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Our Recommended Site of Texting tbh, All of this site is submitted by our users,
What is the word tbh mean. It's not a word, it's an abbreviation and it means "to be
I think "I need space" from a guy means different things to men of different ages.
http://www.internetslang.com/TBH.asp. what is. What does 'tbh' mean in texting? |
Oct 12, 2010 . What's the acronym "TBH" stand for? . Tags: tbh, text message, acronym . 0.
What is the meaning of TBH acronym/abbreviation and what does TBH stand for?
Definition of text in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of text. . she arrived. 2. To
Online jargon, also known as text message shorthand, used primarily in texting,
Jul 9, 2008 . some ppl texted me stuff using tbh and i didnt get… . TBH is texting and internet
17 results . Find out what is the full meaning of TBH on Abbreviations.com!
Aug 17, 2011 . What does the acronym TBH mean in a text message? In texting, what is the
As you probably already know, many people these days use texting language in
What does tbh mean? ChaCha Answer: The letters tbh is internet (or texting)
Definition of TBH in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free
A list of slang words for texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of). Find words
Feb 6, 2012 . What does "tbh" mean in texting language? The KGB Agent answer: "TBH"
See the shorthand definition for a listing of shorthand. See the chat slang
Dec 31, 2011 . is generally a gaming term meaning that the subject has been lowered in power/
Reference & Definitions Question: What Does Kmsl Mean When Texting? . more
This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of TBH is. The
What does TBH means in texting language? Improve. In: Mobile Phones,
Oct 14, 2009 . This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of TBH is. . See more
The complete text message abbreviation list at TxtDrop.com. . l33t, Leet,
Oct 20, 2010 . Texting Abbreviations: A Huge list of Texting abbreviations and slang. Here is a
It is similar to the more commonly used STFU which means "shut the f#$* up". .
What does 'tbh' mean in texting? | ChaCha. 15/02/2012 · What does 'tbh' mean in
TBH, I don't really want to come to your party tonight. I'll see you next week.
tbh meaning texting - Many search engines. One website.
What does 'tbh' mean in texting? ChaCha Answer: TBH means "To Be Honest".
Funny tbh meanings. What is all the tbh stuff on fb mean? What is a good tbh for
Tbh is internet (or texting) slang that means "to be honest.". What does tbh mean
tbh means Thomas Barnardo House (orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya) tbh stands
Feb 26, 2010 . 1351 abbreviations: If you have received a text message you don't understand,
One meaning for "LMS" is an acronym for like my status, which can be used in
Translation to plain english of the texting terms tbh i h8 u nd i nvr wnna c u agn. .
What is the meaning of TBH acronym/abbreviation and what does TBH stand for?
Acronym Finder: TBH stands for Text Back Hun (texting slang). This definition
Get better acquainted with the world of text messaging and instant messaging
Jul 24, 2009 . Text Message Abbreviations Text Message Icons . . Find the meaning of text
With more than 82 million people texting regularly, it's no wonder you've seen this
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary . . QWP: (texting) Quit Whining,
Nov 24, 2011 . TBH is used in texting or on internet social sites and it means To Be Honest. The
TBH is an abbreviation for To be honest in texting and internet language. .
Acronym Finder: Definition of TBH in Slang. What does . stand for? Meanings
Sep 20, 2007 . This inconsistent behaviour means that as long as you're with him, . So you walk
What does dawg stands for? and what does sb stands for in texting? . Lms
What is the meaning of TBH acronym/abbreviation and what does TBH stand for?
What does tbh stand for in texting and gaming? | ChaCha. What does tbh stand
Share your favorite text message jokes with others. . EOT = End Of Thread (
what is dating? ive read online a few diff meanings….bc he still claims singledom