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The synchronization context can be a single thread or any number of designated
Jan 23, 2009 . How can I force the quote service to trigger the QuoteChanged event on the UI
Aug 14, 2009 . Threading.SynchronizationContext.Send does indeed invoke its delegate
Oct 31, 2010 . But it cannot 'magically' run code on another thread. That's where the
The Developer Fusion labs. Free tool to automatically translate C# to VB.NET
MayFail)] protected static extern int WaitHelper(IntPtr[] waitHandles, bool waitAll,
Jan 20, 2012 . This explanation also helps to highlight what happens if the environment didn't
Jan 21, 2012 . This is exactly what our custom SynchronizationContext was doing . be Current
2009年1月16日 . create a sync context for this thread var context = new SynchronizationContext(); /
It posts progress callbacks to the UI thread, in which I plot data in NI . the NI axis
I have a little question about the SynchronizationContext. i'm using it for UI
Jul 29, 2011 . In part one, I explained the role of SynchronizationContext within the .NET
Dictionary and thread title search: English-Spanish, English-French, English-
Jul 29, 2011 . In part two, I showed how to build a SynchronizationContext that will marshal
I have a problem in my application: At some point, the . . Not sure if this is the
Dec 20, 2008 . instead it is executed on the main thread. Why? class Program { private static
Hi Mike,. Thanks for the reply. Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I know it is
May 23, 2010 . What this means is that you can use the SynchronizationContext class to dispatch
Hi I am using wcf duplex service contract. I have a c. www.netframeworkdevs.com/. /wcf-cleint-call-back-thread-- synchronizationcontext-132415.shtml - Cached - Similarthe concept of async \ await - Bnaya EshetDec 29, 2011 . whenever the async method invocation is coming from UI thread (or to be more
I'm planning on using the SynchronizationContext class to perform . Depends on
As far as I know that the SynchronizationContext.Current Property is used to get
Nov 23, 2009 . SynchronizationContext class is a base class that provides a thread-free context.
See this explanation. SynchronizationContext.Current is only set in the main
[DataContract]. public class NotificationObject : INotifyPropertyChanged. {.
This distinction is important, because many implementations of
Sep 22, 2010 . NET Framework, Microsoft introduced the System.Threading.
Feb 3, 2009 . The SynchronizationContext class is a class belonging to the System.Threading
Jun 26, 2010 . Every thread in .NET 2.0 may have a synchronization context associated with it.
4 août 2008 . syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; // New background thread started
The synchronization context is stored in the thread local storage (TLS). . Current
Existing problem: A function that runs on a thread needs to return data to the UI
May 27, 2006 . The SynchronizationContext class is a new class belonging to the .NET
Nov 3, 2005 . This depends on the SynchronizationContext of the thread where the
Mar 31, 2012 . Thread Synchronization Context. Below example demonstrates, updating UI the
Provides the basic functionality for propagating a synchronization context in
Dec 22, 2008 . A SynchronizationContext allows a thread to communicate with another thread.
Feb 15, 2009 . NET thread pool implementation on the compact framework: public class
Feb 20, 2011 . In this case, the default SynchronizationContext is used, which invokes all of its
UIThread from different spots all across the front end application . ge.runcode.us/q/get-synchronizationcontext-from-a-given-thread - Cached - SimilarAsync 10: Switching Threads | SRT SolutionsApr 13, 2011 . The new async code provides another way to switch threads:
Gets the synchronization context for the current thread.msdn.microsoft.com/. /system.threading.synchronizationcontext.current.aspx - Cached - SimilarSynchronizationContext.Send Method (System.Threading)When overridden in a derived class, dispatches a synchronous message to a
Nov 17, 2009 . The beauty of this may not be apparent at first glance, but look closely at the
Jun 18, 2010 . Getting Started; Task Schedulers and Synchronization Context (this post) . I
Feb 27, 2008 . Threading.SynchronizationContext class has a very cool (but not widely known)
Apr 12, 2009 . The SynchronizationContext.Current (the property that you use to do the
Nov 5, 2010 . Since each thread has it's own SynchronizationContext, it must be possible to
Jan 22, 2011 . In a similar manner, you can develop a custom synchronization context that