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Synonym of Technology transfer: Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia
The roots of science lie in the technology of early toolmaking and other crafts, .
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There are quite a few tools developed at Technology Development for Indian .
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Oct 11, 2011 . Smart phone enthusiasts from all over eagerly awaited the new iPhone, with
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Aug 23, 2010 . Carlos Correa writes [es] in his technology blog, Blog de Kloscorrea, about
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Technology in Colombia: a synonym for development and employment. By
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Share synonym lists for bird names and codes. 3 topics • Page 1 of 1. Topics:
Hearing Aid: A Synonym for. Superior Technology and. Performance. Phonak, a
Aug 24, 2010 . No doubt the technology sector is internationally known to be one of the great
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Mar 26, 2011 . Here's one for the ever growing debate on whether innovation is just another
cutting edge. n. the leading position in any field; forefront on the cutting edge of
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Technology/Synonym. Go To. Cap, Landfill Cap. Carbon Filtration, Granulated
Mar 29, 2011 . Then Synonym Finder is for you. It is a free, quick and simple service to find
Find the synonym of technology using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of
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Jan 10, 2011 . Mobile Number portability : A synonym for telecom revolution manoj.
VELCO - A Synonym for Gunning Technology Refractories Manual (2005) 74-75.
Give your users access to a breadth and precision of vocabulary with the
Synonyms for technology. Noun. 1. technology, engineering, application,
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'Disrupt' is not a synonym for 'Compete in' In all the startup coverage I read, I find
Define technology using this online dictionary of free definitions.
Bad computer technology synonyms. Sometimes it's irritating when some term or
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Synonym of Assistive technology: Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia
There are several synonyms of the phrase “State of the art” such as . a new
Find the synonym of recombinant dna technology using this free online thesaurus
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