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[Journal Impact Factor : 6.515 (in 2010)] - PMID : 21551239 . Synthesis, in vitro
The journals listed below are the 20 top ranking chemistry journals according to
Leading journals include Current Pharmaceutical Design (Impact Factor 4.87),
ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS Impact Factor. . Journal Abbreviation:
Definition: The Impact Factor is a measure of the number of citations within
(Impact Factor = 0.913). 14. Sagar Pal*. “Carboxymethyl guar (CMG): synthesis
Although total synthesis reached extraordinary levels of sophistication in the last
Synthesis is a scientific journal published from 1969 to the present day by
An international journal reporting research on the synthesis, structure, and . To
This journal only . . Researchers at Ajou University report on the synthesis of
(2010 Journal Impact Factor = 3.155). Yin, C-Y,* Minakshi, M., Ralph, D.E., Jiang,
Feb 19, 2007 . official impact factor . Chemistry Central Journal 2007, 1:3 doi:10.1186/1752-
The Journal of Alloys and Compounds is intended to serve as an international .
Feb 27, 2012 . International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. International Journal of
Below you can find the Impact Factors of our journals published .
Journal Impact Factor 2006 . . ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL
Journals Ranked by Impact / Highlighted Journals. (from ISI's .
Synthesis of anomeric 1.5-anhydrosugars as conformationally locked . Journal
Synthesis is a scientific journal published from 1969 to the present day by
1 day ago . ABOUT THIS JOURNAL. Editorial Board . Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis.
An international journal on monomer and macromolecular synthesis . Report for
Taylor & Francis Journals: Welcome . Preparations and Procedures
Oct 15, 2008 . Journal Impact Factor. Name of the journal (58.286-1.110) 1 CLINICAL
It covers all aspects of modern organic chemistry including organic synthesis,
Cover image for Journal of Materials Chemistry, select for current issue . High
The journal spans from the molecular to global scales to elucidate the
NEW: Excellent 1st ISI Impact Factor: 2.991 Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis .
Jun 14, 2010 . With an impact factor of 5.250 (2010), Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (ASC) is
[Journal Impact Factor: 2.605]. 4. Brewer, M., James, C.A., Rich, D.H. “Synthesis
Apr 9, 2011 . International Journal of Synthesis and Characterization (IJSC) (ISSN: 0974-3561)
Zubarev, E. R.; Stupp, S. I. “Dendron Rodcoils: Synthesis of Novel Organic Hybrid
Current Chemical Biology covers the following areas: Chemical Synthesis (
This journal is an international medium for the rapid publication of original . To
Advanced Journal Search » . Medical Decision Making (MDM) is a peer-
Jul 9, 2011 . Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 5.250. ASC Impact Factor increased to 5.250.
Taylor & Francis Journals: Welcome . 2010 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.579 . This
Large changes in the impact factors of chemistry journals published on June
Keywords: journal impact factor; log response ratio; meta-analysis; publication
TITLE: Convenient synthesis of nucleoside and isonucleoside analogues.
J MATER SYNTH PROCES journal profile. Abbr./Fullname, J MATER SYNTH
An International Journal for Rapid Communication of Synthetic .
Aims and scope of the journal; Editors and contact information; Relationship to
SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART journal profile. Abbr./Fullname, SYNTHESIS-
h index = 12 (twelve publications cited at least twelve times) · 498 citations .
Jun 30, 2011 . The journal's Impact Factor is now 5.099, which shows a steady growth over .
Journal Impact Factor is from Journal Citation Report (JCR), a product of
ABOUT THIS JOURNAL . Impact Factor: 5.25 . 2001 - Volume 343 Advanced
Chemistry Products · Chemical Synthesis . It has been ranked #1 by Impact
(ISI journal impact factor 2005 = 0.985) 3. Maensiri, S., Laokul, P., and Promarak,
Stereoselective synthesis of four possible isomers of streptopyrrolidine. . .. The