May 31, 12
Other articles:
  • Nov 28, 2008 . Tight regulation of unstructured proteins: from transcript synthesis to protein
  • 10: De S, Teichmann SA, Babu MM. The impact of genomic neighborhood on the
  • Schwabe JW, Teichmann SA. 2004. Nuclear . Apic G, Huber W, Teichmann SA.
  • 1: Liberles DA, Teichmann SA, Bahar I, Bastolla U, Bloom J, Bornberg-Bauer E,
  • Rison SC, Teichmann SA, Thornton JM (2002): Homology, pathway distance and
  • References. Andreas Teichmann Fotografie. Andreas Teichmann Fotografie,
  • Park, J., Teichmann, S.A., Hubbard, T. and Chothia, C. (1997) Intermediate
  • Luscombe , N.M. , Babu, M.M., Yu, H., Snyder, M., Teichmann , S.A. & Gerstein, M
  • 2: Vaquerizas JM, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM. How do you find transcription
  • Marsh, J. & Teichmann , S.A. (2011) Relative solvent accessible surface area
  • Vaquerizas JM, Kummerfeld SK, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM. A census of
  • Publications. Departmental publications database. Citations for . www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~gough/publications/ - Cached - SimilarChristine Vogel - Projects, Papers, PresentationsTalavera D*, Vogel C*, Orozco M, Teichmann SA, de la Cruz X. The (in)
  • Teichmann SA, Chothia C, Gerstein M. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
  • Author Report for: Teichmann SA. No contact information in database for
  • . PUBMED Group Leader: Sarah Teichmann The interface of protein structure, .
  • SBC seminars 2011. Monday October 24, 11:00.www.sbc.su.se/seminars/sem2011.html - CachedNewton Institute Seminar : Teichmann, SA, 22/06/2004Feb 28, 2011 . Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Conferences, Workshops &
  • Wilson D, Charoensawan V, Kummerfeld SK, Teichmann SA.www.sc.mahidol.ac.th/scbc/VC/CV.htm - CachedLuscombe Group Publications | EBIVaquerizas J.M., Teichmann S.A., Luscombe N.M. (2012). How do you find
  • Charoensawan V, Janga SC, Babu MM, Teichmann SA. Combinatorial .
  • After playing only 6 test matches for the Springboks Teichmann was appointed as
  • Issue Date, Title, Author(s). Nov-2006, 3D complex: a structural classification of
  • The (in)dependence of alternative splicing and gene duplication. PLoS Comput
  • 1) Teichmann, S.A., Park, J. and Chothia, C. (1998) Structural assignments to the
  • Vaquerizas JM, Kummerfeld SK, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM. EMBL-European
  • May 7, 2012 . Articles by Perica, T. Articles by Teichmann, S. A. . situ fire in the Acheulean
  • Papers posted to the group kdl by author Teichmann:SA. You can also see
  • Talavera D*, Vogel C*, Orozco M, Teichmann SA, de la Cruz X. The . Vogel C,
  • 1: Perica T, Chothia C, Teichmann SA. Evolution of oligomeric state through
  • Natal Sharks' eighthman Gary Teichmann played 42 tests for the Springboks,
  • Vaquerizas JM, Kummerfeld SK, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM (2009), “A
  • Mar 14, 2007 . Teichmann, S. A., Park, J. & Chothia, C. Structural assignments to the .
  • Supplementary material for. Pereira-Leal, JB, Levy, ED, Kamp, C & Teichmann,
  • [5], C. Teichmann, S. A. Buehler, and C. Emde. Understanding the polarization
  • 1: Hebenstreit D, Fang M, Gu M, Charoensawan V, van Oudenaarden A,
  • Hebenstreit, D., Gu, M., Haider, S., Turner, D., Lio, P. & Teichmann, S.A.. (2010)
  • Vogel, C, Teichmann, SA and Pereira-Leal, JB (2004)The relationship between
  • [PubMed Abstract]. [ Back to Top ]. The impact of genomic neighborhood on the
  • 1: Perica T, Chothia C, Teichmann SA. Evolution of oligomeric state through
  • Vaquerizas JM, Teichmann SA & Luscombe NM. 2012. How do you find
  • Mar 9, 2012 . Marsh JA, Teichmann SA. (2011) Relative solvent accessible surface area
  • Levy ED, Pereira-Leal JB, Chothia C, Teichmann SA, 3D complex: a structural
  • May 22, 2012 . Recent papers posted to edws's library by the author Teichmann:SA. You can
  • 2: Vaquerizas JM, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM. How do you find transcription
  • 3: Venkatakrishnan AJ, Levy ED, Teichmann SA. Homomeric protein complexes:
  • Citation: Levy ED, Pereira-Leal JB, Chothia C, Teichmann SA (2006) 3D
  • Professional Rugby Player: Captain & No 8, Barbarians, Twickenham, United
  • 1: Brookes E, de Santiago I, Hebenstreit D, Morris KJ, Carroll T, Xie SQ, Stock JK,
  • Aug 24, 2001 . Teichmann SA, Rison SC, Thornton JM, Riley M, Gough J, Chothia C.

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