Other articles:
Nov 28, 2008 . Tight regulation of unstructured proteins: from transcript synthesis to protein
10: De S, Teichmann SA, Babu MM. The impact of genomic neighborhood on the
Schwabe JW, Teichmann SA. 2004. Nuclear . Apic G, Huber W, Teichmann SA.
1: Liberles DA, Teichmann SA, Bahar I, Bastolla U, Bloom J, Bornberg-Bauer E,
Rison SC, Teichmann SA, Thornton JM (2002): Homology, pathway distance and
References. Andreas Teichmann Fotografie. Andreas Teichmann Fotografie,
Park, J., Teichmann, S.A., Hubbard, T. and Chothia, C. (1997) Intermediate
Luscombe , N.M. , Babu, M.M., Yu, H., Snyder, M., Teichmann , S.A. & Gerstein, M
2: Vaquerizas JM, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM. How do you find transcription
Marsh, J. & Teichmann , S.A. (2011) Relative solvent accessible surface area
Vaquerizas JM, Kummerfeld SK, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM. A census of
Publications. Departmental publications database. Citations for . www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~gough/publications/ - Cached - SimilarChristine Vogel - Projects, Papers, PresentationsTalavera D*, Vogel C*, Orozco M, Teichmann SA, de la Cruz X. The (in)
Teichmann SA, Chothia C, Gerstein M. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Author Report for: Teichmann SA. No contact information in database for
. PUBMED Group Leader: Sarah Teichmann The interface of protein structure, .
SBC seminars 2011. Monday October 24, 11:00.www.sbc.su.se/seminars/sem2011.html - CachedNewton Institute Seminar : Teichmann, SA, 22/06/2004Feb 28, 2011 . Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Conferences, Workshops &
Wilson D, Charoensawan V, Kummerfeld SK, Teichmann SA.www.sc.mahidol.ac.th/scbc/VC/CV.htm - CachedLuscombe Group Publications | EBIVaquerizas J.M., Teichmann S.A., Luscombe N.M. (2012). How do you find
Charoensawan V, Janga SC, Babu MM, Teichmann SA. Combinatorial .
After playing only 6 test matches for the Springboks Teichmann was appointed as
Issue Date, Title, Author(s). Nov-2006, 3D complex: a structural classification of
The (in)dependence of alternative splicing and gene duplication. PLoS Comput
1) Teichmann, S.A., Park, J. and Chothia, C. (1998) Structural assignments to the
Vaquerizas JM, Kummerfeld SK, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM. EMBL-European
May 7, 2012 . Articles by Perica, T. Articles by Teichmann, S. A. . situ fire in the Acheulean
Papers posted to the group kdl by author Teichmann:SA. You can also see
Talavera D*, Vogel C*, Orozco M, Teichmann SA, de la Cruz X. The . Vogel C,
1: Perica T, Chothia C, Teichmann SA. Evolution of oligomeric state through
Natal Sharks' eighthman Gary Teichmann played 42 tests for the Springboks,
Vaquerizas JM, Kummerfeld SK, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM (2009), “A
Mar 14, 2007 . Teichmann, S. A., Park, J. & Chothia, C. Structural assignments to the .
Supplementary material for. Pereira-Leal, JB, Levy, ED, Kamp, C & Teichmann,
[5], C. Teichmann, S. A. Buehler, and C. Emde. Understanding the polarization
1: Hebenstreit D, Fang M, Gu M, Charoensawan V, van Oudenaarden A,
Hebenstreit, D., Gu, M., Haider, S., Turner, D., Lio, P. & Teichmann, S.A.. (2010)
Vogel, C, Teichmann, SA and Pereira-Leal, JB (2004)The relationship between
[PubMed Abstract]. [ Back to Top ]. The impact of genomic neighborhood on the
1: Perica T, Chothia C, Teichmann SA. Evolution of oligomeric state through
Vaquerizas JM, Teichmann SA & Luscombe NM. 2012. How do you find
Mar 9, 2012 . Marsh JA, Teichmann SA. (2011) Relative solvent accessible surface area
Levy ED, Pereira-Leal JB, Chothia C, Teichmann SA, 3D complex: a structural
May 22, 2012 . Recent papers posted to edws's library by the author Teichmann:SA. You can
2: Vaquerizas JM, Teichmann SA, Luscombe NM. How do you find transcription
3: Venkatakrishnan AJ, Levy ED, Teichmann SA. Homomeric protein complexes:
Citation: Levy ED, Pereira-Leal JB, Chothia C, Teichmann SA (2006) 3D
Professional Rugby Player: Captain & No 8, Barbarians, Twickenham, United
1: Brookes E, de Santiago I, Hebenstreit D, Morris KJ, Carroll T, Xie SQ, Stock JK,
Aug 24, 2001 . Teichmann SA, Rison SC, Thornton JM, Riley M, Gough J, Chothia C.