Other articles:
May 20, 2009 . Tags: 1015 onion, blog humor, blog searches, onion sets, onions, . the
Mar 10, 2012 . Planting Onion Sets 2012 Spring Vegetable Garden . We planted several
The Texas 1015Y Super Sweet Onion Plant is a jumbo-sized, yellow onion with
Dec 23, 2010 . There are roughly 60 plants in a bundle. Onions can be started by seed if you
Don't be fooled by imposters; there are a lot of people that aren't selling true 1015
Oct 9, 2007 . I buy my small onion plants known as "sets" either locally from a . Contessa, by
By planting then your plants will be at the right stage of growth to start bulbing
However sets ( the little dry onion bulblets) are long day onions. You need a short
May 20, 2009 . Tags: 1015 onion, blog humor, blog searches, onion sets, onions, . the
. Empire Sweet, Western White, Peruvian Sweet, Texas 1015, Imperial Valley .
Onion sets are here. We have “Texas 1015 Super Sweet” and “Early Texas White
Mar 12, 2012 . Once again it is March, and the onion sets have begun to come up out of . in the
Our mildest onion, producing medium to softball-size globes with light yellow skin
are TX 1015Y, Colossals Y, Ringer Y, Grano 502 Y, TX Grano 438, Rio Bravo .
Sweet Onion Plants in Texas. Onions are one of Texas's leading crops. As of
Dec 27, 2009 . Two of my local feed stores had plenty of onions sets. I got some 1015's and
Texas super sweet 1015 onion sets (yellow) plant a month or more before last
Choose from Yukon Gold or Norland Red Potatoes Texas 1015 Super Sweet,
The Texas 1015 onion was developed by the legendary Dr. Leonard Pike of
Nov 3, 2010 . It's time for gardeners to be on the lookout for this fall's onion sets. . Texas 1015y
Planting onions from bulb sets is likely the quickest method for a gardener to .
Jan 18, 2010 . I finally got my onion sets (Texas 1015Y) in the ground! Saturday morning the
Short Day, Intermediate Day, Long Day, Vidalia, Texas Supersweet, Red Creole,
Each order contains 100-120 onion plants. SOLD OUT FOR THE SEASON. Show
Our onion plants are field grown, freshly harvested, and shipped right to you
However, avoid sets that are completely decimated. The 1015s are known as a
Page 2- How do you make onion sets? General . The noted Texas Grano 1015
Located in east Texas our family has been providing home gardeners high
Feb 1, 2011. Texas Grano, Vidalia Sweet, Red Hamburger, and Texas 1015Y Supersweet.
Mar 10, 2012 . Planting Onion Sets 2012 Spring Vegetable Garden . We planted several
The sweet onions from Texas started when the Bermuda onion was . Maui and
Onion Plant Information-Onion plants are a cool weather crop and should be
Mar 18, 2008 . Entry in progress—B.P. H-E-B Food Dictionary Texas 1015 Onions: Just in time
Mar 5, 2011 . Dan "the Produce Man" shares Texas 1015 Onions with YOU. danavakian . .
Oct 26, 2010 . Onion Varieties Onions are placed into two different categories. There are long
Feb 1, 2009 . I love gardening this time of year because onion sets arrive at area nurseries,
Small onion transplants can grow very well in northeast Texas soils and are
I need to know if it is too late to plant onion bulbs? I live in Houston Tx also is
Dec 3, 2009 . In Texas, the 1015 Supersweet is the best, bar none. . When buying sets, look
This may sound dumb, but how do they make the onion sets that you buy? .
175 days. This sweet, mild, globe-shaped grano type onion can weigh up to 1
Click here to access the Google database of plants and insects . Texas A&M
Sets are a semi grown onion that you buy at the farm or garden store, you . In
Onions are a cool-season vegetable that . Sweet fresh onions are not grown
Onions can be started from seed or plants in fertile, well drained soil, the best
Texas 1015Y (100 days) Hybrid - Short Day - Developed by Dr. . Instead I
The bulbs and the dried onion plants are equal--it just depends on what . I
Mar 11, 2010 . Garden Journal 3/11/10: Growing Onions from Purchased Plants - Ordering and
How to Plant Vidalia Onion Sets; How to Grow Green Onions in Texas . The
Onions, shallots, garlic and leeks are all in the same genus of Allium . Onions