Other articles:
Jun 18, 2010 . Although it is perfectly fine to use WPF as shown above, with the . that TPL
I'm planning on using the SynchronizationContext class to perform some cross-
Feb 22, 2012 . I have a WPF Code which looks something like this. public class
Feb 21, 2012 . Although there is an implementation of SynchronizationContext for WPF it is not
Hello, the problem is that every background worker created outside a WPF
Jan 20, 2012 . BeginInvoke method in Windows Forms, or the Dispatcher.BeginInvoke method
Can somebody tell me when to use a Dispatcher and when to use the . AFAIK,
Jan 7, 2011 . Yes the Aborted callback is the odd one that doesn't use the
Jan 21, 2012 . This is exactly what our custom SynchronizationContext was doing with its usage
Jun 27, 2011 . For WPF UI threads the synchronization context (of type
I've successfully (at least to this point) used SynchronizationContexts in both WPF
The best articles and discussions we have about synchronizationcontext and wpf.www.eggheadcafe.com/searchform.aspx?. synchronizationcontext+wpf - Cached - SimilarWPF SynchronizationContext WaitHandle BeginInvoke Control . The best articles and discussions we have about WPF, SynchronizationContext,
Apr 10, 2012 . Introduction SynchronizationContext ContinueWith TaskHelpers . has a sync
This causes the an additional WPF dispatcher frame to be pushed and to . To
Nov 17, 2009 . In fact, this code will work exactly the same way, unchanged, on WPF. The library
In the template cached UI is used to access WPF UI from the service. But as I
Aug 2, 2011 . (Strictly speaking, the return will always execute in the same synchronization
Dec 22, 2008 . How to use SynchronizationContext; Author: mikeperetz; Updated: 3 Jan . The
Nov 20, 2008 . I had some time this morning so I figured out how to use SynchronizationContext
May 3, 2011 . WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("WPF"); var wpfThread = new
I have a scenario where a WPF app (MVVM) calls into a WCF service initiated
the SynchronizationContext.Current always is null. I've tested in > Slverlight 2,
According to Microsoft, this is a known bug with the TPL: . stackoverflow.com/. /wpf-tasks-wcf-no-synchronizationcontext - Cached - SimilarFor Now, Don't Use SynchronizationContext in Silverlight 2 or 3Apr 12, 2009 . The SynchronizationContext class is available in Silverlight, WPF and in
Oct 31, 2010 . In a WPF, Winforms, Silverlight app the synchronization context is set up for the
Aug 21, 2008 . SynchronizationContext class. This class provides a way for an application model
Oct 21, 2006 . My WPF skills aren't there yet that I could confidently build the UI that . of doing
May 27, 2006 . The SynchronizationContext class solves our problem. The
Discover Filip Skakun (xyzzer) Twitter Trending Topic: Synchronizationcontext. .
Mar 9, 2011 . The unit testing framework makes no guarantee of the Synchronization Context
Posts Tagged 'SynchronizationContext'. Using BackgroundWorker with WPF.
Nov 28, 2011 . Thoughts on C#, WPF, .NET, and . Launching a WPF Window in a Separate
Your immediate problem is that SynchronizationContext.Current is not
Dec 21, 2008 . You'll note that there are actually only two defined SynchronizationContext
Dec 8, 2009. BackgroundWorker in WPF. This is because BackgroundWorker uses
Jan 12, 2008 . A SynchronizationContext is an environment-agnostic way of providing thread
Tag Archives: SynchronizationContext. Accessing unmanaged code in separate
The "general purpose" framework class that would serve for this is
How to: Schedule Work on a Specified Synchronization Context. Separator . In
Jul 21, 2011 . implementations of SynchronizationContext in Windows Forms, WPF and
Feb 24, 2008 . The Windows Forms Application Model (and if memory serves WPF) insert a
NET, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Silverlight or
Sep 3, 2011 . Hi,. I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask this question but I was
Apr 27, 2012 . Copied. SynchronizationContext.Current is null on resolving with Unity in WPF.
Nov 23, 2009 . Timmy Kokke - weblog about WPF, Silverlight and Expression Blend / Design. .
WPF SynchronizationContext and CommandManager.RequerySuggested
I'm trying to understand what are the common usage scenarios for calling
. of a synchronization context. For simplicity's sake, the rest of the discussion in
What happens to a SynchronizationContext when the main window closes? .