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SwitcherMod is a cool new tweak created by Ryan Petrich, the same . you can
. FolderEnhancer, HomeScreen Settings, Navigate from Maps, Safari Download
Nov 29, 2010. work right off the bat but it will install Switchermod with it as well so. . as well
May 1, 2011 . Cydia App-Review: Switcher Modby EiF0hnTester600 views · Thumbnail .
Sep 19, 2010 . Tο download SwitcherMod frοm Cydia, јυѕt add Ryan Petrich's repo: . саn
Check for any dim settings in switchermod and bite. I know with swtcherplus there
Jul 6, 2011 . SwitcherMod NoSpot. Manualcorrect 3G Unrestricter CyDelete . Smartscreen
Popular SwitcherMod Alternatives for Ipad according to our users includes
So I have Switcher Mod running and in its settings I have "Recent App Icons" set
switchermod cydia, 2. switchermod iphone, 3. switchermod vs switcherplus, (alt.)
Oct 13, 2010 . first, i have "lockdown pro" then, i have this app"switchermod" . pro is for "lock
Oct 14, 2010 . You are able to configure SwitcherMod options from the Settings app on your
Go to Setting app>SwitcherMod and switch off the "Show Current App" option.
Then, you can change SwitcherMod's settings so that the list of previously-
SwitcherMod AppSlide GraviBoard. Colorkeyboard Covert SwitcherPlus. Safari
Dec 9, 2010 . SwitcherMod Options Pane. In addition, SwitcherMod will let you change the
SwitcherMod Options Pane. In addition, SwitcherMod will let we shift a function of
Remove Recents is now switchermod!! Go to settings app & under switcher mod
PS: Still haven't figured out how to theme the switchermod settings app without
Jul 7, 2011. SBSettings; iFile; Mobileterminal; Adblock; SwitcherMod; NoSpot;
Other than that, SwitcherMod is pretty straightforward. Once you access the
SwitcherMod Options Pane. In addition, SwitcherMod will let you change the
. keep games running. Pretty nice setup actually. . . With "switchermod", it
Jun 14, 2011 . Introducing SwitcherMod a basic but very powerful tweak that's a must . are
Switchermod settings suggestions (Click to sort alphabetically). Switchermod
rpetrich authored September 15, 2010. Renamed to SwitcherMod; add settings
Sep 19, 2010 . SwitcherMod іѕ a сοοƖ nеw tweak сrеаtеԁ bу Ryan Petrich, thе . сhοοѕе/modify
Nov 20, 2010 . Download Black Ops - Profile Switcher Mod now from the world's . play the
Jun 19, 2011 . SwitcherMod Options Pane Also, SwitcherMod will allow you to change the
SwitcherMod - App Switcher customization for iOS (now maintained by optimo) .
[Review] Arrange and Manage Your App Switcher With Additional Options. . I'm
·Drag up-and-away to close easily. Maintained by Optimo. More features are
Mar 25, 2011 . Go to Setting app>SwitcherMod and switch off the "Show Current App" option.
Dec 10, 2010 . SwitcherMod Options Pane. In addition, SwitcherMod will let you change the
SwitcherMod 0.1 options pour la dock multitask iOS 4x.test et vidéo by iPHONiX.
Popular SwitcherMod Alternatives according to our users includes Springtomize,
Oct 24, 2011. Pull to Refresh for Safari; QuickNote; QuickOpen; Repo Setup Files .
I know this is trivial, but my SwitcherMod says the Close Button Style .
Sep 23, 2011 . There are no new icons added to your SpringBoard, and no settings to .
Nov 13, 2010 . I have removeBG set up to clear apps in the tray with a simple shake at the . (
Nov 4, 2010 . I haven't been able to find where SwitcherMod does this, there's no options in the
Aug 15, 2011 . switchermod vs switcherplus · switchermod ipad · switchermod settings ·
Who can figure out how to theme the SwitcherMod settings app icon? com.collab.
Dec 10, 2010 . SwitcherMod Options Pane. In addition, SwitcherMod will let you change the
Does this replace the functionality of remove recents then? Yes. iPhone Settings
Feb 14, 2011 . Other than that, SwitcherMod is pretty straightforward. Once you access the
Dec 10, 2010 . SwitcherMod Options Pane. In addition, SwitcherMod will let you change the
Switchermod Help iPod touch. . red minus icon delete function to a black X. im
Jan 24, 2011 . Description Requires iOS 4.0+ Custom options for the switcher with attention paid
Theme Switcher Mod . that it did not always seem to change the visible html