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Apr 20, 2010 . Senior Member. Status: Medical Student. Join Date: Jul 2008. Posts: 202. SDN 2
I obtained a passing score on the Surgery shelf exam, but earned excellent
tional Board of Medical Examiners shelf exam scores. (internal medicine, surgery
Jun 15, 2007 . Simple and multiple linear regression analyses were used to identify correlates
Aug 1, 2011 . Information that you will need for the surgery clerkship (MD-837), . . of surgical
how well you can do on the shelf exam (ie if you do well on the weekly exams,
(1) Department of Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
ROME students had higher average NBME shelf exam scores than traditional
The Clerkship Director, in conjunction with the Surgery Department Clerkship .
The “Surgical” shelf test; the passing score is 57. Each student has a 20-minute
Exam: You will take the NBME surgery shelf exam. Many people say that this is
Nov 3, 2011 . The National Board of Medical Examiners' Shelf Examination will be . A student
score somehow. 3) The shelf exam is taken on the last Friday of each rotation. No
If a student's score on the shelf board is in the 10th percentile or below this is an
It seems that for most non-surgery programs, the USMLE score is not vital – but it
Aug 28, 2010 . Raw vs. % scores for Surgery Shelf Clinical Rotations.
Surgery Shelf Exam Raw Score. January 14th, 2011 admin. Categories:
comprehending some of the fine points of surgical management. .. (August 1999)
You can still match. You need to find out what it was that caused you to just "pass
seems that distinction is more limited by the shelf score than our clerkship .
Nov 22, 2009 . Say, if we get 99th percentile on surgery shelf, will that matter much at all? .
May 4, 2009 . I got a 99 and the highest grade on the surgery shelf at my school in quite a long
Many U.S. medical schools now require a passing score on the USMLE Step 2 . .
Nov 6, 2003 . Does anybody know approximately what a raw score of 75 on the surgery shelf
Jul 8, 2011 . Analyses were conducted to evaluate the impact of survey responses on student
Jul 18, 2008 . Holiday break came and I was happy to be done with shelf exams and rotations
Apr 8, 2006 . population certain to yield a normal distribution of scores. If Susan Smith were a
Taking Internal Medicine before Surgery will boost your score on the Surgery
BACKGROUND: Medical student knowledge is assessed during surgical
Multimedia. The Echo Rich Media and Shockwave Flash videos .
Oct 8, 2009. i used the book to review for the shelf while i did my 4th year surgery . your
Responses to Questionnaire Regarding Shelf Exam Use Sent .
Nbme Surgery Shelf Exam Scores. December 15th, 2007 admin. Categories:
*USMLE-style comprehension questions with each case *Primer on how to
. I didn't honor the rotation was due to my shelf score (40th percentile). . to be
I got a 99 and the highest grade on the surgery shelf at my school in quite a long
Incomplete changed to Unsatisfactory, repeat clerkship. Surgery. 35%. Raw
On univariate analysis, there was no significant difference in shelf score or
NBME SHELF EXAM RESULTS. 2001 - 2008. USMLE 1 scores by class. USLME
Jan 9, 2003 . The criteria for honors in a clerkship must include achieving a score on the . The
Apr 27, 2010 . In addition, students took the shelf test the last day of clerkship, and percentile .
Your Step I score will roughly estimate what type of residency you will get. Don't
Sep 9, 2010 . A composite score is used to determine a pass or fail in the surgery . the NBME
My board score is >240, but I haven't received any honors level . and medicine),
Mar 9, 2010 . Surgery 35% Raw score > 56 (KC) Incomplete posted on Incomplete grade roster
A minimum score of 56 must be achieved on the NBME Surgery Subject Exam (
Oct 21, 2010 . Seriously read Kaplan surg or Pestana (with understanding) will score you
Nov 24, 2011 . http://softco.in/mov.php?sid=8&tds-id=Case-Files-Surgery/p121061/ . learning
The students were asked to provide informed consent for their participation as
Final grade in Clerkship Clinical Performance; Score in Shelf Exam; Average