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The Ashes of Al'ar are a very rare mount that drops off of Kael'thas Sunstrider in
This mount has a low drop rate from Alysrazor from all versions of the . the
Two nights ago myself and a group of mostly 80's ran Tempest Keep for an
Oct 2, 2011 . Tempest Keep Ashes of al'ar drop!!by Thom632a 946 views · Thumbnail 4:15 .
However, a ridable Epic mount is availlible, titled, "Ashes of Al'ar", which drops off
Dec 2, 2011 . Tempest Keep: The Eye Mount Farming · Lottery Info. by John . . So if the mount
Oct 25, 2011 . The Naaru ship Tempest Keep was divided into four sections, three . The drop
Aug 16, 2011 . The drop rate (according to WoWHead) is 1.7%. . Get yourself a cool phoenix
The Eye is the inner palace of Tempest Keep in Netherstorm and stronghold of
Jun 4, 2009 . Tempest Keep: The Eye Mount Farming. WoWAholics101 . . So if the mount
I'm going to start selling boosts in Tempest Keep giving ppl the opportunity
I will be forming a Tempest Keep run weekly for the Phoenix mount for the
Nov 5, 2011 . The Naaru ship Tempest Keep was divided into four sections, three dungeons .
See mount (disambig) for a less gigantic list with specific lists. . mounts; 3.4
Unoficial list of dropped mounts Dungeons and Raids. . Ashes of Al'ar (Kael'thas
A beginner's guide to farming the phoenix flying mount in Tempest Keep: The
Or it will open but (yep) without the mount drop but that would be rather . . I would
Entry tags: general: mounts. So. this one time at Tempest Keep. . Congrats! I
World of Warcraft Peep the Phoenix Mount can be obtained in Tempest Keep. It
Nov 15, 2011 . Boss got 2% chance to drop Ashes of Alar (flying mount) and you can do .
Oct 2, 2011 . Finally my favorite mount drop!! When i saw the icon and the . The Mount
Kael'thas Sunstrider, the final boss of the Tempest Keep raid dungeon, may drop
Oct 30, 2010 . Over the course of time when I'm available I'll try to start Tempest Keep raids
This mount drops from Kael'thas, last boss in Tempest Keep: The Eye, and is
I have been running Tempest Keep the last few months with 4 friends. Yesterday
5 days ago . ICC 25 Icebound Drake Mimrons Head (yogg 25+0) mount is now a high drop
[Archive] [WoW] Tempest keep - Phoenix mount Dungeon Boss Encounters,
Apr 29, 2008 . There are a few rare drop mounts in the World of Warcraft. . rares is the Ashes of
Over the course of time when I'm available I'll try to start Tempest Keep raids
Sep 18, 2011 . This mount drops from Kael'thas, last boss in Tempest Keep: The Eye, and is
Tempest Keep: 0/2 Ashes of A'lar. . And of course, no mount dropped. . No
Tempest Keep is a former Naaru fortress in the Netherstorm in Outland. . for
Mar 29, 2011 . Tempest Keep Mount Info. The phoenix is also a dropped flying mount. The
Drop rates added for: Tempest Keep - The Eye, Serpentshrine Cavern, Zul'Aman,
May 17, 2009 . I can solo both ZG bosses that drop mounts. I can solo Attumen the . Kael'thas
There are a large number of mounts available in World of Warcraft, and more are
I say, remove the system of rare drops and instead have people attain . . the
The Phoenix Mount only drops in the Tempest Keep Raid, which is supject to
Jul 20, 2011 . The final epic mount in Outland can drop from the Tempest Keep raid at the
May 6, 2011 . Kill, Drop, und Win - Al'ars Ascheby wolfsblut133719746 views; Featured .
k so me and my guildies were gona do some old bc raids. so were ging to do
Feb 28, 2011 . How to: 2-Man Kael'thas Sunstrider (Tempest Keep 25) Mount Run . Boss got 2
Jun 2, 2007 . Shortly after this cryptic answer by Nethaera, EU guild Method got the world first
These mounts require the epic flying skill (aka Artisan Riding), which can learned
Heres a situation for ya, people are doing H Tempest Keep, phoenix mount drops
Feb 16, 2010 . so i got bored and decided to get a group together for tempest keep with a .
He will drop a mold which starts the quest line to obtain the key. . TEMPEST
How do you get a 310% speed mount - World of Warcraft . extremely rare drops,
Over the course of time when I'm available I'll try to start Tempest Keep raids
May 30, 2007 . (Of course, most people figure on Kael'thas or Al'ar in Tempest Keep as the drop