Other articles:
Apr 24, 2011. 4 of the 5 sharks fought over 1 guy's idea of SweepEasy Broom, . the veracity
Apr 28, 2011 . Fourth Guest: Shane Pannell, Sweep Easy He invented a better broom – his
. Pose, Scotch, 2busybrunettes, Josh Hutcherson, Nokia Patents Vibrating
Apr 28, 2011 . Fourth Guest: Shane Pannell, Sweep Easy . He invented a better broom – his
. Sacrifice Apparel, The Law Firm of Andrea Hence Evans, LLC, Versaries,
Mar 1, 2012 . Bananas has even pulled out the patented “We're on your ass! . .. cake to be
May 3, 2011 . Fourth Guest: Shane Pannell, Sweep Easy . He invented a better broom – his
Sign in or sign up now! Alert icon. Loading. Uploaded by ScrapeAndSweep on
Proline Brush Floor Push Broom Brush Head, Hardwood, 24'' Wide . . Tempo's
Apr 25, 2011 . SweepEasy Broom Cleans Up on the Shark Tank . tagline is “Scrape, Sweep
The Drain Sweep easy-to-use trigger, patented Flex-Clean System can unclog
802 Products. robot sweep, floor sweep, sweep easy broom, chimney sweep . www.alibaba.com/showroom/easy-sweep.html - Cached - SimilarSweepeasy broom patent - Keywords analysisSweepeasy Broom Patent. No results, sorry. Try less words? ie. Sweepeasy
SweepEasy scrape and go broom - facebook.com/pages/SweepEasy-scrape-
. with a man who wants to start a company called SweepEasy. . his product is a
SweepEasy Broom Cleans Up on the Shark Tank . Shark Tank Entrepreneur,
May 7, 2011 . Watch Shark Tank - Week 5 /Episode 6 - Sweepeasy . SYNOPSIS: A broom that
Easy SweepEasy Sweep Cordless SweeperEasy Sweep Upright Vacuum . Skip
With the Shark VX3 Cordless Vacuum there is no need to pull out the broom, dust
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If you go out and spend 5-10k trying to go it alone and get a patent, who wouldn't
Minutes after his spectacular success in the Shark Tank, SweepEasy's Shane .
May 14, 2011 . The SweepEasy scrape and go broom is an innovative tool . Utilizing a patented
. SweepEasy scrape and go broom, Janetis & Company, Bullying is not cool
My invention is called the SweepEasy- a two-in-one broom. . In my patent
www.sweepeasy.com/ - SimilarSweepEasy Broom Cleans Up on the Shark TankApr 22, 2011 . SweepEasy, a broom with a built in scraper, received multiple investment . and
Products 800 - 896 . Sweep Easy Broom. 25+ items – 100% highest quality hurl corn broom now with
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Jul 29, 2011. into wonderful companies or product lines/patents for licensing and . on Shark
Sweepeasy Broom Patent Todays Free Videos. Sort by: Latest, Most Viewed, Top
SWEEPEASY SCRAPE AND GO BROOM - write and read reviews and find
Apr 23, 2011 – The SweepEasy is a broom that has a telescoping scraper .
Apr 23, 2011 . The SweepEasy is a broom that has a telescoping scraper that can be . make
Apr 22, 2011 . Shane has a patent pending. There aren't any sales yet . WANT TO KNOW
Jul 29, 2011. into wonderful companies or product lines/patents for licensing and . on Shark
The SweepEasy scrape and go broom is an innovative tool developed by Shane
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Apr 29, 2011. 5 sharks fought over 1 guy's idea of SweepEasy Broom, basically an . the
Aug 7, 2011 . I hope Broom guy is treated fairly with those he made a deal with. . to use,
Even though he doesn't have a patent, Ryan wants Esso to be the Nike of
4: SweepEasy sought $40K for 25% in his business. - stay-at-home-Dad . added
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Apr 25, 2011. to understand this as I continually found patents and product listings of things .
Furemover Broom Sweep Away Messes Power Black . dance and sing to
sweepeasy scrape and go broom by truluxllc 14637 views · 23 17:13. Watch