Apr 2, 12
Other articles:
  • Sep 28, 2007 . atom feed · permalink 4 messages in com.googlegroups.jquery-entablesorter,
  • Applying zebra striping with jQuery tablesorter and tablesorterPager plugin. Mar
  • Sep 16, 2010 . $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ['zebra']; // extend the default setting to always
  • To stripe a table using the Tablesorter plug-in, just pass this object literal to the
  • If I recall correctly, you can pass tablesorter options and it will automatically do it
  • Sep 28, 2007 . table, sorting by specific columns. The rows would no longer > be accurate after
  • $("#trplist-table").tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra'] });; // ajax code to update table
  • Mar 27, 2011 . $(function() { $("#tablesorter-demo").tablesorter({sortList:[[0,0],[2,1]], widgets: ['
  • <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#myTable").
  • Mar 27, 2011 . $(function() { $("#tablesorter-demo").tablesorter({sortList:[[0,0],[2,1]], widgets: ['
  • TableSorter 2.0 refresh zebra stripe. Hi, when I append a new row on a body a
  • Oct 12, 2011 . I have a bit of php determining the value of a variable, which essentially checks to
  • $(".zebra tr:not([th]):odd").addClass("odd"); $("table#sorttable").tablesorter(); )};.
  • USAGE / EXAMPLE <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(
  • Aug 20, 2009 . Tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with . $("#
  • Jan 26, 2010 . JQuery: TableSorter AJAX Zebra Fix. Just had a day of yuckky dealing with a 'bug
  • $(".selector").tablesorter({ sortForce: [[0,0],[1,0]] }). widgets, Array. Adds
  • Searching the list for "tablesorter zebra", I found mention of .
  • tablesorter's built in Zebra functionality. kind of a hacky fix, but at least it works
  • I have put this code together to create a table, but when I include the zebra
  • How can I zebra stripe a gridview that uses jquery tablesorter? I have an
  • ARI Soft - Commercial Joomla Components, Quiz, Windows, Smile, Re:
  • I'm using jQuery's tablesorter.js and Zebra widget to create tables with sortable
  • Oct 20, 2011 . I have put this code together to create a table, but when I include the zebra
  • jQuery 1.3.2 breaks tablesorter zebra, here's a fix. So the new jQuery code for the
  • add new widget called repeatHeaders $.tablesorter. . call the tablesorter plugin
  • Jul 20, 2009 . Hi everybody, I'm using the tablesorter plugin with the zebra widget and I've run
  • Dec 19, 2008 . MySQLI, PHP, jQuery & TableSorter 2.0 all working in harmony. The widgets: ['
  • Jan 29, 2012 . I upgraded some existing code to use your much newer tablesorter, . all the
  • Javascript table sorting script with multi-column sort - download page, description
  • Does anyone know what might cause this? I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 and tablesorter
  • $(function(){ $("table").tablesorter({ // initialize a bunch of widgets widgets: ["zebra
  • Sep 14, 2007 . $("#sorttable").tablesorter( {cssAsc:"sortasc",cssDesc:"sortdesc", headers: {0: {
  • widgetRowClick.css); }); } }); $("#tablesorter-demo").tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra','
  • Oct 23, 2008 . $("#tableOne").tablesorter({ debug: false, sortList: [[0, 0]], widgets: ['zebra'] }) .
  • Sep 17, 2007 . tablesorter changelog ======================
  • Flexible client-side table sorting. Back to documentation. Javascript. $(document)
  • Mar 30, 2010 . i m using jQuery tablsorter plugin, it's working perfect,but now problem is . i want
  • Tablesorter zebra striping - check this search query .
  • I assume that your zebra rows aren't correct after you sort. You could just call
  • I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 and tablesorter 2.0.3. Searching the list for "tablesorter
  • tablesorter. Zebra Stripe Widget. Flexible client-side table sorting. Back to
  • So the new jQuery code for the filter ":visible" breaks the tablesorter's built in
  • Feb 16, 2012 . $("#results-table") .tablesorter({ widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra'] }) .
  • Dec 10, 2008 . In googling around I figured out that you had to use the zebra widget call in your
  • May 20, 2009 . $(".sortable").tablesorter({widgets: ["zebra"]}); // Adds "over" class to rows on
  • I want to create a table that features sortable columns and alternate row colors. I
  • Jun 18, 2011 . See the updating zebra striping section below.\. widthFixed: false, Indicates if
  • Jan 22, 2011 . First problem is related to tablesorter and pager (jquery plugins) that give a . . $("
  • I'm using jQuery's tablesorter.js to create tables with sortable rows. . ['zebra']} ); $

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