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However, if the water supply is from a private well, radon levels could be
If you've tested the air in your home and found a radon problem, and your water
Radon may occur in well water or water from public sources (Community Water
The amount of radon in well water varies from place to place; without testing, it is
Answer: If you have tested the air in your home and found a radon problem and
NJ Radon Testing and Treatment. The best radon and water testing treatment in
If testing your private well shows that you have high levels of radon in your
To keep your drinking water clean and pure and your well operating at peak .
General radon information for Connecticut. . was 3000 pCi/L. Note: Radon
Radon in Water mitigation using radon in well water aeration treatment and
The Surgeon General and EPA recommend testing for radon and reducing radon
Until recently, radon concerns have focused primarily on airborne radon; radon in
Oct 7, 2011 . Some people who are exposed to radon in drinking water may have . to reduce
concentrations of radon in drinking water. The Institute also recommends NJDEP
Testing for radon in water is not very expensive ($25 - $50) and is fairly easy to
Test. Radon & Well Water. The vast majority of radon in indoor air comes from the
Presently, there are no federal or state standards for radon in drinking water, only
How can radon in my well water enter my home? How do I test for radon? What is
Instead of Test B's before Initial Use and every 3-5 years. Healthy Home Kit, New
Before testing your water for radon gas, you should sample the air in your home.
If you are concerned about radon and you have a private well, consider testing
Wood Destroying Insect Inspections. commercial property inspection, Radon Gas
Some radon can also enter homes through drinking water supplies. . Water from
Dec 7, 2010 . So what happens if the test comes back positive and you have radon in the well
Because of this fact, water supplies from underground wells have a much higher
Mar 12, 2009 . Most radon tests are performed in the basement,. . If your draw your water from a
Air Chek is the world's largest producer of radon test devices. . found in igneous
While radon in water is not a problem in homes served by most public water
Studies show that less than 0.1% of all Canadian homes could have levels of
Well water that contains elevated levels of radioactive minerals sometimes
How does radon enter the indoor environment? It typically penetrates a building's
Jul 30, 2011 . Radon can be found in ground water sources of drinking water (rather . water
Department of Environmental Quality - Radon in Water. . Many EPA publications
Aug 7, 2008 . Radon in well water can increase the radon that you breathe. Well water radon
Our Radon Test Kit for well water. is easy to use; utilizes patented liquid
The first step is to arrange to test your indoor air for radon. Depending on radon
It is believed that because the short half-life of radon usually results in low levels
Test your home for radon. Test the air level first. If the level is above 4 pCi/L and
Advanced Radon Mitigation are specialists in NH radon removal systems. But did
Testing for Radon. DES recommends that both the interior air of a home and that
Several in southern Maine have radon concentrations above one million pCi/L. If
Methods are described for reducing radon levels in homes. More Questions and
testing laboratory. ere is currently no federal drinking water standard for radon.
May 3, 2010 . Education and information about radon and drinking water from private . High
Nov 19, 2008 . Every well in Wisconsin has some level of dissolved radon in it. It is not possible
WHAT ABOUT RADON IN WELL WATER? . The average Colorado well tests
Order Water test Kits. Is your well water safe to drink? Many Maine wells have too
Radon levels less than 4 pCi/L still pose a risk, and in many cases may be . .. If
ETR Laboratories provides drinking water and well testing services and a variety
EPA's proposal for public health standards for radon in drinking water provided