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Resource Synchronization Context. Incoming service calls execute on worker
wcf-examples - Revision 487: /trunk/InCSharp/Concurrency/
Sep 5, 2010 . Windows Communication Foundation Examples . Calls/ Callback
The best articles and discussions we have about WCF, WPF,
Feb 12, 2011 . I was creating a WCF duplex service and was experiencing some weird . that
Nov 1, 2009 . WCF Service hosted in winforms and TimeOutexception . the thread that the
ServiceHost synchronization context options UI thread created
Mar 27, 2008 . Form will store the SynchronizationContext for its GUI thread when it is . . I still
Oct 11, 2007 . I'm am having problems updating a windows form when doing a WCF callback. I
NET 2.0 and WCF only implement a single occurrence of it: the Windows Forms
WCF Ria Service is already N-Tier application. In Silverlight . private
Nov 30, 2007 . However, if you obtain your SynchronizationContext class via the static .
NET 2.0 and WCF only implement a single occurrence of it: the Windows Forms
If the calling client thread has a synchronization context, this will be the
If the calling client thread has a synchronization context, this will be the
Sep 8, 2009 . CodeIdol - Thinking about Programming WCF Services - Concurrency
One of the more useful features of the Windows® Communication Foundation (
Hi I've read all recommended articles on SynchronizationContext, but there is
Posts tagged 'Synchronization Context'. SynchronizationContext – Basics on
Nov 14, 2008 . Eventually I remembered reading about WCF's ability to use a
The service operation MyMethod( ) executes on a WCF worker thread. MyMethod
SynchronizationContext.Current discussion thread .NET Framework
Logo · wcf-examples · Windows Communication Foundation Examples . Source
Can someone point me out to the problem Thanks Tag: Windows Communication
Introduction. WCF Concurrency Management. Synchronization Context. Service
Jun 10, 2009 . But now there is another problem: by default WCF will attempt to dispatch using
Jun 26, 2010 . Resource Synchronization Context. Incoming service calls execute on worker
May 4, 2011 . Notice that Juval has created a custom thread pool and relies on the
I have a WPF application that makes service calls to . www.netframeworkdevs.com/. wcf/taskcontinuewith-from-wcf-client-call- has-no-synchronizationcontext-111571.shtml - Cachedwcf cleint call back thread - synchronizationcontextHi I am using wcf duplex service contract. I have a c. www.netframeworkdevs.com/. wcf/wcf-cleint-call-back-thread-- synchronizationcontext-132415.shtml - CachedI have a WPF application that is using System.Threading.Tasks to . WPF + Tasks + WCF = No SynchronizationContext?s340.codeinspot.com/q/1652216 - CachedWhy would a WCF service hang when using the .NET component?Apr 30, 2009 . Forms constructor is going to set the Synchronization Context to the main thread.
Aug 19, 2009 . WCF proxies in Silverlight applications use the SynchronizationContext of the
May 19, 2008 . NET 2.0 and adopted well in WCF. As you see, synchronization context is
Common WCF hosting in UI application uses synchronization context to include
I have a scenario where a WPF app (MVVM) calls into a WCF service initiated
Oct 3, 2009 . It would be preferable if the service had a way of associating itself with a
NET Framework provides the SynchronizationContext class. . NET programs
It would be preferable if the service had a way of associating itself with a
Jul 31, 2011 . So, Dustin recommended the custom SynchronizationContext implementation by
This is consistent with the rest of WCF. WorkflowInvoker.Invoke/BeginInvoke has
Nov 8, 2006 . This property indicates that the WCF runtime will schedule all calls to the server/
While synchronization context is a general-purpose pattern, out of the box, .NET
Dec 29, 2008 . Using SynchronizationContext with WCF.; Author: mikeperetz; Updated: 29 Dec
Dec 2, 2006 . What is the UseSynchronizationContext property in WCF . Threading.
According to Microsoft, this is a known bug with the TPL: . stackoverflow.com/. /wpf-tasks-wcf-no-synchronizationcontext - Cachedwpf - Dispatcher and SynchronizationContext classes - Stack OverflowNET and WCF applications as well. Avoid using the SynchronizationContext
Dec 29, 2008 . Create your own Synchronization Context.; Author: mikeperetz; . In part III of the
If the calling client thread has a synchronization context, this will be the
It would be preferable if the service had a way of associating itself with a