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A crimped appearance common with the larger. MUSTY: A tea affected by mildew
Although many terms can be substituted, the characteristics of appearance,
Contents. 1 Original Internet appearance; 2 Public efforts involving DHMO; 3
Appearance Grade - A grade of framing lumber intended primarily for exposed
Essential carpet terms and their definitions from the World Floor Covering
Appearance = the term used incorrectly to describing the genuine . Appearance
Tea Tasting Terminology . Terms Describing Dry Leaf -
Cirrus- The general term for high clouds composed of ice crystals. They have a
Oct 16, 2011 . Work Item: ASTM WK34957 - Revision of E284 - 09a Standard Terminology of
This terminology came into use in 1988 with the creation of the Bethesda System,
§Appearance. A philosophical term concerned with the relativity of perception
•Describe a patient's clinical presentation using the appropriate MSE terminology
Terminology is also affected by social changes which have had a major effect on
The correlated color temperature (CCT) is a specification of the color appearance
This terminology describes an appearance or plumage. However, these
Our Stats Glossary . The pitching equivalent of Plate Appearances for batters. .
In order to describe changes in facial appearance you must learn a few terms
Appearance U出現,顯露,來到,露面;C外貌 資料來源(2): Taiwan MOE computer
CRI has listed some basic terminology below to help you become more educated
Approved by the Standard Specific Interest Group for this Standard Glossary.
Phenomenon, Semblance, and Appearance. Phenomenon: this is, of course, the
Color Appearance Terminology. 83. Color Order Systems. 94. Color Appearance
Zolpidem tartrate tablets are indicated for the short-term treatment of insomnia . ..
Oct 21, 2011 . see also Law Library Glossaries of Legal Terms . Appearance - The
An inaccurate term used by some people in the jewelry industry to describe the
A Glossary of Glulam Terminology. Appearance Classification. This defines the
Terminology. Reflective objects. Reflectance Factor, R; Gloss Reflectance Factor,
problem with PCA is that the coding is linear in the image appearance. (In the
The term can also be applied to larger groups of organisms, as in "the adaptive
Indeed, he cogently points out that if, for something to be posited by only names
A term used to describe evidence that may be considered by a jury or judge in
Oct 22, 2011 . First time home buyer loans Conveying a home while as-is translates to there'll
1 Mixed-breeds; 2 Terminology; 3 Appearance; 4 Determining ancestry; 5 Health;
Glossary of Terms . .. Any hearing or court appearance related to the
Observe the patient's general appearance and health state in relation to his .
Gender: Girls tend to be more susceptible to having low self-esteem than boys,
The following list contains commonly used legal words and terms followed by a
Glossary of dermatopathological terms. Authoritative facts about .
Dec 15, 2011 . MLB Stats Glossary. . #P/PA, Pitches seen per plate appearance . G/F), a
E284 - 09a Standard Terminology of Appearance , Appearance of materials, CIE
The medical term for a mole is a nevus (mole is Latin for 'spot. . think of a mole
Wood Terminology, Part 2 - Appearance & Figure. Ambrosia Lines Streaks of
Oct 14, 2011 . Canine structure and terminology focuses on the physical . of dogs in relation to
Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr. ' Development of "Standard Terminology of Appearance"
Legal Terms Defined · Media Information . An appearance notice is typically
A glossary of terms used in the tasting of food from the Master Tasters at
Nov 10, 2011 . Appearance -- A coming into the court in person or by filing a paper, . of a
Jan 22, 2011 . The old term used in medicine for this situation is a hermaphrodite. . with ovaries
Floating - A term used to describe a mottled, blotchy, or streaked appearance in a