 . The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist --
  • The Rite (2011): An American seminary student who attends exorcism . Reviews
  • Jan 28, 2011 . The Rite” is a suspiciously cautious film that confounds and bores. It's a plodding,
  • Jan 28, 2011 . It's hard to deny that The Rite is guilty of sins against its audience. But you have
  • Jan 28, 2011 . As an old exorcist teaching a young seminarian a few new tricks, Anthony
  • Reviews: 156 user | 220 critic | 33 from . The Rite -- A skeptical
  • Review: Anthony Hopkins is as excellent as ever, but he's no match for The Rite's
  • Jan 25, 2011 . A veteran priest clutches a worn leather bag. Heā€™s accompanied by a
  • The Rite Reviews. Posted 01.28.11 by reelz. On paper this looked pretty brutal:
  • Jan 28, 2011 . Too often, movie-makers can't tell the difference between right and wrong. Like
  • The Rite. The_Rite movie poster. Release Date: January 28, 2011. Studio: New
  • The Rite (2011) critics' reviews: movie reviews and rating for The Rite.
  • Jan 28, 2011 . The reviews for "The Rite," a religious horror movie playing off the exorcism
  • Jan 28, 2011 . Twitch specializes in spreading the news on strange little films from around the
  • Jan 28, 2011 . Metacritic Movie Reviews, The Rite, Inspired by true events, The Rite follows
  • I suspect most reviewers will tell you to stay away from The Rite , but if you're
  • Content advisory: Depictions of demonic possession, with many of the usual

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