Other articles:
Mar 13, 2012 . This roster, the TELPAS writing collection cover sheet, and the online submission
Jan 9, 2012 . All ratings will be recorded on the Rating Roster, submit the completed roster to
Holistic rating training no longer job of state-authorized teams of TELPAS trainers
Grades K-1: TELPAS includes holistically rated listening, speaking, reading, and
Upon completion, the TELPAS Student Rating Roster and the writing collections
TELPAS Coordinator). TELPAS Rating Entry Assistants – have the access to
Assembling writing collections; Holistic rating training requirements, including
Results 1 - 13 of 13 . STAAR STAAR Alternate STAAR Modified TELPAS TAKS .
TELPAS Student Rating Roster. Spring 2008. Use the table below to list each
Rating. Rater Information. Listening. Speaking. Writing. Reading. (K–1 only). A. (1
Use the table below to list each student you rate, the student's grade level, the
TELPAS Student Rating Roster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sessions (Agenda/Sign ln/ Certificate). TELPAS Writing Collection. Non-
March 19 rating may begin. Record the student's ratings and related information
maintain a tile of the rating rosters. Districts are required to implement and
Review past TELPAS results for all ELLs to see if they are making steady
Implementing state-mandated assessments such as TAKS and TELPAS.
LEP roster from Chancery of all LEP students including. Special Education LEP .
Several changes have been made to the holistic rating training processes to
Follow procedures for rating students on pg. 33; Indicate your ratings and rater
TELPAS Window- March 19-April 11; Writing Collection starts on February 20 .
TELPAS Student Rating Roster. Spring 2012. Use the table below to list each
The principal plays a key role in ensuring holistic rating accuracy by reviewing
Raters also list their students' names and ratings on a TELPAS Student Rating. ■
FERPA guidelines must be maintained consistently throughout the TELPAS
If desired, assign staff to assist with entering holistic rating information from the
for score reporting. This information should be transferred onto the scorable
Spring 2012 TELPAS Holistic Rating Training System . Holistically Rated
to submit holistic ratings and rater information; to submit grades 2-12 reading . ..
Jan 19, 2011 . The holistically rated components of TELPAS are not considered secure. . .
TELPAS Rating Rosters with rater information and principal signature for
Returning raters review TELPAS basics (see Slide 30 for resources) . completed
>Insufficient Progress form >LAT Rosters >LPAC Meeting MInutes. Mid-February
TELPAS rating entry assistants – have the access to enter holistic rating
The TELPAS rater will score the holistic ratings for listening, speaking, and
TELPAS Student Rating Roster. Spring 2012. Use the table below to list each
Using the information provided on the TELPAS Student Rating Roster, enter the
rating training process, which begins after raters attend their TELPAS
student's corresponding TELPAS reading scale score. The information in this
The Holistically rated components of TELPAS consist of: • Writing collections for
Georgetown ISD. TELPAS Student Rating Roster. Spring 2012. Use the table
for score reporting. This information should be transferred onto the scorable
TELPAS rating rosters. Make sure that cumulative files get stickers and Individual
TELPAS Student Rating Roster. Record ratings on Student Rating Roster. Cover
Jan 3, 2011 . Raters are required to record their ratings on TELPAS Student Rating Rosters (
Feb 19, 2012 . TELPAS Student Rating Roster . Spring 2009. Use the table below to list each
Raters list their students' names and ratings on a TELPAS Student Rating Roster.
Download: Telpas student rating roster 2011 12 at Marks Web of . Year at a .
Feb 29, 2012 . Move TELPAS Test button can move student's reading test from one district/
page 89. ● Appendix B – TELPAS Student Rating Roster Form page 93. ●