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Mar 6, 2010 . "Why wont my spray work?" - Find the answer to this question and . Show me
The spray preview shows up correctly in the multiplayer tab in options, but it just
It won't let you import, you have to actually put them in the TF2 directory. . import
May 17, 2010 . Just a tutorial on how to put sprays in Valve games, specifically TF2. NOTE: .
This is wrong -- frames are used for much more // than mere display, and affect
Mar 14, 2008 . It will make the spray sound, but they won't show up. . Team Fortress 2 Forum ›
I'm on a Macbook with OS X Lion, and I can't get my spray in TF2. I've tried
Jan 17, 2012. the walls. There are variety of tf2 sprays that you should try. . All sprays must
It did not work and now TF2 won't work. I load it up, the Valve logo thing with the
How to create animated TF2 sprays . Note that if you choose to make it 256 X
Sprays in TF2 are not necessarily useful but they can be comedic or even
Ok, for those of you who have tried to use a spray in TF2 and realised it doesn't .
Jul 2, 2011 . Tutorial - Make your own custom spray In this tutorial, I will show you how . This
The Portal Engineering Spray Contest #7 is not open game this month. . This
Now to add the sexyness to the spray, how to get a spray to show in full quality in
Ok, for those of you who have tried to use a spray in TF2 and realised . to be
Team Fortress 2. . There is an advanced option in TF2 that lets you switch
Title: Tf2 wont display Spray; Description: Tf2 will accept the spray but wont
Also some sprays can get messed up in the VTF process. Image · This link is NOT
Create tailored Team Fortress 2 configuration files easily, with minimal . This will
Jan 28, 2012 . By scizor123 4 years ago. Every time i join a server i see no sprays and when i
Oct 6, 2010 . How to import sprays in to Team Fortress 2, on a Macintosh. BETTER QUALITY!
Quick note:I have disable sprays left unchecked in the options, just to clear that
Show us some of your demo man skillz! XAVIER! . Thank you so much Geoff,
I finally got sprays to show up in my game, and I got around to making my own
TF2 sprays by Thaddeus. . These are the fruits of my labor so far (Some of these,
Ok now we will make an alpha layer so your sign wont have a white . you should
Jul 6, 2011 . Sprays are a feature of the PC version of the game by which players can 'spray'
I'm looking for someone who can make a good looking spray that has . This link
May 27, 2011 . TF2 spray help? . and check how big the spray is. Anything over 125kb is too
However if it just ruins the text, then it probably won't be worth it. – Jeff Mercado
[Flat] My TW TF2 custom spray Team Fortress 2. . mark or someones picture is?
Tf2 Spray Tutoriol Part 2 on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and . DO
Has anyone been able to successfully use or import sprays into TF2? . Tried
How to install sprays in TF2 Ok, for those of you who have tried to use a spray in
Heres how to make one for Team Fortress 2. . Show Printable Version · Email
Dec 21, 2011 . I'm on a Macbook with OS X Lion, and I can't get my spray in TF2. I've tried
Jan 28, 2012 . Team Fortress 2 – How to use Sprays on Mac *Easy Tutorial* . Hello there,
Jun 21, 2011 . Like many Team Fortress 2 servers, we've install a number of plug-ins to . . Pyro
My spray is too damn sexy for the servers I play in. . .. shows me the .vtf files. so i
Apr 5, 2010 . I'm on a server with sprays enabled, but whenever I press "T", it doesn't show up.
May 23, 2011 . For Team Fortress 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "
Team Fortress 2 is a popular first person shooter (FPS) made by Valve. . How to
i got a prob with my spray it wont show up when i import with gmod, css or
Team Fortress 2 Spray Problems. Source games. . Hello, recently I have tried to
Oct 11, 2007 . I've been playing Team Fortress 2 a little lately, and it's most entertaining. .
I'll upload one of my seizure inducing animated sprays so you can see my
Jun 19, 2010 . "TF2 Custom Spray Image with Transparency" : http://www.denyerec.co.uk/posts/
Apr 6, 2012 . Sprays are a feature of the PC version of Team Fortress 2 that allow . All sprays
Steam ID: z4bmikko. Other player's sprays won't show up . They're not working