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The equivalent Mason code would require an explicit loop: % my @k = qw(zero
Chapter 4. Template Directives - Loops - Cry 'Havoc', and let slip the dogs of war;
Feb 8, 2012 . http://template-toolkit.org/about.html . Introduction; Features; Examples;
You can do a great number of things with the Template Toolkit, such as perform
Jul 28, 2004 . Page 7 - Getting Started with the Perl Template Toolkit . expect to see in a
Jul 12, 2006 . The Template Toolkit is an Open Source software package I've written, primarily
Template::Toolkit brought the most to the table. HTML::Template brought the
Like other templating systems, the Template Toolkit allows programmers to
Hello, I have problems getting the loop index to use itself as a string variable, a
Dec 5, 2011 . share [g+] share [fb] share [tw]. I have a foreach loop in Template Toolkit that I am
Template::Toolkit and it's family of plugins have stripped out all the wastefull,
This HTML::Template filter allows you to use a subset of the Template Toolkit 2
Apr 10, 2007 . Iterating over hash of arrays in Template Toolkit . . In the innermost loop of the
. Changes # # DESCRIPTION # Revision history for the Template Toolkit . .
Building a Complete Web Site Using the Template Toolkit . In the FOREACH
The CImg Library provides different macros that define useful iterative loops over
Feb 8, 2012 . BackTemplate::GrammarParser state/rule tables for the TT grammar . . IN ['Arthur'
Feb 8, 2012 . The Template module is the front-end to the Template Toolkit for Perl . Within a
Nov 18, 2004 . Template Toolkit provides. For example: <h3>[% users.size %] users currently
Feb 8, 2012 . If the pattern does not match then the method returns false, rather than returning
Dec 14, 2004 . <tr [% IF not ((loop.index + 1) % 3) %]bgcolor="#EEEEEE"[% END %]>. List all
I'm trying to use perl Text::Template for short templates and so far failed to . web
We can use the power of Template Toolkit to do that for us in the templates.
Nov 28, 2004 . In perl it works fine with a foreach loop, but with the > template toolkit I dont know
Dec 2, 2011 . I am working on converting a template toolkit project in Perl to PHP with Smarty.
Mar 1, 2010 . Template Toolkit foreach loops should be written as [% FOREACH x IN shopping
Hmm, why this does not work for me: [% FOREACH member IN directory; "
Template Toolkit is more flexible, but looks a little more like code in your HTML. .
Chapter 4. Template Directives - Loops - FOREACH user IN group.userlist; # loop
My Template Toolkit FOREACH loop yields no output, but the data is in the stash.
Jan 30, 2004. at the ready. Luckily Andy, Darren, and I had the Template Toolkit (TT) handy.
Jan 24, 2007 . In a few past columns, I've mentioned that my template toolkit of choice is . . Here
Template Toolkit is more flexible, but looks a little more like code in your HTML. .
Loops in Template Toolkit. You can also iterate over Arrays, ask for conditions
Like other templating systems, the Template Toolkit allows programmers to . But
Template-Toolkit compatible names are also supported, but the use of them is
Mar 10, 2001 . Now that I've worked with the Template Toolkit 2 a lot with a website with . TT2
The Template Toolkit (TT2) is a general templating system that can be used not .
The basic idea behind the template toolkit is to parse an input file and transform
Apr 18, 2011 . These will typically have just enough syntax to handle variable substitution,
Hello, I almost have this but cannot figure out why its not showing the data, right
Jan 24, 2007 . FOREACH arg = argv; "The command line args are: " IF loop.first; . One of the
In this beginner level article, Dave Cross introduces the Template Toolkit. . .
Feb 21, 2012 . The Template Toolkit code: [% FOREACH name IN nameArray %][%
Section, ,Template,Toolkit. . It uses its own templating language to express
Chapter 4. Template Directives - Loops - [% IF loop.last %] [% END %] [% END %
Feb 8, 2012 . The Template Toolkit uses a failsafe counter to prevent runaway WHILE loops
Jan 14, 2005 . Template Toolkit Javascript Image Navigator . Choose Image: [% FOREACH file
Sep 13, 2004 . Template Toolkit thoughtfully provides us with a Template::Iterator object called
loop Inside the block of a FOREACH directive, the loop variable references a . of