Other articles:
www.componentsource.com/products/. tesseract. /summary.htmlCachedSimilarNET Tesseract Engine Plugin by GdPicture. URLs: gdpicture-tesseract-plugin,
forums.asp.net/t/1367214.aspx?Complex+Images+PDF. OCR. CachedSimilarPegasus (http://www.pegasusimaging.com/) has stuff for OCR. . NET. Tesseract
www.devscope.net/products/DevScopeOCRCachedSimilarIs compatible with Microsoft.NET framework and also the first to support Windows
xplus3.net/2009/03/31/ocr-with-ocropus-and-tesseract/CachedSimilarMar 31, 2009 . As mentioned above, Tesseract is the OCR engine that powers OCRopus. .
markmail.org/message/km6nfyobnplgljd4CachedSimilarJun 20, 2011 . 3 messages in com.googlegroups.tesseract-ocrRe: Creating a DLL for . ago was
askubuntu.com/questions/16268/whats-the-best-simplest-ocr-solutionCachedSimilarDec 5, 2010 . Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source OCR engine available. .
https://code.google.com/p/tesseractdotnet/wiki/TesseractEngineWrapperA tutorial to create Tesseract Engine 3.01/3.x .net wrapper. . Note: Use sources/
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract_(software)CachedSimilarTesseract is considered one of the most accurate open source OCR engines . .
www.emgu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3421CachedSimilarI testing the code in vb.net on visual studio. I saw this . OCR.Tesseract' threw an
alternativeto.net/software/freeocr/CachedSimilarFreeOCR is a scan & OCR program including the Small Tesseract icon Tesseract
nugetmusthaves.com/Package/TesseractCachedJun 28, 2014 . Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source OCR engine available.
www.groklaw.net/articlebasic.php?story=20061210115516438CachedSimilarDec 11, 2006 . A few things to know about Tesseract OCR: for now it only supports the . page of
www.codeproject.com/Questions/. /Tesseract-Wrapper-in-CsharpCachedSimilarDec 13, 2011 . NET projects related to Tesseract, see . Tesseract ocr = new tessnet2. . I got
vietocr.sourceforge.net/changelog.htmlCachedSimilarNET v3.5. Upgrade to Tesseract 3.02.03 (r866); Enhance Bulk ops with
stackoverflow.com/questions/. /tesseract-3-0-ocr-net-4-0-wrapperCachedSimilarCould anyone please give the link for compiled DLL that works for .net . A .NET
www.atalasoft.com/products/dotimage/ocr/tesseractCachedBy integrating Tesseract into the clean .NET Interface of DotImage, it enables .
www.gdpicture.com/products/plugins/tesseract-ocr-engine.phpCachedSimilarThe Tesseract Plugin for Gdpicture.NET is a royalty-free OCR SDK and
www.morethantechnical.com/. /creating-a-searchable-pdf-with-opensource- tools-ghostscript-hocr2pdf-and-tesseract-ocr/CachedSimilarNov 21, 2013 . How to create searchable PDFs with open source tools: GhostScript, tesseract-
maniish.wordpress.com/. /tesseract-ocr-library-successfully-compiled-in- window/CachedSimilarMar 3, 2007 . http://groups.google.com/group/tesseract-ocr/browse_thread/thread/
visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/459673b1-ee49-4975-a167- fe9e939511acCachedSimilarDec 19, 2013 . NET is an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) component for the Microsoft .
maniacdev.com/. /example-tesseract-optical-character-recognition-ocr-demo- with-sourceCachedSimilarThe key benefit of Tesseract is that it is easy to train, and a large community has
www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Languages/. /Q_27778519.htmlSimilarI am trying to do OCR in a Visual C# .Net application and I found this: http://code.
www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/emgu-cv. /ch09s03.htmlCachedTesseract-OCRTesseract is a famous OCR engine developed by Ray Smith from
www.nuget.org/packages/Tesseract/CachedSimilar6 days ago . Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source OCR engine available.
ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1370827CachedSimilarAfter playing with tesseract OCR for a while, I decided to write a simple bash
https://tesseract-ocr.googlecode.com/files/TesseractOSCON.pdfCachedContents. • Introduction & history of OCR. • Tesseract architecture & methods. •
stackoverflow.com/questions/10067002/tesseract-3-ocr-net-wrapperCachedSimilarhttp://code.google.com/p/tesseractdotnet/. I am having a problem . I have just
my-italia.us/page/news/tesseract-ocr-.net-wrapperCachedDec 8, 2012 . A tesseract-ocr .NET wrapper based on tesseractdotnet. This
https://www.odesk.com/o/profiles/browse/skill/ocr-tesseract/CachedSimilarAccess 42 OCR Tesseract freelancers and outsource your project. . web and
www.freeocr.net/CachedSimilarFreeOCR is a Windows OCR program including the Windows compiled
automatedrevolution.com/blog/?p=34CachedSimilarSep 7, 2012 . So i spent a day reading up on free OCR & image editing frameworks and
www.pixel-technology.com/freeware/tessnet2/CachedSimilarTesseract is a C++ open source OCR engine. Tessnet2 is .NET assembly that
www.paperfile.net/lang.htmlCachedSimilarHow to use and install FreeOCR languages. Free OCR uses the latest Google
www.slideshare.net/nakov/tesseract-ocr-engine-openfest-2009CachedSimilarNov 9, 2009 . NET Framework 3.5 (Material) 1096 views; Mobile Application Development: . .
code.google.com/p/tesseractdotnet/SimilarFeatures. The current version (1.0RC) supported: get/set variables environment,;
www.websupergoo.com/abcocr-1.htmCachedSimilarAn OCR component for Windows .NET, based around the free and open source
https://github.com/charlesw/tesseractCachedSimilar6 days ago . A .Net wrapper for tesseract-ocr. Contribute to tesseract development by creating
https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/tesseract-ocr/3.02.01-2CachedThe Tesseract OCR engine was one of the top 3 engines in the 1995 UNLV
https://www.elance.com/j/ocr-tesseract-vbnet-aspnet/57142880/CachedMay 20, 2014 . Describe your project & receive job proposals from skilled online freelancers. It's
www.rasteredge.com/how-to/csharp-imaging/ocr-sdk/CachedSimilarNET Imaging SDK and OCR Image Add-On. Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(fileName)
www.vintasoft.com/vsocr-dotnet-index.htmlCachedSimilarNET and WPF, providing the rich functionality to recognize text from image and
www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/ocr/tesseract.htmlCachedSimilarTesseract is a good OCR machine, it works better than any other open source
www.lexa-it.de/. /code-tipp-ocr-funktionalitaet-fuer-ihre-c-anwendung/CachedSimilar16. Apr. 2013 . Mit Tessnet2 habe ich eine Open Source OCR assembly gefunden, die auf der
tesseract-ocr.repairfaq.org/CachedSimilarVersion 2.03 of tesseract-ocr is out and it supports a slew of European languages
https://www.freelancer.com/. /Tesseract-OCR-Wrapper-for-NET.htmlCachedTesseract OCR Wrapper for .NET. This project was awarded to expert234 for
https://codefornothing.wordpress.com/tag/tesseract-ocr/CachedJul 22, 2013 . Posts about tesseract-ocr written by codefornothing.
www.winsoft.sk/nocr.htmCachedSimilarNET component to retrieve text from image, for example from scanned paper
forum.pcsoft.fr/fr-FR/pcsoft. tesseract-ocrtools-net. ocr/read.awpCachedSimilarTesseract / OCRtools .net or other OCR - Hi , I am looking to integrate an OCR
www.yiigo.com/guides/vbnet/how-to-ocr.shtmlCachedSimilarNET OCR SDK, developers are able to extract text from scanned images and