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Search the Hawaii RootsWeb Surname List. The RSL database contains over a
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Alphabetical list of members-surnames P-Z and A-Z 1909-1979. . Baptisms and
. being researched. If you are researching Arizona surnames, we'll list them here
nobilitashungariae: List of Historical Surnames of the Hungarian Nobility / .
Franconia College Big List of Names, where students, faculty, staff and friends of
Subject: [OGS-AZ-L] Introduction and surname list. Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 15:16
Gateway to free name lists and genealogical data for Arizona. . take care of
A-Z Surnames. The following data is extracted from Philippine Islands Navy,
A-Z of Family Surnames From England. This page will always be under
Apr 8, 2012 . Surname A-Z. Please click on the surname you require, or click on the A-Z to list
Over 37000 profiles are available. Browse by last name: . Steven Zaillian,
Pages in category "Jewish surnames". The following 200 pages are in this
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Home Page |Surname List |Index of Individuals |InterneTree |Sources. "Ms.
This is a set of lists of English personal and place names whose . Australia; 5
The following is an A to Z list of mammal profiles available at this site, sorted .
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet . Nationwide, Alaska, Alabama,
A-Z: Surnames. Another fun A-Z game, this time the subject is "surnames". We'll
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Alphabetical list . Select a State, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California
Plus, discover the meaning of first and last names in the search below. . Browse
List of Italian surnames beginning with C (Origin, meaning and .
Famous Woman Inventors in Modern Times A-Z by Surname Who Invented
by Wub-e-ke-niew and Clara focusing on Red Lake Indian Reservation, 1889 -
Alphabetical list . Select a State, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California
. Maricopa AZ. If you have a website at RootsWeb containing Maricopa Co., AZ
Jul 1, 2011 . Surname lists provide details of surnames being researched by individual family
Feb 17, 2012 . News.Az — Your Window to the Region . Two Azerbaijani surnames are on the
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For each Germanic surname in this databank we have provided the English
British Surnames and Surname Profiles, Surname Meanings and Etymology ·
Nationwide, Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado,
Here is a list of the 50 commonest and rarest British Surnames. This list . 50
The list of databases accessed by the surname tool at GenealogyBuff.com. . for
Italian surnames list. More than 40000 surnames currently used .
List of Italian surnames beginning with E (Origin, meaning and .
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Passenger Lists - Misc Ports, Picton, Timaru, Grey, Napier, Chathams, Molyneux
The A - Z Surname lists. To view all the surnames recorded within the Gravestone
Irish Surnames: A to Z. Introduction: This list can by no means be considered
May 3, 2003 . Surnames A-Z. A. Abbott: English Occupational name for the man who lived in
Sep 17, 2003 . Our database of over 158000 names (all related by blood or spouse) has over
List of the most common surnames. . List of surnames most common - page 1 . .
A-Z of Surnames of Passengers and Lists to New Orleans. Search this list for
Postcards from Home - Complete Surname List . Balter, Kiev, Ukraine: Man with
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Abery Ingrid 83-86. Abrenovice Hazel 51-53. Acker Ruth 83-86. Ackerley Janet